Skeleton Forts : How to make the experience less repetitive, and more unique and dynamic (UPDATE : 11/09/18)

  • Hello there !

    I see a lot of comments telling the Skeleton Forts are really fun and really cool etc... I agree, it's cool, but if it could be better, would you refuse it ?

    Here is my point of view to improve the Skeleton Forts experience :

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    UPDATE 06/06/18 : Here 2 possibilities to create the door

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    Here a more detailed explanation :

    • Completely change the wave system to create a more dynamic fight on the island and not have to search for any skeletons to allow the next wave to spawn.
    • 150 to 200 skeletons spawning all the time (1 skeleton dies, another skeleton spawns)
    • The Fort is seperate in different phase (depending on the Fort design)
    • 30 Skeletons need to be killed to access the Phase II, then 30 skeletons need to be killed to access the Phase III
    • In case there's just 2 Phases (some Skeleton Fort can't have 3 phases), then 50 skeletons need to be killed to access the Castle
    • Some Skeletons are weaker and placed in the towers with an Eye of Reach to fight against camper and force teamplay
    • 3 keys are needed to open the door of the chests room, and they are already in the Castle
    • The Captain is already on the island
    • The Captain protects the 3 keys until the door is open. After that, he tracks the players to protect the treasure
    • The Captain should be different than other skeletons. He should for example be 2-headed and fight with a sword and a gun at the same time.
    • The Captain is protected by 2 to 4 skeletons stronger than basic skeletons. They are his/her bodyguards.
    • A foggy ambience is added to make the feel even better on the island (I'll explain that in details)
    • Kill the Captain prevent other skeletons to spawn
    • Kill the Captain is not necessary to open the door of the chest room
    • Kill the Captain make him let down a Cursed Skull you can bring back to the Order of Souls
    • The Cursed Skull create a huge foggy ambient around the skull (100 meters radius) even when the Captain is still alive
    • Turn on the lanterns on your ship allow you to see further through the fog but make you more visible
    • Leave the island with every objects doesn't mean you finished the Fort, it's just a way to allow Solo Players to win something and have fun on a Fort too
    • The curse disappear only when the Captain has been killed

    UPDATE 06/06/18 :

    • Kill the Captain makes him leave a red key to open the door of the Chest Room without any other key. It would prevent griefers to troll by stealing a key on a Skeleton Fort and drop it in the sea.
    • When the door of the Chest room is opened, all the unused keys vanish to prevent players to use it in another Skeleton Fort later.
    • If the door of the Chest room is open with the 3 Green keys, kill the Captain will not make spawn a Red key to prevent players to use it in another Skeleton Fort later.

    UPDATE 07/01/18 :

    • Exploding sharks : They are enemies spawning when a ship enter the Skeleton Fort's area. They focus the ship entering inside the area to hit it and explode to make huge damages.

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    With all these features, you can create a great ambience, a better gameplay with an evolutive environment, something Solo Players can appreciate too, something more dynamic, more difficult to complete because of the Captain's strengh, but also easier because you can steal treasure without being forced to kill all the skeletons on the island (but still difficult to steal because of all the skeletons still on the island too).

    TO CREATE A BETTER AMBIENCE IN THE FORT : @Rare-Employee should find inspiration in the game Middle Earth : Shadow of War.

    • As mentionned, the Captain must be different in design than other skeletons and EVEN other Captains we fight for the Order of Souls.

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    We can find here a lot of GREAT design for Captain Skeletons like a Black Beard one, a two-headed skeleton who could fight with a sword and a gun at the same time, one with a wheel merged to his body, another one with a cannon attached to himself etc...

    We could also add a Special Guest in game to be a really cool and b****s Captain for Skeleton Fort :
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    Maybe in his latest design (of course rework to match with the artistic direction of Sea of Thieves), really awesome and threatening, with the capacity of throw flying green ghost skulls

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    • Each Captain should have different pattern to give different experience in PvE on the Skeleton Fort, and not just be basic skeletons with a name and more health.
    • When you kill all the Skeletons you had to kill to access the Final Phase, you can hear the Captain talking to you with a huge voice, laughing and threatening you to not approach his treasure. This would be a cool way to give more personality to each Captain and to warn you the Castle is opened.
    • Each Captain should appear on a Fort and make appear in the environment, different decorative elements to allow players to know which Captain is in the Castle and give them more personality
      Examples :
    • The wheel Captain could make appear on the Fort different part of shipwreck, maybe sails, broken masts, wheel etc... and even in gameplay, should mainly have woodplanks in the barrels
    • The shaman Captain could have different magical elements on the ground, some coloured sheets, green flamed torches etc.

