Please add a PvE Mode

  • Game needs a PvE Mode, especially for solo players (and no I dont want to find a team, I like playing solo) its really hard to enjoy the game and getting not killed over and over again. A PvE mode would noone hurt, players who like PvP can still play Pvp and players who dont like dont have to.

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  • @hipsu555
    The Game almost become a PvE game since then alliance system was addet.
    This has been discussed so many times. Learn to sail, learn the map, keep an eye on the horizon. Its not that hard. And a PvE only Server will bring its own trolls.
    What keeps me from taking your treassure onto my rowboat and cash it in. I dont need to kill you for that. I wouls really love to see ppl thinking their suggestions through.

  • sorry, but this will most likely not happen. part of the game is risk. if you want pve only, go try atlas.

    Or if people want pve only, i say give it to them, just no progression or cut progression rep by like 50%.

  • It won’t hurt the game most mmo games have both types of servers a lot of people including me with this type of game would rather do pve if it doesn’t happen that’s fine I play anyways but people will that have questing in I would rather pve I’ve done that with all games that involve that when I want to pvp I go to first person shooters cause that’s all it is you don’t do anything else

  • i was gonna explain more about this topic however, you all having new forum accounts can jsut use the search button to check out the 1000000 threads on it.

  • The very base premise of this game involves the risk to losing your loot to other players. That's a basic mechanic to what makes this game what it is. A PvE server would eliminate a core part of the gameplay. If you want PvE pirating then go play AC Black Flag?

  • @hipsu555 the game is basically pve mode right now how much more pve could you possibly want lol

  • I concur. Sometimes I just want to sit back and relax. Explore, find treasure and kill skeletons. A lot of times my experience is ruined by getting killed by other players. It makes me immediately stop playing and a few times I have uninstalled the game and not played the game for months because it leaves such a bad impression.

  • I understand what everyone is saying and I think everyone is is about pirates backstabbing,stealing and so forth so yes pvp but also people just want to play the game cause it’s questing and pirates and you can kick back and do that if your not interrupted.i played age of Conan for years a mmo the name says it all and you would think it’s a PvP game when actually it’s both I was on both servers PvP and pve had 2 different groups of friends who wanted to play different ways so I played both.same goes with this game you got different types of people who want something different in the game.most every mmo has both wow and so forth or pver’s raise a flag and everyone leaves them alone and I bet there would b a lot.i see both sides.i just want the game to survive for years

  • @hipsu555 Imo the problem wouldnt be that the player base would be divided, it's that everyone who isnt a PL would go on the PVE servers to hit PL. Making the title meaningless, the only way you should be able to play by yourself with no risk if there were Zero Progression Private Servers, meaning you couldn't progress rep or gold and that way you could control who youre playing with in the server.

    Pve servers may seem like a good idea to some but it'll make finding defenseless ships a whole lot easier for griefers. Even if they cant spawn camp your ship they can still find other ways if not more infuriating ways to grief.

    Ex. The griefer could literally just sit on ship verbally harassing you, sure you can mute him but does that get him off your ship? Or they could just ram you over and over, forbidding you from doing what you want to be doing and the worst thing is you cant even shoot him.

    But on the other hand with Zero Progession Private Server it would benefit the game in more way than 1:

    1. Enjoying the sandbox
    2. Being in a server with multiple groups of friends
    3. Having Servers with user made gametypes ex. Last Ship Standing, hold the skull etc.
    4. No unfair way to hit pirate legend
    5. It wont divide the playerbase, it being zero progression and all
    6. Lore and Easter Egg hunting

    It would a sort of niche but nice addition.

  • And again... And again... And again... And again... And again... And again... And again...

  • @hipsu555

    While I'm still a PvE Mode advocate, @dennis-box is correct in saying that Alliances have reduced the overall PvP element of the game.
    I've been a Solo-Slooper for most of my in-game play, but through allainces, I've met several people to sail with, and have been in crews a lot recently, and we've averaged maybe 2-3 battles with regular PvPers per session (we have LONG sessions).
    So, it has been reduced and the seas are generally calmer to sail solo.
    That being said, I still feel there should be a PvE mode for those who wish to play unmolested.

  • People keep asking this and lots of people (less and less now because yeah people are tired of saying this) say no. Why? Because a PvE mode goes against the core of this game.

