The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour

  • I recently uploaded a bunch of Forza Horizon 2 screenshots to show the liveries/paintjobs and vinyls/decals I designed in that game. Many of vinyls could double as tattoos... particularly stuff like this tribal bird or tribal elephant.

    Symmetrical abstracts are so much easier to make clean and even with software. Hopefully, FH3 has improved the design toolset. I'll try to design an anchor abstract sometime. But I generally don't have a plan when I'm designing something. I just keep adding and manipulating shapes until something cool emerges (or doesn't).

  • Just had this tattoo done! Love it!

    Ready to sail!! #ThePiratesLifeForMe

    #Seaofthievesalt text

  • @Stebag well thats about as you can get! 10/10

  • @Stebag thats awesome dude! The good thing with that tattoo is even if SoT sucks (please dont suck) its still a good design in its own right.

    At least you didn't get something like Sea of Thieves in a Love Mum style heart.

  • @TheAaronLeigh
    I'd love to share my tattoos even though they aren't pirate themed but how do I add the photos? (It's probably an easy thing to do but I'm just not seeing the option lol so sorry if it's a stupid question xD)

  • @NuttyTwitchy22 The easiest way I've found is start up an IMGUR account and then do the following:

    • Drag the picture from your computer to the browser window with Imgur website open, it should prompt to "Drop Images Here" (it will auto upload) to Imgur by dropping it on the website.
    • Don't have to publish it, unless you want to.
    • Hover your mouse over your account name (top right)
    • Click "Images"
    • Find the image you uploaded and click on it.
    • You should find a bunch of URL's on the right of the window that pops up.
    • Copy the "Direct Link" (if you need to resize the picture along the bottom are "sizes" you can pick from which will alter the link slightly, changing the size)
    • Create a post in SoT forum and click the little picture button above.
    • You'll see text like this: ![alt text](image url)
    • Replace "image url" with the Direct Link you copied earlier. (leaving the ( ) in place)
    • Either leave the ![alt text] as is and the photo will should just show up in preview. BUT if you want to create a link instead to the photo you delete the ! and change "alt text" to what ever you want the link to say, like CLICK HERE or what ever.

    Hope that makes sense!

    Good luck, I know my instructions were clear if you successfully upload a tattoo picture! haha

    EDIT: Made instructions a little clearer.

  • ![test](file:///C:/Users/hallo_000/Pictures/sketches/scan0003.jpg)


    edit: Thanks, but I don't even see anything when I hover my cursor over my profile picture, not my name in the chat status when I click on the profile picture, nor on my profile page, nor when I hover the cursor over my name above a previous post. I don't see the "Images" option anywhere.

    Simply dragging a picture to the page did create a link. But, as you can see above, neither pasting that into the picture code nor pasting it by itself included the image here.

    I have included pictures in a post before, so I know it can be done. But it must depend on the link. If I link to a share link from my OneDrive account, it doesn't show on this forum.

  • @hallower1980 oh apologies! I meant drag the picture into the IMGUR website window. Not just the URL of your browser. One seconf I'll take a picture.

    @hallower1980 said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    I have included pictures in a post before, so I know it can be done. But it must depend on the link. If I link to a share link from my OneDrive account, it doesn't show on this forum.

    Yeah the image needs to be hosted online somewhere. Also in my experience the image has to have a .jpg or .png. or .gif at the end of the URL otherwise the forum doesn't recognise it as a picture.

    Example: ![alt text]@(
    if I try to post this link minus the @ symbol. it won't show up. But if I put .jpg at the end of "DxhhKLw" part it shows the picture of two metroids I made on Super Smash Bros.

    alt text

  • Have open and drag the photo from your desktop/save location onto the window and it will say "Drop Images Here".

    • Then use the "Direct URL" as directed above.
      Also note that when you have an account and signed in, the upper right of the picture below will no longer say sign in or sign up. It will have your username like for me normally (on my computer) it says TheAaronLeigh
      alt text
  • Would you guys like me to make a dedicated thread better explaining in detail how to properly navigate the forums, settings, and "How to's" on posting links, photos etc?

    I'll make some example posts and images like the one above showing and pointing to key features. May help some users.

  • No need for a separate post. You said clearly that IMGUR was needed and I just stupidly skimmed over it. Sorry.

    Yes, the image file suffix in the image link sounds like a reason not all links work. Thanks!

  • Let's try this again...

    alt text

    Success! Thanks!

  • @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    Okay Fo'Rum. I need your help.

    I'm organising to get more work done on my arm, adding onto the tattoo shown below.

    Luckily enough I got this crazily talented artist to do it (I have to fly quite a distance to have it done though, will be worth it.) He's even going to go over my current tattoo and fix up/recolour some things.

    I need help working out what to add to my sleeve. Basically I'm keeping it Pirate/nautical themed and then hiding little Geek and gaming nods throughout the piece. Any ideas? I need all the help I can get haha so indecisive...

