Hate & Game Communities

  • Before I begin, I just want to disclaim: This post is not specific to this game only.
    Ahem. Now that I am done with that, let's talk about gaming communities.

    First off, I would like to ask people who are easily bothered by 'emotional' posts to please leave, as this comes straight from my feelings.

    Ladies, Gentlemen, and Henchmen of Indeterminate Gender, I would like you all to please listen up. I am getting really tired of people in gaming communities venting. I'm not talking about people who say things like, "I would like to see ____ in the game because ____," or even people who say things like, "I am frustrated because ___, so I propose (way to fix the problem)." I am talking about people who say things such as, "I hate this game because I keep glitching and I never hit my enemy blah blah blah." Those people are the people who ruin game communities because they do not provide any help whatsoever or even provide a cool story to read. They are literally just there to vent about things not many people care about. As disclaimed above, this isn't just for this game. It's pretty much for every game I (and you, reader,) can think of. Please, if you see a post like that, ignore it, report it (for good reasons, not just because the author is whining), do what you can to lower the number of people who vent without providing anything to help reduce the problem. If you, reader, are someone who complains, please at the very least PLEASE provide some suggestion when you need to vent.

    Thank you for reading! If you disagree with anything I said, I will be happy to discuss it with you calmly in the comment section!

    (If you want to read this in my version of vulgar mode, replace every 'vent' above with whine or complain)

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  • As this thread was not a gameplay guide or tips on the game, we've gone ahead and moved you to General Discussion. :)

  • It's not really hate, if they didn't care they wouldn't be here. Its just their individual way of handling it. Which brings us to another question... why do you care so much?

  • @lady-aijou Alright, fair enough :)

  • @benjawenja I didn't read any of your post, but I do agree Rare is pretty lazy.

    Also I'm glad you made mention that delaying private crews is a big mistake and Rare needs to get their c**p together.

    Cheers and thanks for bringing these things up!

  • @rdizz To be honest, I there are a lot of games that I like (Halo 5, Destiny 2) that received a TON of hate for "being a huge disappointment". Whenever I say something positive about the game, people usually reply with something unintelligent about how 'I got sucked into corporate greed' or whatever. I just don't want to see this happen to Sea of Thieves, as it is the first game I have been able to genuinely enjoy because its community wasn't a depressing 6-pool of unhelpful complaints vents.

  • Maybe we just need a section titled "Dear Diary", where people can vent, post their goodbye letters, and other non-constructive but highly emotional posts. A place where we can expect OP to not care about our carefully worded suggestions, advice or encouragement.

    But I fear that would leave far too few people left to talk constructively.

  • @mattydove74 I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong post... mine is about the negativity of gaming communities and how that negativity eventually causes the game to be unenjoyable.

    ... or was that sarcasm? I'm not very good at identifying that sort of thing.

  • @drunkpunk138 That would be a good idea! And as for your last remark, I have seen a lot of positive and constructive feedback lately, which, of course, is a good thing.

  • @benjawenja I agree and have just noticed this in general everywhere lately, not just game communities. People seem to increasingly be acting like large infants that live to publically vent and shovel blame around.

  • @mrbrocksego Well, it is nice when you do see a constructive remark, game community or not.

  • @benjawenja Oh totally, constructive criticism is a must. Anything less isn't worth the photons your reading on.

  • @benjawenja said in Hate & Game Communities:

    @rdizz a depressing 6-pool

    I thought this was some kind of Starcraft related joke until I realized you just misspelled cesspool.

  • @benjawenja said in Hate & Game Communities:

    I am getting really tired of people in gaming communities venting.

    No idea if you're being sincere or ironic, which is always the hallmark of an exemplary internet posting.

  • Ahoy there,

    I was debating chiming in on this, but seeing as I'm in a middle ground regarding the matter, I thought I would share my opinion and perhaps pose to you a parallel viewpoint.

    In my humble opinion, venting is not the problem. Whilst it may immediately sound like I am disagreeing with you, I implore you to read on, and you will hopefully see where this is going.

    You said at the very start of your post this was not one for those who are "easily bothered by 'emotional' posts", which to me is strange. On the one hand you forewarn your audience to be that this is not for those who have issue with emotional posts, but what is ranting if not an emotional post (allbeit in a different manner than yours)?

    Ranting, venting and "going off on one" as it were, is not an inherently negative occurrence by nature, and to desire suppression for this is to chastise for the emotions of an individual which have clearly become too much to contain... much like your original post, if I may be so bold. And at this point, I remind you, read on and you will see where this is going.

