I can change the ship frequently depending on what we set sail for that night and mood. Currently the ship has been Ghost Hull, Unicorn Figurehead, Rogue Sea Dog Sails, Admiral Wheel, Admiral Cannons, and Admiral Capstan. Like Bone Crusher wheel, cannons, and capstan a lot, but the wheel currently has the graphical glitches.
My pirate typically wears Forsaken Ashes Hat, Bilge Rate Shirt, Scurvy Bilge Rat Gloves, Rogue Sea Dog Jacket, Ghost Belt, Forsaken Ashes Trousers, Sea Dog Boots, Forsaken Ashes Peg Leg, and Executive Admiral Eyepatch. I use the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass, Ebon Flintlock Pistol, Kraken Blunderbuss, Rogue Sea Dog EoR, Grand Admiral Compass, and Sovereign Pocket watch regularly.