I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?)

  • Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    The only exception will be if there is an option on console to opt in or opt out of cross play. I certainly don't want to prevent PC players from playing with their friends on consoles. But I do want console players to have the option to opt out of doing so. The advantage/disadvantage is overwhelming in a game that requires combat to get 'reputation' that allows your player to advance in the game.

    Who's with me?

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  • @jjblackhat
    Not me, I really been enjoying it. My son plays on Xbox and I play on the PC. Had a lot of epic times together. More games should do cross platform.

  • I'm not sure why anyone thought it would be a good idea to allow crossplay in an fps game, but they did. It wouldn't be a problem if kb/m was enabled on the console. I will personally never buy another console until kb/m is not only supported but an absolute requirement.

  • @alaskangeek said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Not me, I really been enjoying it. My son plays on Xbox and I play on the PC. Had a lot of epic times together. More games should do cross platform.

    Sounds like you just like to have the advantage over the boy ;) lol

  • @jjblackhat he is actually much faster with his controller. This whole controller vs Key/mouse is craziness. But people will always like to debate it. Just like the whole console vs PC thing.

  • When properly monitored/balanced, it isn't an issue. SoT is neither of these. PC has a clear advantage over console, but if they tried to limit PC they'd have no sales on PC or unhappy customers. So they instead limit console, but they got unhappy console players. No win situation really.

  • @alaskangeek said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    @jjblackhat he is actually much faster with his controller. This whole controller vs Key/mouse is craziness. But people will always like to debate it. Just like the whole console vs PC thing.

    I literally just laughed out loud (I am a developer). Yea, no it's not even possible 'technically' speaking.

  • I'm against you!

    This is important steps towards uniform platform games, and I bet you are too young to have seen the incredible journey that brought Rare the opportunity to produce this experience, and it's learns.

    This game will be part of a legacy that will bring the future technologies into reality, and the next generation will not be a fight over plastic, circuits and stale logos, but more how they can bring communities together like this game has, and that must be a reason to invest in the experiences, even if the expectation isn't your dream - your dream will come lad, and sooner than you think.

    Plus the sea is amazing, as are the piggies.

    Spanner out

  • @kashaarafall said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    When properly monitored/balanced, it isn't an issue. SoT is neither of these. PC has a clear advantage over console, but if they tried to limit PC they'd have no sales on PC or unhappy customers. So they instead limit console, but they got unhappy console players. No win situation really.

    The only win is to offer players who don't want to play at a disadvantage a way out to play with only their kind, aka console only servers.

  • @spannerwercs said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    I'm against you!

    This is important steps towards uniform platform games, and I bet you are too young to have seen the incredible journey that brought Rare the opportunity to produce this experience, and it's learns.

    This game will be part of a legacy that will bring the future technologies into reality, and the next generation will not be a fight over plastic, circuits and stale logos, but more how they can bring communities together like this game has, and that must be a reason to invest in the experiences, even if the expectation isn't your dream - your dream will come lad, and sooner than you think.

    Plus the sea is amazing, as are the piggies.

    Spanner out

    If you consider 39 young, and over 15 of those years in the gaming industry then sure - I guess so. But no, fairness is a big part of gaming. It's a PC players world, and it will always be because consoles can't compete technically speaking, unless they start to build 'upgradable' consoles - but they become PC's.

  • As a PC player, this game actually convinced me cross play isn't all that bad. I expected xbox players to be way worse, both in terms of annoyances and skill levels, but they have surprised me. it's also great being able to play with anyone I know who doesn't have a PC. If anything, this game sold me on the experience.

  • I find it hard to believe that console gamers are anything other than casual adults or children. I suspect that is a bigger reason for them getting wrecked. Consoles are built for casuals. It's basically a PC that you take out of the box and just plug it in.

    Any advanced user would not live with these limitations and use advanced features such as a more stable chat system (discord, etc.) and push to talk.

    I'm always amused at the hot mic breathing guy who thinks they are sneaking up the ladder.

  • @drunkpunk138

  • @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    I'll buy every single one! This is great!

  • @jjblackhat Can't say I'm with you I'm afraid. I love the fact that I can play with my friends on pc.

    In all honesty, I can't say I've ever felt I'm at a disadvantage. I've won some fights, I've lost some fights. The one's I've lost I simply felt I got outplayed or a made a silly mistake - I'm also very bad at videogames, so maybe that's why it makes no difference who comes at me! :p

  • I have a friend that doesn't have a powerful enough computer to play SoT but he does have an Xbox. We were able to play together and he seems like he's just as good as I am if not better. This game isn't meant to be extremely competitive, you can even go a whole session without fighting anyone. That's what I like about this game.

  • Everyone here making out like SoT is some sort of competitive FPS game where it REALLY makes a difference how accurate you are. Get off it, its a casual sailing simulator with cannons and guns that both have slow moving projectile physics. Being able to aim and shoot slightly quicker matters a bit less when hitting your shots is more about timing them with waves, speed, etc. Sure the snappier pointing is nice but its really not making as big of a difference as some of you think.