    As you follow your post from top to bottom, and as we approach the half way mark, the more you see beyond the words and into the detail where the devil exists... you start to understand. You, good sir, are ranting about a matter that is something you yourself mentioned in your rant... *""They are literally just there to vent about things not many people care about", which when you look at your original post bares a striking resemblance to what you are posting against in the first place.

    HOWEVER, I have implored you to read on, and this is where your original post gains credence. The moment that you turned you post from almost hypocritical in nature, to something that I can get behind. *"If you, reader, are someone who complains, please at the very least PLEASE provide some suggestion when you need to vent." and, true to word, you did... your solution was to ignore it.

    This, dear sir, is the fundamental and important point.

    Ranting is not bad, venting is not bad, showcasing any form of negative emotion is not bad... what makes it bad however is the failure for the rant to provide a point of improvement. These two points in your post are what makes it hold weight, the fact that releasing negative emotions for the sake of it does not resolve to over arching problems, and you should always attempt to resolve them with a suggestion (even if it's a dumb one).

    But with this, I ask you dear sir, when you have viewed posts of ranting, of rage, of venting in anger and sorrow... have you really listened to the words that are said? Have you really understood the issues and what could potentially make them better which can be suggestive within the rant itself, or perhaps even unknowingly written among the rage?

    Venting, ranting and raging are contextual. They provide the causality of the issue, the effect to the cause. What matters is what the cause is and how it can be fixed, as you so rightly eluded to in your original post. But venting, ranting, "whining/complaining" can be valuable when you see beyond the emotion and into the raw data of the thread.

    I do not disagree with you in intent, only in substance. Hate does breed hate, but out of the ashes of the hate, good can rise... just like in war.


    Jessie "Realdawnseeker" Fawkes.

  • @lobane said in Hate & Game Communities:

    I understand where you're coming from OP, and I will say that I agree with you in some respects. I do wish PEOPLE within gaming communities treated EACH OTHER with less toxicity. However, I disagree with a number of other points you make. And this is not directed just at you, the whole idea of 'whiners should go away' and 'if you don't have suggestions then don't complain' is nothing new or unique to this forum. But the truth is those types of posts are still very helpful....maybe not to others in the community, but certainly to the developers.

    Absolutely. Let me also mention that the "whiners should go away" crowd are attempting to censor what they don't like to read.

  • @natsu-v2 No, It was a Starcraft joke. A 6-pool of Zerglings

  • @realdawnseeker I am very glad you took the time to write that, and yes, I did read all of it. It wasn't until today that I realized the irony of my post, and I do дрyгeciate honesty on any level, short of deceptive. As for your last remark regarding the feeling put into ranting, and how the suggestion is possibly hidden within the rant, I will take that into consideration when I view rant posts. Thank you for your constructive criticism.


  • @lobane @JunkySandburger
    As you both have noted, my post has indeed provided an atmosphere of contempt. As @DrunkPunk138 suggested, there could be a category among the Forums meant specifically for ranting/venting. Anyway, I thank both of you for your honest opinions.

  • @lobane Those are very good points you make in your long post (specifying because this is your second notification about something you are mentioned in). I also believe that knowing what the majority desires. I simply wish to express that I believe that majority should, at least in a few posts, provide some suggestions (e.g. "I hate feature 'x' because 'y'. I think Rare should 'z' to fix it".) Honestly, I do not think the 'y' is completely necessary, but it can be helpful to avoid that same type of problem in future updates and changes. I thank you for your honest opinion.

  • @lobane said in Hate & Game Communities:

    @benjawenja said in Hate & Game Communities:

    @lobane Those are very good points you make in your long post (specifying because this is your second notification about something you are mentioned in). I also believe that knowing what the majority desires. I simply wish to express that I believe that majority should, at least in a few posts, provide some suggestions (e.g. "I hate feature 'x' because 'y'. I think Rare should 'z' to fix it".) Honestly, I do not think the 'y' is completely necessary, but it can be helpful to avoid that same type of problem in future updates and changes. I thank you for your honest opinion.

