Making the good stuff available. (HG)

  • It's been said before, and echoed throughout the entire community, and for good reason.

    Hourglass deserves a fix.

    I have played enough hourglass to reach tier 100 overall throughout my time playing sea of thieves.
    (However I lost my main xbox account a while ago so I'm right where I left off now, around level 50)
    I can say confidently that the dev's who work on the game are asking far too much from their average player. A solo player who see's the skeleton or ghost curse shouldn't be faced with the longest and most repetitive grind since WOW, and this can be solved easily in my opinion.

    All I am asking is that the development team considers raising the gained xp and progression of hourglass to how it translates during community weekend as this would make the grind much more bearable and available to the majority of players.

    It should not take months of on and off to unlock a cosmetic item, and you shouldn't have to be incredibly skilled at a admittedly flawed combat system to unlock said cosmetics faster. And for the players who have completed the grind, up to level 100, 500, and even 1000, they should be given unique, limited time cosmetics to show that they completed a difficult challenge and distinguish them from players who had it easier.

    I'd like to note that on average it takes the majority of players around 200 hourglass matches to reach level 100 in one of the two hourglass factions, combine that with the loading times that plague servers when there is a low player count, you could be working daily towards level 100 and it'd take weeks.

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  • @mangomunch6077

    Most people agree that the HG grind is too insane, especially due to the various gamebreaking bugs & the huge influx of cheaters that came with it.

    Tip: Only play HG when there is a x2 event, don't bother otherwise or when they do a big banwave.

  • If your main focus is the skeleton curses. You don’t understand hourglass.

    Hourglass sole purpose is the pvp on demand. Skeletons are just a thing to earn and keep you playing.

    What I’m reading. You want the curses faster so you don’t have to use hourglass anymore.

  • @itz-majman Exactly, I got mine in 2 weeks by grinding between fight night and community day season 13. I doubt there is gonna be 2 hourglass booster events that close together anytime soon.

  • @burnbacon

    Only reason that people are playing HG is the curses and the skelly-cosmetics that comes with it. I think you know that yourself.

    You can't expect people to put hundreds of hours into a mode where there's no rewards at all. It's a game after all and that's why the curses are there, which unlocks more commendations/cosmetics to grind out.

  • @burnbacon I do enjoy aspects of the pvp and I think the idea of hourglass is a good edition, but I think the effort/reward ratio makes it less enjoyable compared to other parts of the game yk?

  • @itz-majman its all i do...

  • @itzeggward

    I feel that, played nothing but HG for a couple weeks to go from 0 to 100 and it was not because I found it fun.

  • @itz-majman

    I play HG every session and I got both curses 200+ long ago.

    These request always read as “I don’t actually like HG but I want the curses, please change HG to suit me even though I’ll never look back once I have my desired curse(s).”

    There are many things in the game that I’d like to have but don’t care to pursue, the golden shores curse for example, but I am not entitled to them simply because they exist. They shouldn’t be made easier just so that I can quickly get the curse then never touch a tall tale again.

  • @capt-greldik

    I do not think they should make them easier to gain, not at all. IMO, they should never have added HG in the way they did it to begin with but the damage is already done now so I rather see them leave it as it is and add more rewards between the levels.

  • @capt-greldik I want to be able to enjoy the pvp aspect without also having to worry about leveling up, for me that would mean the Skelton curse and some levels above for cosmetics, after that I won't feel the need to grind hourglass, instead I can choose when to play it and feel better about losing😂

  • Honestly, I didn't care that much about getting the hourglass curses until the burning blade came with commendations tied with the skeleton curse.

  • They should just try to find ways to make it fun, 3 ship ffa, koth at sea forts.

  • @burnbacon
    And if your main focus is the HG mode, you dont understand the appeal of the curses.

    The ask for ghost and skeleton curses was there long before season 8 with many praying for them to be introduced. Many are also willing to play alot to earn them, but not this squeezing the brain for focus for 100 hours to dip between defeat and victory in a constant.

    Put it like this:
    Giving someone something good for climbing mount everest is a given, but benching the rest for spending their days differently is disregard.
    Its a video game, so devs should include the fun so its reasonable to get for the majority.

  • @itz-majman said in Making the good stuff available. (HG):


    I do not think they should make them easier to gain, not at all. IMO, they should never have added HG in the way they did it to begin with but the damage is already done now so I rather see them leave it as it is and add more rewards between the levels.

    Cheaters came because of the exclusivity.
    Accounts with either or both curses should be AGGRESIVELY monitored for account selling.

  • @mangomunch6077 i think the way to 100 is valid and should stay there to get the curses. (I am 320 servants and 418 guardians)

    Yes its somewhat grindy sure but the reward is good.

