Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!)

  • Developers tease a new activity to pass the time out at sea

    Along with an eye-catching trailer to tease the Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores content updates for Sea of Thieves (due in July and September, respectively), Rare took E3 as an opportunity to field questions from the game's community. The studio uploaded one such roundtable discussion this week.


    This 26-minute-long conversation with executive producer Joe Neate and senior producer Adam Park is too long-winded to fully recap, but I've done my best to capture the salient points -- particularly with respect to those two big updates. Some of the tidbits are new(ish), while others just bear repeating.

    Cursed Sails introduces skeleton crews, and they'll be here to stay

    With July's Cursed Sails, Rare will add skeleton ships as a roaming threat to bolster sea skirmishes. "We're gonna run a kind of time-limited campaign to introduce them with a bit of story, a bit of lore, a bit of reasons to go and engage with them and get rewards and everything," said Neate. "And we're going to make sure there's reasons to replay it as well." (The Hungering Deep drew this criticism.)

    "From that point onwards, [skeleton ships] stay in the world as a kind of emergent threat and we do want to get to a place where we can add them into quests. They're also going to be introducing cursed cannonballs into the world. So as part of that campaign they're going to be bringing a new ammo type in which to start with only they will have, so they're gonna be using them on players and then once the campaign ends that's when they'll leave them in the world for everyone else to discover."

    Speaking more broadly about how Rare wants to roll out new features, Neate said he pictures updates as "a guided tour" -- the new stuff "comes in with a bit of lore, a bit of story and everything behind it, but then all of those features are just there to enrich Sea of Thieves from that point onwards."

    There will soon be four teams working on content updates

    The Hungering Deep team, which just added the megalodon, "has already moved onto what's next for them." Neate said he's "excited about what they're gonna be working on because I think there's a big part of the game that needs to be enriched further, and that's what their goal is going to be."

    "Currently we've got three teams internally but we're actually splitting up a fourth team at the moment so by the start of July there'll be a fourth team working on content updates. So they'll be working on the kind of like end-of-year December [update]." The extra time means "they'll be able to get even more in."

    Addressing downtime out at sea

    One of the things on the Forsaken Shores team's list that they'll try and get into the September-bound update is a new activity. Neate teased that it's something pirates would "commonly do out at sea to pass the time that quite of a lot of people have maybe been asking for, like quite consistently."

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    Players will have to contend with volcanoes in Forsaken Shores

    "The world is going to be much more perilous," Neate said of Forsaken Shores. "It's gonna have volcanoes which are gonna rain down fire and hellfury on players and on ships."

    To help make the pirate life a tad easier, players will have access to a new row boat to scurry between islands while their ship is anchored in a safe position. "We see those kinds of features like the rowboat just enriching things for everyone and the experience. And so there's a number of other little things alongside Forsaken Shores that we're trying to get in that I think address [tedium on voyages]."

    Pets are on the backburner, and fishing is oft-requested

    "We want to bring [monkeys] in as pets. But at the moment that's on the backburner while we just look to add new content to the world. Ultimately, that is part of how we want to generate additional revenue. We've talked about that quite openly before. Our focus right now is the next few content updates, getting through those, and then we'll be looking at where we slot [pets] into the roadmap."

    Neate also described fishing as "much-requested," and added that Rare has "had discussions around said mechanic. So yeah, I guess we'll wait and see."

    Rare uses telemetry to see if its design choices are working as intended

    Here's a neat little factoid: During the first week of The Hungering Deep, "ship-to-ship encounters resulted in fights 50 percent less of the time," according to Neate. "So we basically made Sea of Thieves twice as friendly during The Hungering Deep. Which is really cool, because that was absolutely our intent by introducing reasons to cooperate and work together."

    "When we introduced public and private crews, use of the brig mechanic halved because people were using it to manage their crews and like they were kind of abusing the system, but they didn't really have a choice. So as soon as we allowed you to lock off slots on your crew, the usage of the brig is halved."

    A three-person ship is coming, and more types are on the table

    "When we look at our telemetry, it's roughly about 30 percent play solo, 30 percent play duo, 30 percent play the galleon with four players, and about 10 percent use three players on the galleon," said Neate. In July, Rare will add the three-player Brigantine ship "to kind of plug that gap."

    "We always want to continue expanding the fleet as we move forward. We definitely have discussions about like 'if we were to bring something a bit bigger in what would that be and how would it work?' But at the moment it's the three-player ship for now, and then, y'know, the future is yet to be told."

