Phantom kills

  • Besides sailing back and forth to sea forts, whats another efficient way to phantom skeletons with a double barrel/dagger. ( phantom fillet, blam of the damned in the war chest commendations. 1000 kills per weapon)

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  • @lt-josh84 The pirates life tall tales also have alot of phantoms in the isla tesoro section.

    However i think it is still more effective to go to sea forts

  • Thanks.. the grind is killing me

  • @lt-josh84 said in Phantom kills:

    Thanks.. the grind is killing me

    a part of efficiency is making it enjoyable or rewarding so that you can go the distance

    I wasn't a fan of some of the comms but I enjoyed the journey. I refused to sacrifice my style for a reward so I worked my style into the process.

    A part of the reward in a grind (in my opinion a large part) is looking back on the journey as a rewarding experience rather than a negative experience that led to a reward.

    The comms are whatever, the journey was awesome. The comms just become another thing in the list and the cosmetics just become another thing in the chest. The experiences are the stories and memories. They make this all more sustainable and rewarding imo.

    Wild grind but one of the more rewarding ones I've done in the game by looking at it like that and approaching it with that in focus.

    For me the ps5 players made a big difference which is why I really went for it. More fun to battle and encounter. Their new passion for the game motivated me quite a bit.

  • If you don’t care about loot, diving to the sea forts is faster than sailing to them, but other than that sea forts seems to be the way to go.

  • @wolfmanbush i personally spend 85% of my time doing hourglass with my crew. I am also a "completionist" ( not a word but eh) so i like having my bilge rats be 100%. Don't care about cosmetics at all. I own everything in game already since I'm a day 1 player and have 325 million in excess gold, yet still wear noob outfits hence the guild being called #noobcrew (most of us are day 1 players that dress like new players) . I don't enjoy sea forts. I don't particularly like the new weapons either. They are way to slow for the pvp meta. I already finished the skeletons and that wasn't terrible because you had the siren skull that let them spawn non stop. Its tedious to get on and do 2 or 3 fortresses just to get 50 phantom kills. Like most grinds i understand thats how the game is, but occasionally there are shortcuts and that was what i was asking about.

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