For gold to crescent isle you sail, but ill take a wager you will fail,
find the highest point on your way, when this is done then music play,
Be at the South East narrow rocky pass leading to the cave i now demand,
hoist lantern aloft while you stand.
(my problem is i stand at what a assume is entrance and raise lantern lit and nothing happens)
Hard Crescent Isle Riddle Please help
@drewbagga When trying to solve riddles like these, it's best not to stand in one spot but kind of run around in the area while holding your lantern high, reading the map or playing music. Sometimes you have to be just in the right spot and you won't find it unless you move around a bit.
@drewbagga Make sure you are near where Salty currently sits. That's the rocky pass they're referring to, I'd imagine.
EDIT: Just realized the OP was 3 days ago. lol.
Hmm, south east narrow rocky pass sounds like the cut through tunnel to me, where it opens out either side into the caves, maybe one side or the other?
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