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    Source: https://www.destructoid.com/rare-offers-more-details-on-sea-of-thieves-cursed-sails-and-forsaken-shores-updates-509336.phtml

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  • @mad-jack-ketch Thanks for condensing the video! if I can remember correctly is was around 28 minutes long and I definitely don't have the time and patience to sit through that. But yeah, thanks a lot, this thread was very helpful :)

  • So the Skeletons will troll us with their cursed cannonballs! :O

    Looks like a lot of fun is coming!

  • @mad-jack-ketch said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    "From that point onwards, [skeleton ships] stay in the world as a kind of emergent threat

    Pfff again....we need AI controlled ships with some loot freely coursing in seas, not just suddenly appearing boring "threats"
    Rare, have you ever played any game at all? Usually there is some enemies, loot, fights, and not just friendly sitting on thrones, rainbows and ponies...It's not VR chat (yet)
    Do you really think that shooting at tentacles of sluggish octopus is really that fun ? It even doesn't resist...15 cannon shots and you are free with no rewards, is it supposed to be fun ?

    Empty seas, empty islands, one passing sloop in hour, one "threat" at day and only if on galleon...Repetitive quests, one type of enemies! Instead of adding more AI enemies and randomly generated quests(even with existing items - to clean the island of skeletons, to transport valuable items from one trader to another, to lay exploding barrels under the fort and blow it up, to sink 5 enemy boats, to find and eliminate Kraken, etc. etc. ) we gonna add pets and more "threats"... Sea of boredom!

    With such a great game mechanics you could make some fantastic game, but you make wrong choices and really dumb moves like constant visual downgrade and friendly events in pirate labelled game

  • @symbioto calm down and take your pills

  • @symbioto Seems like you've not played the game at all either. They obviously play their game. Ever watched the early dev updates and gameplay? They also sail around under the R logo on the seas. So your comment is completely invalid.

  • @king-deka said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    @symbioto calm down and take your pills

    Somebody gave you a word ?

  • Great video! You can tell they listen and care very deeply about the players as well as the world they are creating for us.

  • I just want to see what kind of cosmetics, and actual new items we get with Cursed Sails and Forgotten Shores.

    Maybe some new Athena outfits and items, maybe some new ship customization stuff, maybe another new instrument?

    Definitely want more outfits and toys. (Cannonballs don't count)

  • Great Summary!

    You should do this more often. :p

  • I'm so glad they decided to add skeleton crews. The seas have been empty for too long and this addition will help a lot. Now Rare needs to add things BELOW the waves!

  • @taedolf I never wrote this. I laid it out like it was in the source! :)

  • @mad-jack-ketch So they see that the use of the brig is down after closed crews, and they see this as a good thing, as do I, so here's a thought...

    Eliminate the brig entirely. It literally seems to be used for nothing but trolling, or conversely getting a free ride in the brig instead of leaving, but reaping all of the rewards of the voyages. It adds nothing to the game. Give the option to vote kick and be done with it. You either want someone on your crew, or you don't. What is the point in putting someone in the brig? To be a jerk?

  • @mad-jack-ketch I’m glad that they are actually able to gauge the success/failure/impact of their design choices. I just lost an argument about whether or not THD quantifiable decreases hostile encounters. I feel it’s an odd choice to want to increase cooperation between crews in a game about pirates and thievery, and I hope they find a good balance to achieve the “uneasy alliances” that they’ve started discussing.

  • That's a b****r that pets seem to be pushed out further than initially planned. Cool to see fishing is coming, just hope it's implemented in a meaningful way (primarily something that doesn't keep people hiding anchored in some corner of the map). I still see no value in a rowboat outside of maybe that volcanic island. Stoked on a 3 man ship, pretty much never have a crew of 4 so my 3 man crew will be quite stoked for that.

  • @airsicktimelord I think they should change the brig to be where you hold captured Skeletons or an NPC you have defeated in a quest.

    I made a topic with that being one of my ideas on how to improve on the current trading missions: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/62249/a-few-suggestions-to-improve-on-the-voyages

  • Meh. I smell disappointment

  • @dark-henrik-22 said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    @airsicktimelord I think they should change the brig to be where you hold captured Skeletons or an NPC you have defeated in a quest.

    I made a topic with that being one of my ideas on how to improve on the current trading missions: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/62249/a-few-suggestions-to-improve-on-the-voyages

    I like it! Good idea man. All for that

  • @spunkus-skunkus
    As an almost completely deaf person who prefers to read, thanks for the write up.