    Everything is inspired by Shadow of War which change the Fortresses depending which type of Chieftain is inside (Necromancer, Hunter etc...). It would create a more unique ton to each Captain you'll fight by just adding decorative elements without changing the current shape of the Forts, everything would just completely aesthetic.

    UPDATE 11/09/18 :

    I thought about a new way to make cooperation even better with the Skeleton Fort (something that could be applied in a dungeon system for example in caves). Imagine the capstan from our ships but beside the door. Players could try to open the doors with this kind of mechanism, for example 2 players constantly push the skeletons back while 2 others try to open the door to skip the Phase I faster.
    In a dungeon system, we could have the same thing where a big treasure could be hidden and you'd have to open doors with this capstan or put down a bridge, move a platform (like the one above Thieves Haven) etc.

    If you have suggestion or question, don't hesitate, I'll edit the post if some suggestions look interesting for this Skeleton Fort Experience.


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  • @grievous32 Wow, that is impressive and sounds like an incredible way to improve the experience!

  • @grievous32 That's amazing, I have an idea of a Phantom Fort that is here it could be implemented in that way you've shown.

  • @fantomloki thanks, I thought about it since I play tested the Skeleton Forts, but I knew it could be changed for launch in this way. Now I hope it could be like this in the future !

    @Gamingboy177 a lot of nice ideas in your thread ! Some of them should be added in the future for sure (like the different fruits or animals) because some 3D models have been shown already. Instead of Phantom Hideout (it sounds too much like a Skeleton Fort in my point of view), it should be great to have a Mermaids Hideout, where you should forced to buy a potion to be able to breath underwater when the alchemy shop will be opened. It could be really cool and really different than a Skeleton Fort !

  • agree about every thing... even more i will add a PRE PHASE!
    A naval pre phase where you have to destroy all the canons and watch towers before be able to start Phase one...

    -And about the 3 keys, why not had 3 treasures rooms! that would help the solo sloop!

    Every thing on this topic is great idea, i truly wish it was like that... ,with this fort gameplay in my mind, kinda fell fell empty to play fort as they are right now T.T

  • I think it's the best way to improve the experience and make it less repetitive. Even if Forts don't spawn often, sometimes I don't want to go there because it's always the same thing, there's no strategy, you just fight a wave, then another wave, and again...

    The idea here is to have ALWAYS skeletons to not have these moments where nothing happen. We're on a Fort, we're at skeletons' home, it's not logical sometimes there's nobody to fight.

  • @Grievous32

    I really, REALLY like this idea. You've definitely put a lot of thought into it. I also like how you got that shot of the fort =P

    This would definitely change up the monotonous "Carousel" my crew has adapted to where we just run the tower second level in circles, reloading as we pass the ammo crate, until we've killed every skeleton in the wave. Repeat til captain, get key, get loot.

    I really do enjoy this game, but there's just so much about it that's lacking and it's such a shame.

  • Lol ... atm a raid with skilled crew and

    skilled Enemy Crews a raid Need 6 houers or more.. .
    And many Crews get the key and runs..
    I dont Think we dont Need more experience more now... !!!

  • @grievous32 bravo my man ....what a brilliant idea and so well thought out. @rare take a good look at this i don't really see how this couldn't be implemented. 10/10 OP

  • @stoker1980 6 hours ? If the enemy crew and your crew are in PVP mood, now with the farther respawn of the ship, it would take less longer than before.

    Also, the fact I suggest to put 3 keys already spawned in the Castle is in a precise goal :

    • You have to be careful about all the 3 keys, maybe another crew could steal one and run away with it
    • As the keys are already on the island, we can't just let only one, it could be too easy to open the door of the chests room
    • 60 skeletons are necessary to be killed to be able to steal the keys, so it's really less than now, but it's still enough to make it complicated because of the continuous spawning skeletons

    Everything is thought to make the Fort easier for solo players, but still difficult to finish because of the number of skeletons you'll have to deal with if you didn't kill all of them before you want to steal the treasure.

    It would not really take more time than the Forts now, it would just give a different way to finish them, a way more dynamic and which need more teamplay due to the number of skeletons constantly the same (1 skeleton dead = 1 skeleton respawns). This is also for that reason and because of the presence of the Captain and his bodyguards that it will not be so easy to take the keys. You'll have a lot of skeletons to deal with if you want to run away, even the guardian with Eye of Reach which could kill you while you try to get out with a key.