    No the Core of this game isnt PvP it also isn't PvE It's Freedom.

    What would a PvE mode be but a restriction on gameplay? The Current model gives you the freedom to interact, taking away PvP takes away freedom and that my good folks is why this game is as it is and why you won't get a PvE mode.

    As I understand it's also not a simple case of enabeling pirate servers because as far as I figured out they are

    1. Pretty heavy servers
    2. Rare and Microsoft want to keep a certain quality to the experience and having private servers might give people the wrong idea concerning how the game runs, with wat mods etc.

    Also comparing this to MMORPG's is like comparing apples to bananas they are fundementally different. Same as you don't compare it to overwatch because both have PvP and first person.

  • So heres my take.. As everyone else has stated pve mode is a bad idea but all I can say is wait till arena hits, you may see all the blood thirsty pirates no longer in adventure mode because we get what we're looking for more easily in the arena, so essentially the adventure mode may for the most part become more pve friendly, and as for people saying the seas are more calm I have no idea why, I must have a target on my back I've always got to pvp every session 😂 I keep trying to be less ruthless Seing critism on these forums of people hating it but its only served in people mistaking kindness for weakness, so I've learnt my lesson and will continue pvp all ships 😂

  • @hipsu555 said in Please add a PvE Mode:

    Game needs a PvE Mode, especially for solo players (and no I dont want to find a team, I like playing solo) its really hard to enjoy the game and getting not killed over and over again. A PvE mode would noone hurt, players who like PvP can still play Pvp and players who dont like dont have to.

    You are actually begging for getting killed over and over again with this attitude. If you are unable to defend yourself while sailing solo you have several options:

    • Become better
    • Get some friends (or other people)
    • Join a mega fleet server
    • Take a break

    Happy Feast of Winterveil

  • Yes you can’t compare to over watch cause it’s a FPS game that’s it there is no quest or anything else.the other mmo’s you can compare because they all pretty much have same core elements find this,kill that,gather this same as sea of thieves only difference in this game no stats and gear doesn’t have stats.there are people who like PvP and people who don’t people who are good people who aren’t.i don’t care either way u are always get the griefers they usually have real life probs and do that stuff to feel better normal people wouldn’t spam kill.having 4 guys take on 1 is stupid.that is how the game is now so it is what it is but I think people should have choice how to fun is it trying to pvp when the other doesn’t want to.its not.i would b on both servers cause I have friends that like PvP and ones that dont

  • If your feeling anti social, and yearn for a PvE server, just play off peak times like a midnight or wee early morning.

    Not unusual to get a chance to solo a fort or kraken.

  • Pve is what the game needs

  • @lord-pharqwad sagte in Please add a PvE Mode:

    @hipsu555 Imo the problem wouldnt be that the player base would be divided, it's that everyone who isnt a PL would go on the PVE servers to hit PL.

    And whats the probloem with that? Its only a title...
    Btw im already PL and can defend myself, but still would enjoy a truly PvE mode even if I get much less or zero progression. I only want to dig up some chests in peace without having to look all arround me every few minutes

  • This game has PvE, think of what Shrouded Spoils did. You eliminate a very very large factor of risk if there aren't any players, nobody to take over forts then. However if you are suggesting that there are people in the server but you just cant kill those people then whats the point of them being there, especially if you have no intentions of teaming and no intentions of killing each other. Either way of what you mean, things are put on too much of an easy mode.

  • @hipsu555 The game would not be Sea of Thieves if there were no thieves. It is a PvPvE experience at it’s core. I sail solo and have long stretches of relaxing times, now made more intense by Skellie Ships, the Meg, and the Kraken. As you learn the game (best don’r as part of a crew), soloing becomes easier to manage and a nice respite from the chaos that can occur with crews (especially open crews). Will you still get killed? Yeah, will you still get robbed? Yeah. But at that point you just might be able to get some of your own back.

    You have to view other crews as obstacles to getting and turning in your loot - just like any of the PvE elements. Take that view and you’ll enjoy the game much more.

  • I’m on both sides you shouldn’t get penalized by no progression if you were on a pve server it doesn’t affect a PvP server I think what the PvP players will b afraid of is that there are a lot more pve players than PvP I’ve said it doesn’t matter to me but why can’t players chose what they want.i have fun in both but if I had to chose one I think I would do pve but doesn’t matter

  • Rare are think of adding a private server because with this big update it might bring something.