    Also in general most people will likely end up playing with PC players as much as against them. That should mean that you'll be benefitting from their increased aiming abilities.

  • @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    Strongly disagree. The ammount of times i have been beaten by a pc player is smaller than the ammount of times i have beaten them... which is smaller than the ammount of times iv been called a pc player even though im on xbox... but hey.

  • @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    I think you are alone. I like playing with new people and having a variety of players. Why limit your game to separate lobbies because they are on different consoles? Why not have everyone together so it has more longevity. Cross platform with win 10 and xbox live should be the way to go for all games going forward, It makes sense.

  • @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    me, this game is hot garbage..

  • @ttargetpractice said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    I'm not sure why anyone thought it would be a good idea to allow crossplay in an fps game, but they did. It wouldn't be a problem if kb/m was enabled on the console. I will personally never buy another console until kb/m is not only supported but an absolute requirement.

    If this was counter-strike I'd agree with you. This isn't a high accuracy game this is an arcady open world fun game. No reason to separate.

  • @boaton said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    me, this game is hot garbage..

    Then why are you on the forums?

  • @jjblackhat Compared to me, only a consumer of 43, with around 400+games across 3 generations of buying both consoles, and the SNES is where I went for fun, plus 25 years of working on PCs and their networks, I think we are coming from very different angles whilst pointing at something on the ground - is it gonna be a good experience for me and my mates without networking the house and explaining "No Gary, that PS2 network socket won't let you play in our game, go and get the pizza".

    I was fully briefed, researched and notified of the test of systems, and it will improve.

    This is not another No Man's Sky, as the whole thing is the fact that people enjoy playing with people they know (that's why randoms at the checkout don't like having fun with me).

    Honest, but not humble opinion,

    Spanner out

    PS:Thanks for the speedy delivery of your response.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    As a PC player, this game actually convinced me cross play isn't all that bad. I expected xbox players to be way worse, both in terms of annoyances and skill levels, but they have surprised me. it's also great being able to play with anyone I know who doesn't have a PC. If anything, this game sold me on the experience.

    Exactly. This game brings together to separate systems in a way that doesn't limit each other and is a great experience all around.

  • Not me, I love it and so does all of my friends and family that had been previously split between the two.

    Thanks RARE for making this happen and letting friends play together regardless of their platform choice. You guys rock!

  • @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    So you are done with gaming. Interesting choice to make over a single game. I say this since cross-platform is indeed the future....whether you like it or not.

  • I will but only for the PC.

    In fact if mandatory cross platform is the future of the Xbox then I won't be buying another Xbox.

    Why would I? I already have a PC for games that are better played with a PC and I can buy a PS5 for my console gaming and not have to deal with a control scheme disadvantage with my opponents.

  • @shackelfourd I love this game. The hackers are frustrating, but they can be killed then you can sink them. It seems the hackers cant be immune to all damage types they have to pick and choose. I have seen players who cant be killed by sharks, or explosive barrells. I have seen players that cant be killed with Blunderbuss, or sword, but the sniper will kill them. Sure this game has some issues, but I am extremely surprised by how much I enjoy this game. I bought this and farcry at the same time, and I have been playing this game non-stop.

  • @ttargetpractice said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    I will personally never buy another console until kb/m is not only supported but an absolute requirement.

    So a PC then?
    alt text

  • @ca2or said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    So you are done with gaming. Interesting choice to make over a single game. I say this since cross-platform is indeed the future....whether you like it or not.

    that’s foolish to say, cross-plat will be dead sooner than you think... MS is already paying for this mistake and their board will not be happy. this all inclusive experiment will result in lost revenue from console gamers over time. these just the facts, the bottom line is the bottom line🤔

  • @alaskangeek said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Not me, I really been enjoying it. My son plays on Xbox and I play on the PC. Had a lot of epic times together. More games should do cross platform.

    They should indeed, as an option.... OPTIONAL and not not at all... Omg man... Switch with your son for a week and come back to us console players with your newfound opinion...

    This subject, not this topic, but this subject is going way out of hand... Pc players should stop forcing crossplay on xbox players and accept that it should be optional so it's compromised between the 2 systems.

  • Not me, I think crossplay is a good idea going forward. Enjoy your "toycot"

  • @ve111a said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    @boaton said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    @jjblackhat said in I will never buy another cross platform (pc/console) game again (WHO's WITH ME?):

    Lesson learned :)

    I'll stick this one out an try to find ways to play with the disadvantage I was so openly given by Rare, but any further titles I will not be so stupid to support.

    Who's with me?

    me, this game is hot garbage..

    Then why are you on the forums?

    because RARE wants the feedback, why you care anyways? bet you thought you were being smart with your comment🤣

  • @alaskangeek Let him play on your pc and you'll see he'll be 2 to 3 times faster... Just cause you can't keep up with you're younger son, who should be faster at these things, doesn't mean it's equal.

  • The game is basically anti-skill in every possible way. I do not understand the constant complaints, since the game is so incredibly shallow, that the advantages PC players posses really doesn't matter at all.

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