    It's not really difficult, it's just more complex than wave 1 - wave 2 - wave 3 type quest, but at the same time, it's easier to open the door of the chests room (less skeletons to kill).

    In the case another ship try to kill you and your crew, then, you'll still have a chance to face them, win after 10 - 30 minutes, and continue the Fort.

    200 skeletons to spawn, it's huge, but you still have the possibility to focus your attack on the Captain. He will just be protected by 2 or 4 guards AND all the grunts who will respawn and basically attack the players. But if you defeat the Captain, all these enemies will die at the same time.

    Now just tell me you have a lot of fun with the Fort and you enjoy the way to do constantly the same thing to each Fort, and I'll ask you finally, don't you really want something better ?

  • I’m no expert on the solo sloop experience but 150 - 200 skeletons spawning consistently on a tiny island would be hell for a single player. Your concept also takes much less work to get loot, 30 skeletons is about two waves in an actual fort. I think the fog idea is wonderful and would be really cool to see. As for the double headed captain, it would be awesome but it isn’t something realistically achievable anytime soon seeing as they would have to make the model and the AI for it.

  • I really like the 3 phase idea. you could lock there others forcing you to fight into it getting harder as you go. Don't like the 3 keys idea but even if you have to take the one skull to the order of souls to get the key and keep the fog that's would be a really nice dynamic.

  • @exeternautical The don't really spawn constantly, just imagine 10 or 15 skeletons always on the island. If you kill one, another spawn. But there are just 10 to 15 skeletons at the same time, not more.

    Also, when you kill 30 skeletons (and it's really fast) you access to the next phase. As you don't need to kill the Captain to open the door of the chests room, then it's easier to a solo sloop to steal some treasures. Actually, it can take 1 h - 1 h 30 to finish a Fort for a solo player. With this, I think in 20 minutes you can open the door. Then you'll have to go inside of the room and get out of it with a treasure, against 10 - 15 skeletons. That's why it can be a little difficult and why a solo player would probably not try to take all the stuff.

  • @canadianmuscle3 the fact is if you have to kill the Captain to steal the key, it will be really hard for a solo player to have fun and to finish (open the door of the chests room) a Skeleton Fort. But if you put a unique key inside of the Castle, protected by the Captain, it will be too easy for a crew to open the door. Take an object and run away with it is really easy.

    The other possibility would to make the Captain more agressive than other skeletons, making him attack faster.

    Also I would like to add something about AI. At this moment, the AI of the skeletons are really too basic in my opinion and I'm pretty sure you agree. Imagine different Captain which force you to adapt your way to play. Okay, I understand it will need to create new AIs, but it would be cool. What could be even cooler is to create for example 6 different Captains, and change a little the environment of the Fort, depending who is the Captain you will deal with. You could just by the environment know what type of boss you will have to fight at the end (just in Shadow of War fortresses, changing if you fight a hunter, a necromancer etc...)

    EDIT : Hello, @Nuzza I'd like to submit you this idea, of course I guess you would maybe not be able to make something alone but I wanted you to have some new ideas to make the Fort completely different than what we can see in the Order of Souls' quests (wave after wave until we kill the captain).

  • That would be much better !

  • Great ideas Grievous !!

  • I just edited my post to change something.

    Some Fort can't allow the 3 phases, so there are just 2 phases one outside and one inside the castle. In this case, the first Phase will ask you to kill 50 skeletons before the door of the Castle open. Then, as each Skeleton Fort, you have 2 objectives :

    • Open the door of the chests room to steal all the chests
    • Kill the Captain to bring back his Cursed Skull to the Order of Souls
  • I added some new details to reinforce the idea of a unique skeleton Fort experience depending on which Captain you will fight.

    Abstract :

    • The Captain has a unique design
    • The different Captains have different pattern in attack
    • Each Captain brings aesthetic elements to the Fort to allow players who's inside the Castle and to give a personality to the Captain
    • Each Captain has an entrance when the Castle's doors are opened to give them a personality and warn players they are in the Final Phase
    • The Captain at Skeleton Fort MUST be different than the Captain the players hunt down for the Order of Souls to encourage people to do both and have a feeling to do the same thing

    It would be a lot of work to create maybe 6 different Captains and give them 6 different patterns to attack, and 6 different cosmetic elements to each Skeleton Forts, BUT, with all this work, it would clearly improve the experience of Skeleton Fort to make them less repetitive, more unique, very dynamic, and maybe memorable.

