Unlocking of the new curse cosmetics

  • iv noticed the difficulty of unlocking the new skelli curse cosmetics, for example the 8 rituals streak. I doubt that the average player including myself who mainly play solo are able to pull this off (trust me i tried) im already past level 500 in servants. Thus the suggestion that if more people are complaining or having difficulties about it, for example turning the task xy + level xy into a either do task xy OR be level xy. That would make both sides of the player base happy. Those who struggle with getting past 100 and those who struggle with the new commendations.
    I really hope that my idea could be acknowledged to make the new world event experience more enjoyable for everyone.

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    windows 10feedbackgeneral
  • then get a crew, a galleon preferably and once you have a hold of your roles: ritual runner, guard, ship watch and bilge. it’s a lot easier to do it with a solid crew

  • @belphegor1384 Have you met the sea of thieves community you either get a toddler screaming in your ears or some toxic person. Or even worse a cheater

  • @belphegor1384 not everyone has a good crew on hand. This immediately takes you out of the event. It's so easy to say get a good crew. Some players just dont want to be in a crew. This game is playable as a solo player but there are things in this game that are not possible or extremely difficult for a solo player. And that's bad game design for me. Forces players into situations they'd rather not be in. Like playing the game with open crews.

  • You absolutely can solo this event and get large streeks. You just need to use the ship different from how you normally do

  • @qu1etone

    @belphegor1384 not everyone has a good crew on hand. This immediately takes you out of the event. It's so easy to say get a good crew. Some players just dont want to be in a crew. This game is playable as a solo player but there are things in this game that are not possible or extremely difficult for a solo player. And that's bad game design for me. Forces players into situations they'd rather not be in. Like playing the game with open crews.

    In a game with 9999 different things you can do, if they add something that is hard for solos, it doesn't mean its innately bad game design. You can do 99% of everything in this game solo just fine, hell you can do like 80% of it in Safer Seas. The fact that a world event, as in something intended for multiple ships to fight over; is tricky for smaller ships... makes sense? Its not even a regular world event where you just fight the world event and fight crews that want it as well, you ARE the world event, meaning they are directly fighting you for the loot rather than fighting you off so they can get the loot from something else.

    That being said... Yea the Burning Blade is bad game design, simply because they stated multiple times they intended for the Burning Blade to be solo'able, which it just isn't. I mean of course day 1 its obviously not gonna be solo'able because you'll have multiple crews fighting it at once, but even once it blows over and isn't brand new its still just not gonna be something solos have a good time with. I don't think its a bad thing that thats the case, but its clear Rare fumbled the bag if they want it to be solo'able.

  • @frogfish12 Well there maybe 9999 things to do in sot as a solo but the blade aint one... 🤣
    Rare seem to be good a dividing their player base. As a mostly solo player who's not great a pvp this is a season that will probably have me watching from the shore. And I think maybe 30% of this season commendations can be completed in safer seas. Not sure if you even get cosmetics from it. You cannot complete anything to do with the burning blade itself in there. This is a big event that some solo players may not interact with. Now or in the future. We shall see.

  • @frogfish12 super easy to solo it... when it sinks, you need majority vote to pledge to the ship so it's easier to steal solo. Plus you get extra obsidian boys.

  • @qu1etone

    @frogfish12 Well there maybe 9999 things to do in sot as a solo but the blade aint one... 🤣

    Exactly what I said

    Rare seem to be good a dividing their player base. As a mostly solo player who's not great a pvp this is a season that will probably have me watching from the shore. And I think maybe 30% of this season commendations can be completed in safer seas. Not sure if you even get cosmetics from it. You cannot complete anything to do with the burning blade itself in there. This is a big event that some solo players may not interact with. Now or in the future. We shall see.

    They majority of Seasons release with content designed to be very easy to complete so that smaller or weaker crews can still do it. The only other time they've done something remotely difficult was Season 8 which still did have a solo v solo and was skill based, both of which meant smaller and weaker crews could still have a good go at it. but it was PvP focused so most wouldn't do it regardless. Skeleton Camps in this season are perfectly soloable. Skeleton Camps are practically the same as Shrines and Sea Forts, of which Season 4 purely added Shrines. I don't think 2/14 Seasons (we know what next season is) being PvP focused/Difficult for Solo's is necessarily a bad Ratio if that's what they were going for. Its also not like when a Season releases there's nothing else to do But that current season of stuff. That issue only exists for people like me who have done almost everything else there is to do, which is a very small amount of people. They definitely could do things to make the experience better for smaller crews, but I mean the Burning Blade when AI Controlled is practically no harder than a Skeleton Ship to sink. It is by far the easiest and quickest world event to complete if you opt to sink it for the Sword.