    The truth is, until I decided to post a response I was exactly where you were when you started this topic. I find posts that do nothing more than vent and express dissatisfaction as particularly annoying. I'm with you, in that I always try to offer constructive feedback when I point out what I perceive as flaws. But then I realized, that's me....and I'm generally pretty clear headed even when I'm frustrated, and I also admit to thinking very highly of my own opinion (so of course I'll share it! :))

    It wasn't until I tried to think of this issue from the developers standpoint that I realized the value these 'venting' posts might actually have. Sure, you don't get constructive suggestions, but you do still identify a problem. And as much as developers may welcome suggestions, they are professionals who do this for a living (60+ hours a week in most cases), and likely have no shortage of ideas of their own to draw from. So simply identifying a problem is probably enough, in most cases, for them to get the wheels churning, put their heads together, and come up with some viable solutions.

    I think the issue is these types of 'venting' posts is that they are generally valuable ONLY to the developers. To the rest of the community they just ignite a firestorm of toxicity. But that's on us, as a community, to try to deal with better. The last thing I think any of us actually want to do is put our own desire for positivity above the actual usefulness of these forums to the developers as a primary source of feedback.

    That being said, I firmly believe that venting doesn't motivate the devs to work any faster. It's tiresome when people expect an answer to their problems within a week, when the problem they're venting about might take a month or more to address.

    Venting posts also, as you stated, bring down the rest of the community, as they start firestorms, lower morale, and generally give a bad impression to outsiders. Appearance is just as important. I'm not suggesting we become "Sea of Traders," but we shouldn't be putting our anger out on the internet, for the world to see and respond to. We can, and should, conduct ourselves civilly.

  • @benjawenja

    The hypocrisy here is hilarious, the real funny part is I don’t think you meant this to be a joke post! Either way I got a kick out of it.

  • It all comes down to will Rare care or listen to such posts and the answer is no... I'm sure they realize when they read feedback they are always looking for player's suggestions but the posts you mention don't have any so they just ignore them

  • No, I agree that in the last years we have witnessed insane hate campaigns against games that were not so terrible like the community pretends they were, i.e.: Mass Effect Andromeda, No Man's Sky, Mafia III, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, but your examples are really arguable, if a game has bugs, bad feeling of gunplay, etc, those are valid concerns and can be seen as constructive criticism.

    If there are things that could be fixed and improve the general feeling is our duty to tell it to the devs, perhaps those concerns have a point.

  • Forums are made for discussion, that is what this forum is right? General discussion? That kind of means no real subject, just general discussion about the game and that can be liking it or hating it. What you call spam really isn't, it is just discussing the game and it is actually the people that come in and say "Bye Felicia." that are the spammers. You don't have to respond, read or do anything in a thread you don't wish to. That is your right/freedom as a forum poster.

  • @lobofh said in Hate & Game Communities:

    No, I agree that in the last years we have witnessed insane hate campaigns against games that were not so terrible like... No Man's Sky

    It was pretty not good, and the developer did exaggerate/lie tremendously, so probably deserved.

  • @lucid-stew dijo en Hate & Game Communities:

    @lobofh said in Hate & Game Communities:

    No, I agree that in the last years we have witnessed insane hate campaigns against games that were not so terrible like... No Man's Sky

    It was pretty not good, and the developer did exaggerate/lie tremendously, so probably deserved.

    That's your opinion, others like me don't think the same. Personally I got way more enjoyment with NMS than (up to this moment) SoT. Hopefully this game will rise from its ashes...like NMS did.

  • @lobofh said in Hate & Game Communities:

    That's your opinion, others like me don't think the same. Personally I got way more enjoyment with NMS than (up to this moment) SoT. Hopefully this game will rise from its ashes...like NMS did.

    Usually when someone expresses an opinion, it's not necessary to inform them that it is an opinion because that person already knows. It's nice that you don't think the same. I can offer evidence as support for my opinion. Can you?

  • @benjawenja "You have allowed these dark posts to twist your mind. Until now.... Until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy" youve given into the darkside Anakin or should I call you by your new alias Darth Venter

  • @benjawenja I think that starting with Hate in the topic you already attaches the wrong vibe. Hate is such a strong word, while most people show dissapointment or complaints because they didn't get the game they expected, I don't think there's any hate involved.

    That said I kinda understand what you mean and sortof understand what you're trying to do, but I think that this is only adding to the sea of clutter on the forum. People that insist on only complaining and ranting without offering any suggestions won't change their act because they'll read a post about it.

    I appreciate the effort you've put into it but I think this post won't have the desired effect, the only option I see is to either actively ask the questions if the suggestions are missing or ignore the posts entirely hoping they'd die out.

  • Yeah most game forums are filled with unnecessary posts because people go there just to vent their frustrations. And unfortunately even the good posts are filled with responses that just don't add anything to the discussion, for the same reason.