  • @mrgrim67686 I think you mentioned the wrong person, thanks for the praise though :P

  • Sounds to me like the Hungering deep team might be working on content for pirate Legends next.
    Hope they do a better job than they did with the Hungering deep, where all they did was flesh out the animations for a pre-existing fat shark and animated a stationary NPC whilst rolling out Ship skins that were available in Alpha.

  • @bran-the-ent they say hostile encounters dropped, but what about the player base ? Need more information, to see if THD is the only reason behaviour has changed.

  • So what youre saying is that you release a skeleton game, make your core players suffer through hardships with team killing and toxic players, develop actual content and gameplay for us to have a year later? The game still isnt functioning 100% (for example skeleton fort waves) and along with the team issues it's disheartening to walk away empty handed after 2 hours of play time after time.

  • @king-deka He's quite right though. Adding an AI threat when AI is pretty non-existent is a pretty bad idea. The only thing people can say for certain, is that the skeletons on the cannons will be a threat. However, how well can you expect the ship to steer if they can't get basic AI right aka the meg circling into islands? It's a legitimate worry really.

    They need to work on basics before they start additions. However, they released their game in a shambled state with the promise of additions. So, they are kind of in a bind. They can't work on it+add additions at the same time, so they decided to do weekly patches that generally break more than they fix and come with hidden changes like graphical changes that people pick up on immediately.

    Sooo, for you to tell him to take his pills, is kind of rude, don't ya think? It's great that you like the game, but if someone is legitimately bringing up issues, don't disregard them. It isn't how you get problems fixed.

  • Thanks for the write up with the video. Great things on the horizon for all of us to experience in Sea of Thieves.

  • @symbioto I know a few have already said this, but this isn't the same as Meg or Kraken, this is going to be a threat that has loot for a start and will be moving around the map.

    This is going to be good for the game as it means people will be exploring even more to find them.
    No-one has yet said how they will emerge, or even how many will be on the sea at any one time, so hold your horses in calling it boring.

    With packs of Meg raming, Kraken appearing more frequently in my eyes and now the skeletons, plus fortnightly events the seas are by no means empty and in comparison to the 20th March there is definitely more to do in the game.

  • @kashaarafall said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    However, how well can you expect the ship to steer if they can't get basic AI right aka the meg circling into islands? It's a legitimate worry really.

    HA! Meg will swim into islands? I need to check out a video of that! :D

  • @Mad-Jack-Ketch great summary fella, well worth the read and it's interesting to see how people have jumped the gun on fishing as the "downtime at sea" idea, given that he later seems to say that fishing is something that they are thinking about, not working.

    I wonder if games are coming to the seas instead?

  • @sshteeve said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    @symbioto I know a few have already said this, but this isn't the same as Meg or Kraken, this is going to be a threat that has loot for a start and will be moving around the map.

    So it's kinda mobile skeli fort ? Will see then. In the videos I saw they just mentioned "new emerging threat" without other details

  • @symbioto Certainly sounds like it from what I have read and seen from the devs. they even mention that it would have a whole lotta loot in one recent video.

  • @ironuzuka Hostile encounters may have temporarily dropped during the Hungering Deep, but they are right back to where they were

    The speaking trumpet has become next to useless again. Everyone pretty much ignores it and it’s mostly back to murder on sight again at all times

  • @sshteeve Since ya asked.

    This was posted by dinosaurpanties on pretty much the day the meg was put into the servers. Goes from being broken via pathfinding to literally flying. So yeah...also important to note the tail is literally on land multiple times, which tells you the water there is shallow, aka, shouldn't allow a meg.

  • @kashaarafall Cheers!

  • @symbioto said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    @sshteeve said in Rare offers more details on Sea of Thieves' Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores updates (A Good Read if you missed it!):

    @symbioto I know a few have already said this, but this isn't the same as Meg or Kraken, this is going to be a threat that has loot for a start and will be moving around the map.

    So it's kinda mobile skeli fort ? Will see then. In the videos I saw they just mentioned "new emerging threat" without other details

    Mobile forts is pretty much an accurate description of the Skeleton Ships when you take a closer look on them.
    if you notice, the ship has some constructions on it that looks similar to the forts.

  • I love Joe lol.

    Joe: "We'll probably leak a few things... so how many ways do you want me to say we're adding fishing without me actually saying it?"

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