    Players will have more way to tell their tales, when you'll talk about the moment you fought the shaman Captain who summons new skeletons to protect him, or throw you fireballs or summon a lightning strike because you were inside the storm... Or the moment you fought the two-headed Captain who was defended himself with his sword, while he shot at you with a blunderbuss.

    I hope @Rare-Employee, even if they maybe can't make all these ideas, would find inspiration to make the Fort much more epic and unique !

  • Really nice man good job.

  • @urihamrayne thanks ! Feel free to give me some ideas we could implant in this thread !

  • @grievous32 I like :) Especially the idea of making skeleton captains have a more unique play style rather than being carbon copies of each other :) And these skeleton designs.. god they're amazing! I think my favourites are the bearded one, the chest head skeleton and the one with the ships wheel! How about one wrapped in a sail cloth? and one which moves slow and is dragging an anchor along the ground with its leg, but has combat to balance this (perhaps it is slow moving but has powerful melee attacks, or maybe it is a sharp shooter..)

  • @angrycoconut16 I will create another thread soon about the Skeletons, just to make more differences between Gold, Plant, Shadow and Basic Skeletons.

    I'd really love to see something different in the Skeleton Fort, with this customization depending on which Captain is in the Fort, and create some differences with their attacks (a Shaman throwing flames, making spawn 10 - 15 basic and weak skeletons for example). I hope @Rare-Employee will make this better than the current version of the Skeleton Fort to create something more like this and make it dynamic, different than Order of Souls' quests and funnier for both crews AND solo players.

  • I've thought about them maybe adding 2 or 3 different skull forts across the map so that the traffic to one isn't so overwhelming.

  • +1 from me

    I want this in game now

  • @grievous32 This is amazing! However, I don't believe it'd work on the current forts. However, imagine if Rare added this type of fort to the new area in the "Forsaken Shores" update! They would have enough time to figure out how to do it. Great idea mate!

  • @grievous32 Wow, you are exactly the type of player this game needs. I hope you are or get on the inside with the dev staff. I really appreciate your creative ideas. Please keep up the great work.

  • Skeleton Fort isn't a out dealing with the Skellies it's about dealing with the other players

  • The force cooperation idea is a terrible stain on an otherwise very nice piece.

  • Commenting to stay updated

  • @ultiproductions a dit dans Skeleton Forts : How to make the experience less repetitive, and more unique and dynamic :

    @grievous32 This is amazing! However, I don't believe it'd work on the current forts. However, imagine if Rare added this type of fort to the new area in the "Forsaken Shores" update! They would have enough time to figure out how to do it. Great idea mate!

    @UltiProductions Why not ? I just took a screenshot from an island already in the game. As I said, some island are not separated in 3 different areas, so there could only have 2 Phases : one outside, and one inside. ;)

    @Wicked-Six-Gun thank you very much, this is absolutely amazing to read this kind of comment ! I hope Rare will continue to make things already in game, still evolve overtime !

    @Glannigan yeah, most of the time, but there are times where you're just alone, and if you could play the Skeleton Fort's raid better, would you refuse it ?

    @lotrmith it's hard to force the cooperation currently because AIs are too basic. Anyway, by adding more objectives (3 keys here), you will have to cooperate more, just as if there were Sniper Skeletons.

  • @grievous32 said in Skeleton Forts : How to make the experience less repetitive, and more unique and dynamic:

    @lotrmith it's hard to force the cooperation currently because AIs are too basic. Anyway, by adding more objectives (3 keys here), you will have to cooperate more, just as if there were Sniper Skeletons.

    What I meant was, forcing cooperation is a terrible idea.

  • Love the ideas man! I would still make the captain hold one of the keys imo but i love the different captain types, that would be awesome!

  • @lotrmith hahaha, why ? The entire sailing gameplay forces players to play co-op... This is a game where EVERYTHING is made to force co-op, even dig a hole to take a treasure...

  • @captsubtext420 the fact is by doing the Captain the only objective, you totally leave the idea that solo players can have some stuff "easily" to have some fun and rewards playing the Skeleton Forts. I know that's the point which could open a debate, but I thought a long time to imagine how it could be fun for a solo player (because I play sometimes in solo) AND for a crew.

    The Captains must be powerful and difficult to defeat, so in solo with all those skeletons who respawn... it would be really hard to have the key the Captain has on him. So to rewards players, I decided to put 3 keys to not make the door too easy to open, but also to make the Captain drop a Cursed Skulls which give a lot of XP and Gold when you bring it to the Order of Souls, to reward players who want to fight against the Captain.

  • @grievous32 the forums need more constructive posts like this ! I hope they add more along the lines of this as they go

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