Ship's Log "Something Went Wrong"

  • For shortly after the Ship's Log was introduced in Season 7, I have been unable to access it, only getting the error "Something Went Wrong. The Ship's Log can't be shown right now. Try again shortly."

    This occurrs across any PC and any XBox console, but only with my account. Friends and family on the same devices have no issue. My ships will progress as normal and I can see it when logging into the website, but I shouldn't have to do this, and would like to be able to use the feature to change my logbook.

    I have opened a support ticket which was almost immediately closed with a resolution that it would be looked into, but to be honest I have no faith that it ever went beyond that. Google/forum searches show others are experiencing this as well but no solutions.

    Please RARE, look into this issue seriously, and if anyone has a solution please share. It feels like I'm locked out of a major Captaincy feature.

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  • I had this issue too since few months, sadly there is no solution and my tickets on support website are ignored.

  • @lminalnotion i have same problem
    I tried everything but failed
    I also tried to contact the ticket more than 5 times but all failed
    It's hopeless

  • Please make it so we can edit pins from the website at least 🙏

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