Remove powder kegs from water

  • Losing a PVP because of randomly generated gunpowder barrels in the water is pathetic, for solo sloopers it's a lost game.

    I never saw any point in that, they are worthless, can be acquired in forts and are VERY in the way...

    Edit: The central problem is, having an hourglass battle decided by an external and random element, while the current hourglass severely punishes defeats, not giving any percentage of the current amount of streaks.

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  • I love them for the added chaos and unpredictability - even when that works against me. Of course, I don't put much stock in losing any particular engagement, so there is that.

  • @redeyesith said in Remove powder kegs from water:

    I love them for the added chaos and unpredictability - even when that works against me. Of course, I don't put much stock in losing any particular engagement, so there is that.

    Love em too, they keep you on your toes. By keeping an eye out and always be wary of flotsam, they aren't much of a threat anyways really...

  • Losing a PVP because of randomly generated gunpowder barrels in the water is pathetic

    Yeah, for the player who isnt watching the waters. It very silly :P

    They are worthless, can be acquired in forts and are VERY in the way

    But affective xD

    As for HourGlass, How do you remove something, that spawns Open World...where anyone can just sail by with Kegs.
    Also, How can you prevent someone from Defending, and carry Kegs on there ship, drop them in the water and you into crashing into them.

    As a solo, a Single Keg. Is never enough to fully sink a sloop. Ive had my fare share of crashing into some, even two and able to patch up a ship, During a Fleet against Galleon. It doable, you just need better practice it seems to watch the ocean, it not hard to avoid those seagulls, but the worse ones? Are Players with rowboats....that is deadly.

  • @bloodybil

    Love em too, they keep you on your toes. By keeping an eye out and always be wary of flotsam, they aren't much of a threat anyways really...

    They are not a threat in adventure mode, roaming around freely. In PVP, especially in the hourglass, it is something harmful, since the mode is EXTREMELY punitive for losses. As I said, in solo hourglass it's a lost game if a barrel blows you up, meaning you lose streaks and time due to an unpredictable and random element.

  • @burnbacon Have you ever played hourglass? Do you have at least 100 levels in each one?

    This kind of response seems to come from someone who doesn't even play PVP.

  • Add Stronghold kegs to the barrels of plenty possibilities instead and make it interesting.

    Might slow down instead of going off to one side or the other and just ignoring them completely.

  • @lleorb sagte in Remove powder kegs from water:


    Love em too, they keep you on your toes. By keeping an eye out and always be wary of flotsam, they aren't much of a threat anyways really...

    They are not a threat in adventure mode, roaming around freely. In PVP, especially in the hourglass, it is something harmful, since the mode is EXTREMELY punitive for losses. As I said, in solo hourglass it's a lost game if a barrel blows you up, meaning you lose streaks and time due to an unpredictable and random element.

    A random mean like 95% of the rest of the game...seems ok to me

  • The unpredictable element is the best ally to those who can adapt to the environment.

  • @lleorb ill be honest I very rarely see them in hourglass. They used to be a lot more frequent I remember coming out of tunnel and you'd see several lots of birds restricting where you could even turn. Now they are very spread out so it feels more like you'd need to deliberately go for one or two sets of birds max in the zone so I don't think a massive issue. Frustrating if you lose to it, sure but it adds another element of options which isn't really a bad thing.

  • @dread-pirate-kw I understand your point of view but personally attacking him isn't the way forward.

  • @metal-ravage Try to adapt to the environment on a solo sloop in the hourglass, while repairing, steering, bailing water, adjusting sails, shooting and avoiding boards. Paying attention to powder kegs in the water is not an option.

    @Schwammlgott This was the scenario that made me make this post...

    I spent 20 minutes or more in a match because the guy would run away after every two shots he received, I was on 3 streaks and full of resources, in the end I literally stood still for him to come to me because I got tired of chasing him...when he finally got tired of trying to board and went to try naval, on a turn, a barrel explodes, breaks my mast and throws me overboard.

    20 minutes chasing a guy, 3 streaks, to waste my time because of a random element. It doesn't matter if it's a rare occurrence, it shouldn't happen, because losing in the hourglass is very punishing. I got level 1000 on both practically just on a solo sloop, it's not the first time this has happened, but this was the worst of all.

  • @burnbacon

    As for HourGlass, How do you remove something, that spawns Open World...where anyone can just sail by with Kegs.
    Also, How can you prevent someone from Defending, and carry Kegs on there ship, drop them in the water and you into crashing into them.

    I'm specifically talking about randomly generated kegs as loot in water, not about players carrying kegs and using them as a tactic. Just remove it, if I'm not mistaken, kegs didn't appear in the water when the game was launched.

    As a solo, a Single Keg. Is never enough to fully sink a sloop. Ive had my fare share of crashing into some, even two and able to patch up a ship, During a Fleet against Galleon. It doable, you just need better practice it seems to watch the ocean, it not hard to avoid those seagulls, but the worse ones? Are Players with rowboats....that is deadly.

    I'm talking about PVP, especially the hourglass, a keg in a battle is indeed deadly, a broken mast, the knockback or even some holes decide the battle. And, as I have repeated several times, the hourglass is completely punitive for defeats, losing due to a random element of the environment is unfair.

    Kegs in the water are at most something that an adventure player finds cool, on the other hand in pvp it is something harmful, it is a simple decision, remove something that gets in the way and does not add anything to the experience.

