Choosing your Character

  • Who thinks we would be able to choose our own Pirate this time round and not get it randomly selected?

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  • @mad-jack-ketch
    Here's hoping!! I'm sure me ol' mucka @Gexsase would agree!! Poor chap got lumbered for a couple of sessions with a character who had the most enormous nose you've ever seen!!

  • @qm-ginger-beard does this apply to the beta also?

  • @absorbedgecko90 That's unknown at this point, but I'd wager a barrel o'grog it will be as I imagine they'll want to test how well whatever character customisation system they have works.

  • We hope we can at least choose our starting characters in up coming Beta...

    If I get stuck with a fat ugly dude dressed in drag one more time for the entire test session, I'm Voting for keelhauling a dev !! Lol

  • @mad-jack-ketch +1
    I agree that having various characters and clothing options is a start, but being able to actually change some basic appearance like haircolor, hairstyle, gender, and body shape might make it more "personal".

  • @techno-warwitch

    Good thing it's only for 5 day then :D

  • character picking should be at the main screen of the game then customization should be in game

  • @logansdadtoo Wrong! I didn't mind my character I mind the cancerous community we have! Even mentioning this is a proof of that.
    @QM-Ginger-Beard Correct! I wish they only add many features so the cartoonish style transit to more caricaturistic style.

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