  • @captain-fob4141

    @frogfish12 super easy to solo it... when it sinks, you need majority vote to pledge to the ship so it's easier to steal solo. Plus you get extra obsidian boys.

    Yep. When the update went live my Crew weren't ready so I went Solo, immediately found a Burning Blade AI being fought by 3 ships. I parked nearby and tucked on it, then got the pledge, defended while running straight to reapers while they all chased me, and got the CoF + Obsidian Skull Sell while also returning the Ship. Was incredibly exciting and easily the most fun thing I've done this season, having done literally everything this season has to offer already.

  • @frogfish12 the pure hype when you pull off a heist like that is amazing!! In one day I had more fun than iv had in years in sot.

  • @l0cke547 You just literally proved my point, People have jobs and dont have time. Their whole lives dont invole around a game

  • @l0cke547 I'm Playing Solo on Sea Of Thieves because my group don't like the game, I don't want to join another group of people I don't know just for Sea Of Thieves and be asked by 2 groups at the same time to play games.

  • @luomu1765

    I play solo a lot, and while I play with guild mates more often than not these days, the majority of my 1800 hours are still solo.

    Yes, it would be difficult for a solo to achieve some of the commendations, no doubt about it. When I play solo and encounter a burning blade, my goal will probably be to simply steal the chest of fortune, rather than to win the event.

    I like that some of the commendations in this game are difficult, and I don’t feel entitled to them all. Solo players need to stop acting like victims and recognize that SoT is a game where one must play to their abilities, and yes, crew size. We aren’t entitled to everything being catered to us simply because we log in. Figure it out, get creative, practice your strategies.

  • @deedeedog5 said in Unlocking of the new curse cosmetics:

    @l0cke547 You just literally proved my point, People have jobs and dont have time. Their whole lives dont invole around a game

    Thats a poor excuse. I’d wager that the vast majority of people playing SoT have jobs, and especially lives…

    I have a career that I worked for, a wife, 4 dogs, parents that live close, and hobbies beyond that, and you won’t find me making excuses for myself in games :)

    In my guild we have a pretty diverse age group, and guess what, they all have jobs and lives. One of our youngest and most active members is in the army and married… with pets.

  • @capt-greldik I get you may have lives but I’m saying not everyone wants to deal with people and I get you don’t like solo players but they might have reasons to play solo and people prefer not to socialise with the community as they may of had a bad experience with people. Not everyone plays sea of thieves in their freetims.

  • @deedeedog5 said in Unlocking of the new curse cosmetics:

    @capt-greldik I get you may have lives but I’m saying not everyone wants to deal with people and I get you don’t like solo players but they might have reasons to play solo and people prefer not to socialise with the community as they may of had a bad experience with people. Not everyone plays sea of thieves in their freetims.

    The majority of my hours are from solo play. How do you “get that I don’t like solo players” based on what I said?

    Also, everyone plays sea of thieves in their free time, when else would they play?

    Stop making excuses for yourself ;). You’re not a victim, go play how you want to play. It’s a video game that anyone can master.

  • @capt-greldik IF YOU READ PROPERLY I was saying it's not the only thing they want to do in their freetime and I never claimed to be a victim . You're literally what's wrong with the community

  • @deedeedog5 said in Unlocking of the new curse cosmetics:

    @capt-greldik IF YOU READ PROPERLY I was saying it's not the only thing they want to do in their freetime and I never claimed to be a victim . You're literally what's wrong with the community

    “ Not everyone plays sea of thieves in their freetims.”

    This is literally what you said previously. Your post is still there if you’d like to go look again. You didn’t say anything other than what I just quoted above.

    Also, by your saying that “SoT isn’t the only thing they want to do in their free time” is basically doubling down on suggesting that people who play differently than you don’t have lives. Who said that those who enjoy HG only play SoT in their free time? You just implied that, but you don’t know anything about these people you’re talking about. That, my friend, is why I called it copium. Because you don’t like HG, because you refuse to practice and get better at it and therefore don’t advance as fast as you’d like, you decide to call those who do like Hg sweats and imply that they have no lives. That, my friend, is toxic. You’re insulting people’s real lives because they are better at, and enjoy HG more than you.

    You know nothing about me, but I’m the problem with the SoT community? You sound bitter, maybe it’s time to take a break.

  • @L0cke547 Your post has been removed as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.


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