    EDIT: I should clarify that by "work done" I mean getting a sleeve. 3/4 to full sleeve. Not sure yet.

    @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    My tattoo.

    alt text

    you want to go with the fantasy nautical theme?

  • @CaptnJaq very much so. Ive sent off some images to my tattoo artist and I'll see what he comes up with.

  • Here's a much better presentation of the Forza Horizon 2 vinyls I made. If the vinyl editor in FH3 is at least comparable, I'm sure I'll make more in coming months.

    alt text

  • Couldn't get a photo to post @NuttyTwitchy22 ?

    I'll send you a PM I'll try to help.

  • @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    @CaptnJaq very much so. Ive sent off some images to my tattoo artist and I'll see what he comes up with.

    why not this one?

  • @CaptnJaq said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    @CaptnJaq very much so. Ive sent off some images to my tattoo artist and I'll see what he comes up with.

    why not this one?

    Bwahahahaha that legitimately made me laugh out loud. Also got a quick knee slap. Nicely done.

  • @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    @CaptnJaq said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    @CaptnJaq very much so. Ive sent off some images to my tattoo artist and I'll see what he comes up with.

    why not this one?

    Bwahahahaha that legitimately made me laugh out loud. Also got a quick knee slap. Nicely done.

    thought the quaken would balance your mr moneybags octopus fairly well. plus it kinda carries that same whimsy.

  • @TheAaronLeigh
    Okay it works on my computer so (finally!) here are my three tattoos I have lol

    Peter Pan, Wendy, Jon, and Michael flying with "Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust"
    alt text

    My Fairy Tail Guild Tattoo (Lucy's Color)
    alt text

    And finally my third tattoo...
    "Always Keep Fighting" (a saying for a campaign for depression) with the Anti-Possession tattoo from Supernatural.
    alt text

  • @NuttyTwitchy22
    Still not seeing anything. Check the folder access is not set to private.

  • I see them fine. Ignore NuttyRunic.

  • @hallower1980
    Your right, I can see them on my phone, just not my PC. I can see all the other pics so not sure what the issue is but it does appear to be at my end.

    Ignore me, appears to be an issue at my end. Nice Tattoos.

  • Nicely done @NuttyTwitchy22 on the upload. I can see them fine.

    Also the tattoos are great. Love the Fairy Tail one especially (good show that)

  • @TheAaronLeigh
    Thank you for your help and yes I agree, love the show :)

  • how dedicated is this?
    alt text

    i think it's neat how this bucko uses his scar as his torn and tattered hat.

  • Hey guys, I need some help for ideas for my tattoo sleeve.

    I'm adding to my Kraken above, I'm thinking about getting a pirate themed sleeve and having gaming and nerd nods throughout but I was hoping some of you could help me come up with ideas.

    Currently I have planned the following:

    • Jay and Silent Bob (dressed as pirates) opening a chest and being excited by whats inside.
    • A rum barrel with "DK" printed on it.
    • A wax seal with the Sea of Thieves skull pressed into it.
    • Ship Helm (filler)
    • Key (filler)

    I love Nintendo, Metroid, Tenacious D, Legend of Zelda, video games in general, Muppets, L****y Tunes. etc etc.

    With the things above what other things can I hide throughout the piece? Any kind of pirate themed ideas I can blend in with gaming stuff?

    Thanks in advance for the assist. It's difficult brainstorming ideas.

  • @TheAaronLeigh said in The Good 'ol Pirate Tattoo Parlour:

    With the things above what other things can I hide throughout the piece? Any kind of pirate themed ideas I can blend in with gaming stuff?

    some dc comic heroes as pirates

    Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker dueling in 17th century garb

    using details of the original Muppet Treasure Island poster/cover details as filler

    some Kanagawa insipred Zelda Windwaker filler *Simple *Detailed

    a Zelda and Tetra sailing in their ships composite

    *Cortez the Pirate King *Admiral Bobbery *Mario holding a Map *Character Story coins from Paper Mario & the 1000 Year Door

  • @CaptnJaq nice! Thanks heaps!

    Thats actually quite helpful. Thanks so much.

  • this is a good idea AND tatoo ..

    acquire me a monkey butler who plays the violin and i'd be one happy pirate captn ;')
    alt text

  • I hope characters can have Roster and Pig tattoo(s). Good traditional sailor tattoos. Waiting to get mine done.

  • @Crisp-The-Fox, any reason why those 2 animals?

  • @CaptnJaq Way back when those animals would be transported they would be shipped in crates that were extremely light so they could float. Reason is because both those animals are not able to swim. So the concept behind it is that if a sailor gets those tattooed on his/her feet that if there was any trouble out at sea they would simply float safely back to shore. There is a rhyme to it too. Rather keep this PG though and not get red flagged lol, so I won't post it.

  • @Crisp-The-Fox, could you post but have those naughty words removed? ... i've never heard this part of sea-faring lore before .. it's really neat :D

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