Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing

  • Hi everyone,

    Following on from my post on Friday, I wanted to share an update with progress towards our Forsaken Shores release.

    Our priority is to ensure we deliver a stable, polished and bug-free experience that all our players can enjoy. We have just had a weekend of Pioneer testing, which has highlighted a memory issue in the build, which is resulting in an unstable build where a large number of our Pioneers were experiencing crashes. From our investigations this is a complex issue that we are working through solving, but as such we do not feel in a position to release Forsaken Shores to our players with confidence this week.

    Our goal this week is to resolve the memory issue and get enough Pioneer coverage so that we are confident we have resolved the issue, prior to releasing to all of our players. As such, we are moving the release of Forsaken Shores to Thursday 27th September. This will give us time to implement fixes, test, and get builds out to Pioneers to gain confidence.

    We appreciate your understanding with this change in our release plans. I know this will be disappointing, but I resolutely believe this is the right decision. We are committed to giving everyone the best Forsaken Shores release experience, and this will enable that.

    Thanks to all of our Pioneers for their support in providing valuable feedback and bug reports on Forsaken Shores so far. Alongside helping us gain confidence in the release from a stability perspective, we have been able to make significant tweaks to the gameplay experience as a result of the feedback we’ve received, and it is better for it.


    Joe Neate
    Executive Producer

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  • @the3sheetsneate Thanks for the further update Joe!

    Like the majority of players said in the last update - I'm sure we would all rather see a stable, fully polished build than one that is rushed out to meet demand!

    I wish you and the team the bestest of luck with the final spit and polish!

    And to the all the Pioneers submitting feedback and bugs...

  • @the3sheetsneate Thank you for the update!! No problem matey, good things take time! Easy for me to say as I can play pioneer sessions but it's for the best :)

  • @the3sheetsneate Oh my gosh. 27th? Thats too long. But ok, if you release an stable version of the game no problem.

  • @the3sheetsneate

    As I said before...

  • @the3sheetsneate thanks for the update 👍🏽

  • @the3sheetsneate No problem buddy we can all wait keep up the hard work thanks for addressing this

  • @personalc0ffee agreed

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  • Thanks for the update Joe and keeping us in touch.
    Right, rum in hand and crew waiting so happy sailing to all while waiting till the 27th 😁

  • Thanks @The3SheetsNeate and to the Pioneers.

  • Ahoy @the3sheetsneate

    This is far from disappointing to me.

    Your transparency about the game and its development, as well as attentive listening to the feedbacks of your players are things you can be proud of.

    I greatly appreciate your hard dedication to get us amazing updates.

    In any case I am wholeheartedly with you and the team and I send them all my support to achieve this big update.

    Thank you again, and please, don't forget to take some rest!

  • @the3sheetsneate

    Ahoy there, thanks for the the clear and concise update - we know there may well be some disappointment out there not only in Rare HQ but I am certain that everyone will support the decision to delay the release and keep our fingers crossed for a speedy resolution!

  • 27th or 19th make little difference to me!!
    I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure the delay will make the release better.
    I am sorry that the original date wasn't met, but only for your own satisfaction and intent... it doesn't bother me or make me think any lesser about you or the product!!

    I'm just glad you all are making this fantastic game for us to enjoy!! It's no simple task!!

  • This was the right call. I wish you and the team the best of luck in solving the identified problems.

  • This is the universe’s message that it’s time to cross the Devil’s Shroud and enter reality for a while. Thanks for the update, till then I’m just going to watch the world (and these forums) burn for a bit.

    I hope the devs really take time to dive into all the feedback that has been posted here - there are a lot of great nuggets...

  • @the3sheetsneate yet another in a continuing series of excellent updates. As I might have quoted before..."It's better to go slower in the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction." :-D

  • @the3sheetsneate no problem with this delay...

    take your time, Idk if this is possible, but invite another players to test and look for bugs too.

    Better later than a game with a lot of bugs...

  • Thank you and the team for your transparency!

  • Glad you are taking as much feedback as possible this time. I'll be perfectly happy waiting the extra week if it means a stable build.

    Oh hopefully that extra time means improvement to the barrel ui other than a take all 👍

  • @personalc0ffee NDA?

    @The3SheetsNeate Im happy to wait abit longer, will we be getting any update this week or is the cursed cannonball event here untill FS release?

  • To be honest I (Basically) knew it was going to be delayed.
    So it wasn't that much of a shock when I heard the news.

    Anyways, better late than buggy.
    Forsaken Shores

    Btw: will we be getting a Patch for the current issues in the game this week?

