Report unapropiate guild name button + auto-mute for spamers

  • Hi,
    Just seen a ship on the horizon flying the name of "Mathematiklehrer Bob" translated from German: Mathsteacher Bob.
    On itself weird but valid and appropriate ship name but it was pledged to a guild named "4. Reich" which i think could possibly be just slightly unappropriate (who might find sarcasm here may keep it). So i went on trying to report them but only found gamertag, pet and ship name report functions.
    Also while we are on the topic: I would investigate that guild and at least timeban/warn all members for flying unappropriate guild names.

    Also on this behalf a couple of weeks ago i was attacked by pirates blasting music over one of the crewmates mic. The music they played was obviously recognizable as Rammstein (well known right wing band and at least sympathetic to nazis).
    Dont get me wrong filtering the text people say would be more harm full than usefull (even thought would be helpfull/pleasant because as a 1000+ h veteran i have heard a fine selection of international curses over the years) but i think just checking if somebody blast their mic for more than a minute straight obviously running music over it resulting them in an auto-mute + warning would do the trick.
    Sure i could just disable voice chat alltogether but than i miss out on simple people wanting to have a talk or on crews talking to eachother while i sneak up on them.

    Best regards,
    Captain Mr4lexKidd

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  • Yes to guild names being reportable through the menu.

    A random hostile crew blasting music could just be any random open crew or group of casual friends playing music. Happens all the time.

    I don't have an issue with you having an issue with the band and/or members of the band but I don't think music playing necessarily means anything extreme about someone, or that it should be viewed as some sort of targeted attack unless there is evidence of it.

    I listen to all kinds of music that I don't agree with in a moral sense and all sorts of music where I don't condone what artists have done or how they conduct themselves, some separate the art from the artist and that's valid.

    You can report what you hear if it violates the rules but I don't think reporting based on perceived character or intent is a good way to go about it, as you don't know them or their intent if it wasn't made clear.

    So many people in this game are barely aware of their mic situation in the game, so much personal stuff gets broadcasted without people fully being aware of the situation they are in. A huge part of this game is literally built around lurking on "hot mics" so it's not like everyone is fully aware or involved in malicious intent with what they broadcast. Reportable sometimes I suppose but not always good evidence for intent.

    The band you posted specifically is one that is at a level where people could like the music and not have any idea about anything you said.

  • As i said the auto-mute is less about the content that is played but more about the voice-chat basicly being abused as a media player. The content only becomes relevant if sot tries to cater more towards family/kids friendlyness (i am not sure if there are any intentions on that right now at rare). Sure a lot of people don't mind that but those who do have no other option but to strip essential communication parts away just to not be blasted with music.
    This would be a point i as a father would consider when planning sot sessions with my kids (resulting in only ever playing safer seas until the kids are old enough).

    So what do you folks (possibly with kids) think?
    Would this be something usefull?

  • "MTV Germany studied the lyrics, talked to the band and came away satisfied that Rammstein are apolitical; Peter Ruppert, then head of Music Programming at MTV Germany, stated that the band "aren't in any way connected with any right-wing activities".


    They're industrial metal and sing in German. They're not sympathizers....
    Be mad at Rammstein for the correct reasons. (Bad things with drugs and groupies)

    Yes. Guild name reporting tho.

  • @th3-tater said in Report unapropiate guild name button + auto-mute for spamers:

    "MTV Germany studied the lyrics, talked to the band and came away satisfied that Rammstein are apolitical; Peter Ruppert, then head of Music Programming at MTV Germany, stated that the band "aren't in any way connected with any right-wing activities".

    As a band they are just edgy and talk about uncomfortable and dark topics. Also a lot of common topics like love and heartbreak and everything in between.

    They've been around forever, the people listening to their cassettes in the 90s rarely even had any idea what they were talking about, a lot of their fans are entirely in it for the sound and don't even understand the lyrics lol.

    Like many bands of the time (and after) they were inspired by depeche mode, a band that was regularly talking about peace and understanding. When being inspired by art People are People isn't often gonna lead someone down the wrong path.

    but yeah, never mix the art with the artists, otherwise people will have so little to enjoy.

  • @mr4lexkidd said in Report unapropiate guild name button + auto-mute for spamers:

    The music they played was obviously recognizable as Rammstein (well known right wing band and at least sympathetic to nazis).

    Pretty sure political talk is gonna be frowned upon here, so I'll keep this brief.

    Rammstein have been on record saying they are left leaning. For the most part the band is apolitical and largely irrelevant here in 2024.

    There are plenty of examples of right-wing, hate-mongering zealots the world over, appropriating music for their own agenda. The artist rarely has the opportunity to prevent it or even get paid for it. There are so many examples of this over the last 100 years it's depressing.

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