  • @hipsu555 no, and you know why? Because this topic has 10000 threads already. It's an Pvp game it's advertised as it, why the hell should someone change is whole game for ppl that can't even use the search.

  • @bludhunter2321 Dont compare other games to Sea of Thieves its a new type of game and previous systems wont fit here.

  • @hipsu555 And whats the probloem with that? Its only a title...
    No its not it means that you took risks sometimes you lost and sometimes and won, it would ruin the value of that title.
    Gold and rep will be easier to earn, athena voyages would have minimal risk and would be easy to finish.
    So a title does have a value.

  • I was against it long time and my point was because it splits the playerbase.
    My points were and still are not:
    Meaning of titles, progression or something like that.
    These points are stupid.
    I dont care if someone plays easy mode and gets to the same level or reputation like me, because it's only reputation and i approach this game in no way as a competition when we talk about levels.
    There is competition, but not about progress or anything like that.
    So people arguing with "meaning" or "easy mode" should just stop to be petty
    and begrudge others their way to play.
    Just to remember.
    Most worthy chest in the game was 900 in the beginning, there were no rep buy for Dubloons, no that much Forts, no Megs, no Skaleones, even no powderkeg skeletons. Ship cosmetics were 30% more expensice etc.
    Oh and commendations...
    To me this all is not only ok, but it was neccessary to balance the game for players who dont do this for a meaning or the effort= reward credo, but for fun playing the game.
    Nothing, absolutely nothing else count for me. Make it a fun game for everyone.
    Those who nitpick and envy others to become PL more easy or whatever should be ashamed imho.
    Who wants to play with you in RL?
    That often reminds me of little kids not granting some other to have fun with your toy.

    So, my point against a pve Server was allways splitting the playerbase.
    But now we split the playerbase and do an Arena mode.
    I'm interested, but honestly i'm also interested in pve story elements and immersing into the Sea of Thieves.
    The whole disdain about Sea of Friends and Alliances is ridiculous.
    As if a game called xy of Thieves cannot be played friendly, cooperative and such. Really?
    Cant take you serious.

    They should give people freedom of choice and because progression in this game is gamemechanically meaningless they could reduce the XP for less danger when sailing coop only.
    So i vote for a coop mode where you can go solo or with your crew and have no other players, just you and if you want up to 3 friends.
    If we get a pvp mode i dont see why we dont get a coop mode so we would have

    Arena - PvP mode
    Adventure - PvPvE mode
    Coop - PvE mode

    Since Arena is announced i cant find any points against it, because the only point was not splitting players.
    People who argue with meaning, easy mode and things like that appear nitpicking and childish to me.

    If i have no crewmembers online or if i'm in a very peacefull and relaxed mood to maybe just sail around a bit and do some quests i would prefer that mode solo.
    If i have a crew i prefer Adventure mode and to interact with others cooperative and competetive.

    Honestly, with upcoming Arena we will see a lot of toxicity coming and also to Adventure mode.
    The most gamers arent the people i want to play with, because if their approach gaming systems and to be too serious about it all and exagerating.
    I don't want to be pessimistic, but Arena can not only push the game but also do a lot of damage to it, because the community can become much more toxic.

  • The PVE excuse only for grind the server, ok you can ask that but you will no win cosmetics, money or reputation.

    Also for what you need, if you only want to spend time and discover the world

  • @aithemed And why wouldn't you get anything on PvE servers?
    These days, it's not the players you have to watch out for, it's everything else.
    When the game started out, the only real threat on the seas were the players. Not so anymore, there are plenty of things out there to ruin your day now.
    It is more dangerous than ever, and with more dangers being added with pretty much every update, it wouldn't be a bad idea for PvE servers, because sooner or later, you won't be able to go 10 feet without getting shot at by some form of NPC.

  • @lord-pharqwad agreed as long as it has zero progression I support private servers

  • first off you bought a pvp game. end of story goodbye. goodbye thread, this probs gon get bopped cause its 2 months old so ima get that last word. hows it going fellow readers lol i bet you wish you could respond to me aye

  • @d4m0r3d It is not a PvP game first of all. So you can see yourself out.

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