    I do think defending should be WAY more rewarding.

    If you think the grind to 100 is insane, remember you have to 10x that to get the gold version at 1000 and 100x that to get the final title tied to the factions.

  • it took me 6 months of regular HG to get the ghost curse because I was really bad at PvP and I wanted to improve.
    It took me just over a month to get the skeleton curse but i played dirty in every fight and used the scummiest tactics to win. I didn't want to spend another 6 months grinding so I kept targeting cannons and stuff like that.

    I'm not happy I did it, but the amount of time it takes to get the curses is insane. I get in a cosmetic based game, certain things should be difficult to get, as a way of showing off, but this is excessive.

    The curses don't have any real benefits either, i'd argue that the particle effect from the ghost curse makes the game harder, as other players can see the route you've gone.
    HG also sucks because it requires other people to engage in it in order for it to work as intended. 9/10 times you're fighting the game mode, not the players.

    The whole system of unlocking these curses needs to be revised.... It's a mess, and I am so happy I never have to go back into it again

  • When hourglass was added I said it would live or die by the effort put into improving it and adding more rewards. While some new rewards finally came along with the burning blade just like arena very little work has been put into improving the system. Remember the developer videos talking about match making and all the improvements they were trying to do to the mode? Seems like as the player engagement died down over the season they decided it wasn't worth putting more effort into and moved onto other seasonal updates. Keep in mind when they added hourglass it was around November and the company gets December off for the holidays. So there was a whole month of very little work going into fixing hourglass then when everyone was back to work interest in the mode was rapidly falling off. I am curious what the numbers are for how many actually still do hourglass?

    I find it weird for how much they are willing to not compromise on this being a PvPvE game by making safer seas an actual alternative for people like myself who would rather grind out the WHOLE game at a -70% progression rate for gold & reputation. But as I am so far into progression there's nothing I can do in safer seas because 1. No captaincy for my milestones, 2. the level cap of 40 out of 500 is kind of insane and meaningless. Essentially that cap is there only so people can't reach pirate legend via safer seas... Pirate Legend stopped being something special 5 years ago. So all you can do on safer seas is tick some commendation boxes, most of which don't even have cosmetic rewards. So only really good for content you don't want to pick up loot on because selling on safer seas is literally not worth the effort.

    I think in the very least hourglass should have some kind of daily and weekly rewards to make people want to play. Though the game balance and cheating issues seem like they will never really be fixed. They are a tricky thing to accomplish.

  • The levels to get these cosmetics are reasonable in my opinion.
    Get the first curse learn how to pvp, get better at pvp and the following level will be easier.
    I know a few people who needed a lot of time to get the first curse, but after that grind they improved and only needet half the time for the second curse.
    It is not easy to get the curses as a new player, but getting the curse in a day would not be rewarding would it?

  • @callmebackdraft IF they did decide to make the leveling quicker, would unique limited time cosmetics not make up for it?
    My problem isn't with hg itself, just how long the developers expect me to play it.

  • @callmebackdraft

    If you think the grind to 100 is insane, remember you have to 10x that to get the gold version at 1000 and 100x that to get the final title tied to the factions.

    Not fully true, after the first 100 levels it's way faster to level up as in, every level takes the same time.

  • @itz-majman from what i gathered after my over 700 levels in total and all online calculators its 1-100 and then to get to 200 its the same as 1-100 so basically from 0-10 takes the same amount of xp as from 100 to 110.

    However 190 to 200 takes more then that same part (so more then 0-10 and 100-110) but the same as 90-100.

    So that means yes after you hit 100 (or any multiple of that) the first few levels go ALOT faster but it slows down again towards 200.

  • @dermasterbob

    It would be boring to get it in a day. But imagine if the curse was given for reaching lvl 500 in reapers bones instead. The time spend would probalibly be the same, but the process would be more organic. If loot dumping would cause too much pve-to-get-curse, swap the progression to flags. Which kind off already exist, but you cant turn in gold hoader++ flags, and its impractical because you have to raise hourglass.

    If i got progress on pvp factions for selling all types of flags, that would be great actually. I dont care if it takes forever, it would be integrated into normal world activity but still include alot of pvp. And the small progress by flags would encourage me to pvp sometimes by mode just to speed up the process on a more rare occation.

  • @magus104

    I think in the very least hourglass should have some kind of daily and weekly rewards to make people want to play. Though the game balance and cheating issues seem like they will never really be fixed. They are a tricky thing to accomplish.

    That's actually not a bad idea at all... Imagine something like every week, your next X wins net you X times the regular reputation progression and gold. That would make it fun to return to every week without getting burned out.

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