“Doomsail Corsairs: Join the Crew or Walk the Plank!”

  • Ahoy, ye scallywags!

    Join our pirate crew where the sails are older than yer granny’s treasure chest and some are harder-earned than a mermaid’s kiss! We’re on the hunt for fearless adventurers ready to hoist the flag and set sail on epic escapades.

    We’re on a bold course to the first hundred levels—because why stop at just pillaging when ye can leave a legacy?

    No shackles here, matey. We don’t force ye to log in daily or grind yer soul away for the guild. Freedom’s our code — sail when ye want, fight when ye’re thirsty, and if ye love yer ship, ride it ’til the last drop o’ grog!

    So, what say ye? Will ye answer the call or stay marooned with the landlubbers?

    The Captain (and yes, I’ve got the hat to prove it).

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  • Please, comment on this thread or send me a DM with your Xbox gamer tag to join.

  • @offsprint3103 Hey i woud love to join im a fairly good pirate with 900 hours my dc is tavlan37 please reach out

  • @andenino6176 Hey ye there! I sent u friend request on xbox!

  • Only 7 spots left!

  • I'd be interested in joining

  • @offsprint3103 Hey! I would also love to join your guild. I'm a pirate with nearly 400 hours and consider myself pretty good at the game too. My tag is @elliwelli

  • Hey, I'm interested. I play nights on US East time. My tag is t3hkneek.

  • @t3hkneek hello! i sent you friends request!

  • @offsprint3103 I just added you back.

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