  • @lucid-stew dijo en Hate & Game Communities:

    @lobofh said in Hate & Game Communities:

    That's your opinion, others like me don't think the same. Personally I got way more enjoyment with NMS than (up to this moment) SoT. Hopefully this game will rise from its ashes...like NMS did.

    Usually when someone expresses an opinion, it's not necessary to inform them that it is an opinion because that person already knows. It's nice that you don't think the same. I can offer evidence as support for my opinion. Can you?

    Oh, sure I can as I really understood the core concept of NMS, a singleplayer, lonesome experience of exploration and mistery, while your “evidences” are a compilation of manipulations, exagerations and whine by the hateful videogames internet because a developer didn’t deliver a tangential feature in the final release, something that happens in every release in the market.

    Don’t waste your time, never wanted a multiplayer in NMS, neved needed it.

  • @realdawnseeker said in Hate & Game Communities:

    Ahoy there,

    I was debating chiming in on this, but seeing as I'm in a middle ground regarding the matter, I thought I would share my opinion and perhaps pose to you a parallel viewpoint.

    In my humble opinion, venting is not the problem. Whilst it may immediately sound like I am disagreeing with you, I implore you to read on, and you will hopefully see where this is going.

    You said at the very start of your post this was not one for those who are "easily bothered by 'emotional' posts", which to me is strange. On the one hand you forewarn your audience to be that this is not for those who have issue with emotional posts, but what is ranting if not an emotional post (allbeit in a different manner than yours)?

    Ranting, venting and "going off on one" as it were, is not an inherently negative occurrence by nature, and to desire suppression for this is to chastise for the emotions of an individual which have clearly become too much to contain... much like your original post, if I may be so bold. And at this point, I remind you, read on and you will see where this is going.

    As you follow your post from top to bottom, and as we approach the half way mark, the more you see beyond the words and into the detail where the devil exists... you start to understand. You, good sir, are ranting about a matter that is something you yourself mentioned in your rant... *""They are literally just there to vent about things not many people care about", which when you look at your original post bares a striking resemblance to what you are posting against in the first place.

    HOWEVER, I have implored you to read on, and this is where your original post gains credence. The moment that you turned you post from almost hypocritical in nature, to something that I can get behind. *"If you, reader, are someone who complains, please at the very least PLEASE provide some suggestion when you need to vent." and, true to word, you did... your solution was to ignore it.

    This, dear sir, is the fundamental and important point.

    Ranting is not bad, venting is not bad, showcasing any form of negative emotion is not bad... what makes it bad however is the failure for the rant to provide a point of improvement. These two points in your post are what makes it hold weight, the fact that releasing negative emotions for the sake of it does not resolve to over arching problems, and you should always attempt to resolve them with a suggestion (even if it's a dumb one).

    But with this, I ask you dear sir, when you have viewed posts of ranting, of rage, of venting in anger and sorrow... have you really listened to the words that are said? Have you really understood the issues and what could potentially make them better which can be suggestive within the rant itself, or perhaps even unknowingly written among the rage?

    Venting, ranting and raging are contextual. They provide the causality of the issue, the effect to the cause. What matters is what the cause is and how it can be fixed, as you so rightly eluded to in your original post. But venting, ranting, "whining/complaining" can be valuable when you see beyond the emotion and into the raw data of the thread.

    I do not disagree with you in intent, only in substance. Hate does breed hate, but out of the ashes of the hate, good can rise... just like in war.


    Jessie "Realdawnseeker" Fawkes.

    Now thats how you post !!!!

  • @lobane said in Hate & Game Communities:

    @blam320 said in Hate & Game Communities:

    It's the equivalent of someone walking up to their cashier/waiter/salesperson, and loudly proclaiming that they are angry about the service. In those circumstances, do you think it's the smart thing to do for all the customers to stand up and say 'you're out of line buddy' or 'you're exaggerating' or 'my meal is just fine, or 'go eat somewhere else then'? Or do you think it's the best course of action to allow the restaurant/establishment and its own employees handle the situation, as they see fit?

    This made me chuckle. I visualised someone in a restaurant calling over the waiter to complain about their order and the table next to them shouting:

    "Git gud!"

    "It's a pirate restaurant!"

  • So if you want posts with no real content other than emotional feedback banned or removed, does that include positive ones?
    Where is the value in a post saying
    "yay! I love this game!" compared to the one saying they don't?
    Or are you just asking that the mods or community shut down stuff you disagree with?

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