  • if one keg is enough to sink you, i think it's an actual, certified skill issue

  • @lleorb kegs are a good think and I would actually like it if they were more common in hourglass. If people were in fear of kegs spawning as the match went on longer and longer we may see less board spamming.

    I know losing stinks, especially to luck... but it's an important part of the game. The person that can handle the most elements at the same time is often the one that wins.

  • @captain-fob4141

    I know losing stinks, especially to luck... but it's an important part of the game. The person that can handle the most elements at the same time is often the one that wins.

    Is losing to luck in a competitive mode okay? Remembering once again, losing in the hourglass is not just a loss of that match, but of all streaks, resources and time... if there were compensation like 50% of the streaks the defeat by an external element would be acceptable, but it is not like that.

    gatekeeping opinions based on achievements is pretty goofy.

    But apparently saying others are unskilled based on a topic he hasn't even read and experience he doesn't even have is ok.

  • @lleorb yes, you are responsible for creating your own luck. If you lose or win to it congratulations. I know it sucks and feels bad but it's good for the game.

    Everyone is allowed to speak and share opinions on any topics regardless of play time. Gatekeeping opinions is not healthy for the community, especially when it's a general topic that applies to everything and not just SoT.

    Fact: If you paid attention you could have avoided it. Pretending otherwise is pretty arrogant...

    You were also probably overwhelmed with all of the other things you had to pay attention to and it would have been hard to do more. Your opponent did not fall into the same trap as you either through positioning, luck, or otherwise. So you lost to somthing YOU could have controlled. It doesn't mean you are worthless and bad, just that you lost and your opponent won.

  • @captain-fob4141

    yes, you are responsible for creating your own luck. If you lose or win to it congratulations. I know it sucks and feels bad but it's good for the game.

    Is it good for the game that a skill contest is decided by luck? Why? Thinking like this, release megalodons and krakens to appear during pvp, let skeleton ships come and get in the way too... since it's good for the game.

    Everyone is allowed to speak and share opinions on any topics regardless of play time. Gatekeeping opinions is not healthy for the community, especially when it's a general topic that applies to everything and not just SoT

    He didn't give an opinion, he didn't argue anything, he simply used ad hominem to belittle someone... I simply pointed out the incongruity of him wanting to say that someone has no skill when he himself doesn't play PVP. The same thing Burnbacon did at the beginning of the topic and that's why I responded like this.

    Fact: If you paid attention you could have avoided it. Pretending otherwise is pretty arrogant...

    You could argue that it was within my control, just like it is within someone's control not to get caught by the kraken if they don't navigate when there are no active world events... the point is that this is unrealistic, you can't have that kind of control in a solo battle in all contexts, and ONCE AGAIN, it wouldn't be an issue if losing wasn't so punishing.

  • @lleorb The kegs and floatsam are marked by birds, they will generally not spawn on top of you, meaning you CAN always see and avoid them. If you specifically were in capable of juggling everything that is on you and your opponent won because of your mistake.

    Personally I would be fine with the kraken, Meg, and skeleton ships invading an hourglass battle just like I'm fine with 3rd parties. It's part of the game and you can use it to your advantage or you can complain about it.

    Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of battle not upon those who wait for the changes to occur. You failed to position yourself better than your opponent, again it sucks, it doesn't mean you suck, it just means you lost. Learn from it.

  • @lleorb sounds like your actual issue is the xp awards not the environmental factors.

    Fundamentally hourglass is not a separate game mode, it is just pvp on demand. Environmental factors, islands, rocks, volcanoes, 3rd parties, floatsam, megs, kraken, skeleton ships, world events. They're all part of the game and it's good, it's healthy to have things beyond the player's control and it's on you to adapt and use them to your advantage. Asking to eliminate them is as bad for the game as asking for the removal of boarding in hourglass, or setting all supplies equal. Not every fight will be a fair fight and it makes the game fun.

    If you don't like that, it's on you to change or leave, not on the game developers to alter the game for your enjoyment.

    I mean think, an hourglass crew on defense could get 30 kegs and a rowboat and get the sink on you, and it would be perfectly fair. They prepped for it.

  • a long loosing streak is a sign to take a break, you can't power through 10 lost matches and expect to be in a good headspace

    I meant a streak of 10 wins, you beat 10 opponents, spending more than an hour to do it, and lose your hourglass with those 10 streaks not receiving 1% of what it is worth in a match decided by luck. This is the scenario that I find unfair.

    That's why I said the hourglass is punitive, the win streak mechanic has no compensation for losing.

  • @lleorb it's seriously a condemnation of the entire streak based reward system not kegs. The opponent could have skillfully baited you over the keg and made you lose just as much as you accidentally hitting it. You weren't paying attention to that factor and lost because of it.

    It doesn't matter why you lost, just that you did... you still wouldn't have recieved the xp because it's not yours until you sell and you chose to continue the streak.

  • @Heretic1873 i hope not, playing singleplayer games now.


    sounds like your actual issue is the xp awards not the environmental factors.

    The problem is that these two issues exist at the same time, as I said, I wouldn't mind losing to luck if the hourglass rewarded at least half of the XP from the streaks acquired, but at the same time, I find random barrels so irrelevant to the overall experience that I don't mind removing them...

    I'm just pointing out what I see as a problem and proposing a possible solution.

  • @lleorb if you find random barrels irrelevant, that's on you. Use them to your advantage or you will lose to them... like you did.

    Your "solution" removes a tool that other players use to secure wins.

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