  • Please release a patch this week for the current bugs in the game. We have been waiting patiently. Seriously we need a fix for at least the sloop cannonball barrels... They are bugged sometimes and inaccessible.

  • 27th... hum.. this month has 30 days and it's a Sunday... okay 27th makes sense..
    Well, thank you for the update and communication.

    I'll be here, waiting for 9/27 hopping it won't have the same issues as well.... :P (noo, serious, I really hope not. :O )

  • @the3sheetsneate no worries Neate, i preffer a stable launch than an early and bugged one :D
    We'll be here


  • I think many people are understandably frustrated at the delay, but if that's what has been decided, no point in dwelling on it.

    That being said- now that we've had the same Bilge Rat Adventure for going on 3 weeks (4 when Forsaken Shores does finally come out), can we please have a new event this upcoming patch day?

    Also, when will the preview site (aka be live so we can continue to get hyped up for the release?

  • I’m ok with this because I was just asked at work to run 12 hour shifts every day for two weeks. Win for me and as excited I am for the release of the forsaken shores as a pioneer seeing some of the bugs in the past that haven’t made it into the release of the actual game I’d rather it be as bug free as possible so waiting a week or even another month if it comes to it it’s still worth having a good gaming experience in the end.

  • @the3sheetsneate There's a weird feeling inside me that's a mixture of "I can't wait to play FS" and "I'll gladly wait for a stable build." Kinda weird lol.

  • @the3sheetsneate This saddens me, I was really exited for Forsaken shores and now I'll have to wait an extra week for rowing boats :(

  • @the3sheetsneate Well at least it doesn't stop you all hitting up EGX to ignore the past month of self inflicted game breaking bugs and issues on a weekly basis, so you can deliver a panel on Saturday talking about what it is like to develop Sea of Thieves and to keep bringing new content to it.

    Have fun in Birmingham now ya hear :)

  • @eggamer13 Just understand that it needs the extra time and more testing. You wouldn't want it to be released broken it would just ruin your experience.

  • @the3sheetsneate said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    Hi everyone,

    Following on from my post on Friday, I wanted to share an update with progress towards our Forsaken Shores release.

    Our priority is to ensure we deliver a stable, polished and bug-free experience that all our players can enjoy. We have just had a weekend of Pioneer testing, which has highlighted a memory issue in the build, which is resulting in an unstable build where a large number of our Pioneers were experiencing crashes. From our investigations this is a complex issue that we are working through solving, but as such we do not feel in a position to release Forsaken Shores to our players with confidence this week.

    Our goal this week is to resolve the memory issue and get enough Pioneer coverage so that we are confident we have resolved the issue, prior to releasing to all of our players. As such, we are moving the release of Forsaken Shores to Thursday 27th September. This will give us time to implement fixes, test, and get builds out to Pioneers to gain confidence.

    We appreciate your understanding with this change in our release plans. I know this will be disappointing, but I resolutely believe this is the right decision. We are committed to giving everyone the best Forsaken Shores release experience, and this will enable that.

    Thanks to all of our Pioneers for their support in providing valuable feedback and bug reports on Forsaken Shores so far. Alongside helping us gain confidence in the release from a stability perspective, we have been able to make significant tweaks to the gameplay experience as a result of the feedback we’ve received, and it is better for it.


    Joe Neate
    Executive Producer

    I for one haven't had one single release or update from your team that wasn't filled with bugs. In my opinion moving the release date will only upset and make players lose interest. better option would've been to expand the event and story time to do them so that they could still explore and see all the cool things and some lucky might not experience bugs. Its very disappointing that this felt needed to be done when there were better alternatives. Such as releasing it and using the public as a test would've been far better than just the pioneers if the "bugs" and "crashes" were so frequent. Release as normal and monitor it on a larger scale.

  • a delay for the sake of quality is never a bad thing and i commend you for making this brave decision and all the transparency

  • @tinballoon24929

    We're all sad, mate, especially Rare, but better to wait than try and play something which has fairly serious bugs like the memory leak Joe mentions.

  • @rainn-flutterrs said in Forsaken shores - an update after the weekend's Pioneer testing:

    @eggamer13 Just understand that it needs the extra time and more testing. You wouldn't want it to be released broken it would just ruin your experience.

    Every expansion thus far has been riddled with the same bugs. I mean how long did we have the cannon bug; 2 months? not to mention all the other issues. from the meg, karen, or the ships. each thing added has presented many many bugs. News flash that is 99.9% of games and there is no way to prevent all of them. They WILL slip through.

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