Skull event Cloud in the Sky Eye color

  • I've done myself a handful of events but I cant come to a conclusion on what the Eye colors mean on the skull in the Sky, Does anyone have an inefficient answer they found out? or At least some theory's?

  • 16
  • @fallen-wolf-69 I think green means that the fort is active and no one is there and red that there are people fighting the skellies for the loot.I may be wrong though...

  • @chargedgeo Thanks for replying, The only thing Is I've been coming up to the Event while people are there and its still green you know? It could just be kind of Spotty when it changes or something

  • @chargedgeo Or...The red eyes colour means that the event is almost done and the boss is about to spawn or spawned.

  • I've only noticed the eyes go red when I get close to it. I had a mate stay back to double check, when the eyes changed to red for me they were still green for him.

  • Hello guys,
    There is only one colour for the skull and it’s Green. When you thinks the eyes becomes red it’s only because the sun is rising or because the night come.

  • @ReckKam Thanks for the insight bud.

  • @reckkam So, midnight sunrises?
    In my experience, when its flashing green with red edges, somebody is there fighting(or close enough for it to trigger so)

  • I think it’s all a trick one the eyes. I did, however, see the eyes flicker twice in a quicker succession when a new wave started. It might have been the captain wave but I can’t recall.

  • The skull eyes only turn red when the sky is red.

  • Hooray for pareidolia!

  • @reckkam

    Ive seen red skull eyes at night?

  • I had the same thought process but seems to be that its actually the sunlight effecting the eyes. You go to a fort in the dark, the eyes are green no matter what state the fort is in (under attack, nearly finished, players nearby etc)

  • @reckkam said in Skull event Cloud in the Sky Eye color:

    Hello guys,
    There is only one colour for the skull and it’s Green. When you thinks the eyes becomes red it’s only because the sun is rising or because the night come.

    I can also confirm. There was sunset where the skull was sitting half against it, one eye was red one was green.

  • @w-ii-n-k-s-o The sky can be red at night. There's an old adage... Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, sailor's warning. This is because the red sky at night indicates fair weather on the next day, and a red morning sky indicates inclement weather... or at least they believed that. Anyway, when the eyes are red it's because the sky is red.

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