Overhaul for existing features

  • Open crew: add a new ability to join the join without a crew or ship. Add the ability to invite no crew players via captaincy similar to guild emote invite. Add the three different ships to every out post that can be obtained by voting on the Captain's table till ship crew limit is filled. Instead of forcing connection let us create connections.

    Captaincy: Add new benefits. Purchase a special flag for capturing seaforts. Access to skeleton lord cosmetics (no abilities just cosmetic). Hire no crew players.

    Seaforts: if claimed can hire AI to protect it. Can lock treasury with loot if hire treasurer. Can lock one enemy or crew member in cell if hire jailor. If jailor is defeated it will drop key to release prisoner. If treasurer is defeated vault key is dropped. To take over claimed for defeat all guards and lower enemy flag. Add the ability to lock pick to escape jail cell and access player owned seafort vault.
    Seaforts part 2: Seaforts should be upgraded to look like legend of the veil seafort or at least let lotv seafort remain existing to be used and explored

    Crews: friendly collision with no lock on or damage so u can clash swords on same crew without killing them. Same applies to all throwables except traps.

    Boarding and ship combat: instead of instantly sinking a ship it gets to a crippled state similar to the burning blade. Get your ship close enough to initiate boarding sequence which pulls your ship next to crippled ship. In this scenario the doors of the ferry of the Damned won't open for either crew till each is entire crew is killed. If the crippled ship wins they can restore there ship escape if the crippled ship loses the other crew can vote to scuttle there crippled ship or just take everything and leave ship. If other crew leaves ship floating once they get a certain distance the crew of the crippled ship can return and repair. To prevent jerks who would just stay till drive players mad there would be a 2 min timer before the doors of the Damned open again for the crippled ship. After 2 min the crippled ship can fight the other crew again for a chance to reclaim their ship. The crippled ship can cripple the other ship as well before leaving. If a ship does not do boarding sequence the crew will have the usual death time frame as it is currently.
    If any of these suggestions are critiqued I will make sure to see ways to improve these ideas so that way they're even better after all an idea is merely a stepping stone to perfection

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  • Purchase a special flag for capturing seaforts.

    Seaforts: if claimed can hire AI to protect it.

    No. I'd be irritated if I kept logging in, or switching servers, just because players have claimed every Sea Fort.

    Can lock treasury with loot if hire treasurer.

    Why? All your 'loot' gets turned in so you have gold that can't be stolen. Why keep it somewhere where a player can steal it?

    Can lock one enemy or crew member in cell if hire jailor.

    No. Mechanics that forcefully lock a player's ability to do play the game should never be added.
    And before someone says 'But the brig!'; That exists to stop someone from trolling. Not to trap opponents.

  • @guildar9194 it was common to take hostages during the pirate era but they also have the opportunity to escape so solution add lock picking also let's be honest the brick is used mostly for trolling rather than dealing with trolls
    I am curious though why you would be irritated if it's player owned it would work the same as a normal but it could have the possibility of a lot more loot.
    And as for why you'd store Loot at a Seafort..... to stack loot of course people do it all the time and it would be semi protected

  • @acnologia1403

    it was common to take hostages during the pirate era

    This game is not a realistic pirate sim.

    but they also have the opportunity to escape so solution add lock picking

    I am adamantly against mechanics that lock up a player against his will.
    It's just not good gameplay.

    also let's be honest the brick is used mostly for trolling rather than dealing with trolls

    Ok. Does not mean the solution is to add a way to imprison your opponents.

    I am curious though why you would be irritated if it's player owned it would work the same as a normal but it could have the possibility of a lot more loot.

    Because that means up to 4 people (More, if people in a discord guild server-hop to get to their friends) can be defending the forts.
    It also turns what is usually a PvE event with a risk of PvP into a pure PvP event.

    And as for why you'd store Loot at a Seafort..... to stack loot of course people do it all the time and it would be semi protected

    Except it would take less time to stack & sell than it would to stack, go to a sea fort, move it into the fort, go get more, go back to the sea fort, pick it all up, & go to sell it.
    You're literally adding more risk to stacking by assuming players will waste time sailing back to their fort to lock up their loot instead of just...going to the nearest Outpost to sell it.

  • @guildar9194 I just want seaforts to be more interesting and useful

  • @acnologia1403

    I mean, ideas are fun to have, but turning a PvE mechanic into a PvP 'King of The Hill' type mechanic is just...eh, to me.

    Plus the idea behind stacking loot in it just does not make sense when you view it within the game itself; It's more risk because more time is spent sailing to and from the sea fort, with 0 actual gain.
    And people are hard-wired by instinct to be efficient. It's from our origins as hunter/gatherers, where we had to conserve energy as much as possible to take advantage of food where we could find it or those times where we had to run down our prey.
    So a lot of people aren't going to use such a fort loot-stacking mechanic when it adds more risk of loot being stolen. An owned fort basically screams "They stacked loot! Come steal it!"

    Again; ideas are fun to discuss, but they have to be viewed within the entirety of the game.
    'It would be neat if' needs to be followed up with asking 'Would be people use it?' and 'How could it be abused?' (Though that second one does not apply here)

  • Open crew: add a new ability to join the join without a crew or ship. Add the ability to invite no crew players via captaincy similar to guild emote invite. Add the three different ships to every out post that can be obtained by voting on the Captain's table till ship crew limit is filled. Instead of forcing connection let us create connections.

    What? Let try to...read this.
    Ability to Join/Join without a crew or Ship? So you just wanna play without...a ship...
    Ability to Invite Non Crewmembers to..Non-Guild? I dont get this one.
    Have three ships docked at the Outposts for easy switching ships instead of disconnecting. (No) I rather you "Dive" out of the server and switch ships

    Captaincy: Add new benefits.
    Purchase a special flag for capturing seaforts.

    No. I dont want a seafort to become "unavailable" because 5 other ships claimed them. I like my free easy loot.

    Hire no crew players.

    Assuming they want Npc to help run there ship. No.

    Seaforts: if claimed can hire AI to protect it. Can lock treasury with loot if hire treasurer. Can lock one enemy or crew member in cell if hire jailor. If jailor is defeated it will drop key to release prisoner. If treasurer is defeated vault key is dropped. To take over claimed for defeat all guards and lower enemy flag. Add the ability to lock pick to escape jail cell and access player owned seafort vault.

    Sigh...No just no.

    Crews: friendly collision with no lock on or damage so u can clash swords on same crew without killing them. Same applies to all throwables except traps.

    Your sword doesnt hurt your own crewmates. Throwables do and that should be a thing, it called "Learn to aim" and Traps were designed for that :P Mistakes happen

    Boarding and ship combat: instead of instantly sinking a ship it gets to a crippled state similar to the burning blade. Get your ship close enough to initiate boarding sequence which pulls your ship next to crippled ship. In this scenario the doors of the ferry of the Damned won't open for either crew till each is entire crew is killed.

    Silly as that all sounds. Easy trolling is a thing here.

    To prevent jerks who would just stay till drive players mad there would be a 2 min timer before the doors of the Damned open again for the crippled ship. After 2 min the crippled ship can fight the other crew again for a chance to reclaim their ship. The crippled ship can cripple the other ship as well before leaving. If a ship does not do boarding sequence the crew will have the usual death time frame as it is currently.

    Then...its an endless cycle.

  • @burnbacon
    "Ability to Invite Non Crewmembers to..Non-Guild? I dont get this one."
    No the ability to invite non crew members to your ship using the an emote that does the same As guild invite emote. Where the heck do you get that non Guild thing from what I said?

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