[Mega Thread] The Arena Feedback

  • You need to add cross play opt out for arena it I's making it a chore to get these 240 wins currently at 80 wins but anytime we get in a game with pc players we get second they have unlimited manuvarbility with the mouse turn around instantly and can aim much more accurate than an xbox remote, the mouse and keyboard option for xbox doesn't cut it you can notice just how poorly the game runs on xbox when you use a mouse and turn around this cross play needs to be a priority.

  • Useful feedback/suggestions (I think)

    1. There should be some games like Darts or Dice in the arena Lobby, gives pirates something to do besides get drunk in the hot tub

    2. There should eventually be three additional game modes for arena added, Only Brigs, Only Sloops, and one that would be really awesome, Fleets (one sloop, one Brig, one Gally in alliance) Imagine three separate fleets going at it in arena, if possible that would be so fun.

    3. being able to mute individual pirates to eliminate the people that just spam music or in game chats.

    Love arena so far! Potential is unlimited

  • Every open crew i join there are pirates running circels and im solo or duo galleon -.-

    If we loose they still get rep -.-

  • its borderline unplayable. always stuck at 300 ping. playing adventure with 80 ping, going into the arena is a terrible experience.

  • Hello first sorry for my english.

    I wanted to ask a big question here and hope I'll get some answer... What about bot farming ? I play arena mod in solo and I really enjoy it !!! but 2 game on 3 I can see someone spinning aroung looking to the sky or running straight and doing nothing else.

    This players are taking the experience and gold from your game, and they don't play they just don't play... they probably let theyr xbox or pc on all day long. Are you really giving them every skins and gold like this ? do signal players will change something ? can you verify who is really playing and who's not ? will all these players loose theyr reputation and skins ?

    I admit I'm mad about trying hard to get lvl 50 on arena reputation and see afk being higher than me with no sanction... You guys are doing a good job this game is fun and I still enjoy playing it a lot. I eared you are good listenning your community hope this message will change something.

  • Arena looks good and is funny.
    But please make us turn of crossplay its so unfair.. im not a sour looser but i would be fun playing with pepole with the same hardware.( No twekers and no cheters )
    Every pc player isent a cheter but the have a advantitch... and everyone knows it.
    Pc player are just afriad of loosing ther advantitch thats why the opose the options to turn off crossplay

  • I am so incredibly sick of the spawn points in arena. It straight up sucks to win a fight at an island, to then have the ship you just sank spawn within cannon distance of your own boat. WHAT THE HELL? You barely have time to repair your ship or get chests of the islands before the ship you just sank is already back.

    you HAVE to increase the spawn distance. Or at the very least make it increase with each sink.

    The way it is right now, as soon as crews are at least somewhat decent(which admitedly is quite rare), fights over island just turn into big brawls without any progress. No matter how many times you sink them youre stuck fighting because they just spawn right in your back. All the while some other ship just grinds away chests uncontested.

    I get that you want arena to be exciting and that you dont want too much downtime between action. But spawn the ship I just sank in someone elses back thank you very much. We just won a fight against them and it's insane that you barely get any breathing room. they just get to throw themselves at you over and over and over until youre out of supplies.

    This is just so frustrating, if one ship decides they want to attack you and only you there is nothing you can do because even sinking them does nothing. You just lose because you dont get the time to gather any chests.

  • @rohbroy said in [Mega Thread] The Arena Feedback:

    I have to report a big bug here.

    We were just transfered to a new lobby server while being in the arena lobby.
    This caused my character appearance to "reset" (don't know how to call this otherwise).

    This "reset" causes all vanity items and clothing to be unequipped... while this alone would not be bad at all, since you can just requip everything, the skin tone of you char and everything which was only possible to change during character creation, was reset as well!
    This includes things like default skars or beard-stubbles, which are not part of the vanity chest, and cannot be changed.
    Meaning the character looks completely different now.

    Relogging or restarting the game, will not resolve this issue.

    Bugreport ticket is open.

    I have the same my aperens goes back ro what i had the day befor.. im trying to reinstal the game let yoy know how it works

  • Please add penalties for quitting and AFK. This will go a long way to improve the number of full crews which will provide a better experience for everyone.

    Please put us in a new server for each match. This will help with people quitting because they don't want to play against/with the same people again and again and again. It will also help stop server alliances/farming, which definitely shouldn't be a thing in Arena.

  • @matt-ruyter

    I could not agree with this more. You barely get a min after they sink/you kill remaining players and they are instantly back. No time to repair and get ready to re engage.

  • @sg-riverdan

    There is literally maybe 1% of pc players that can successfully double shot. There is an advantage to being on pc but that ain’t it chief. I’m fine with them separating the lobbies but I’m sick of Xbox players assuming there is this push to win button on pc.

  • All I hear lately in arena is “you’re aimbotting or your stream sniping.” Players are constantly making up excuses for their lack of skill or falling short on securing a win. This type of attitude is so toxic. I don’t consider myself a great pvp player but i handle my own. If I get bested by someone I say GG and move on.

    Calling someone a cheater in some way shape or form without actual evidence is so cowardly. Furthermore, if you stream you are putting yourself the position of having people see your gameplay but let’s be real how many people are really watching SoTkiller15967 that you really assume you are being stream sniped.

  • @god1ike there are definitely a lot of pc.players that can kill almost anyone theremember are also alot of brain dead pc players too ones I thought played on xbox they were so bad but as an xbox player it's always obvious if someone is pc a lot of them hit their shots constantly because of cleaner framerate and mice are much more precise they definitely need to separate the input devices mouse and keyboard with mouse and keyboard controller with controller it's the only way it will be fair because even with bad frames on an xbox if a pc player uses a Controller they are restricted to the same turn speed as most people on controller bunny hopping also won't be as easy to do.

  • @xxizgreenxx said in [Mega Thread] The Arena Feedback:

    @rohbroy said in [Mega Thread] The Arena Feedback:

    I have to report a big bug here.

    We were just transfered to a new lobby server while being in the arena lobby.
    This caused my character appearance to "reset" (don't know how to call this otherwise).

    This "reset" causes all vanity items and clothing to be unequipped... while this alone would not be bad at all, since you can just requip everything, the skin tone of you char and everything which was only possible to change during character creation, was reset as well!
    This includes things like default skars or beard-stubbles, which are not part of the vanity chest, and cannot be changed.
    Meaning the character looks completely different now.

    Relogging or restarting the game, will not resolve this issue.

    Bugreport ticket is open.

    I have the same my aperens goes back ro what i had the day befor.. im trying to reinstal the game let yoy know how it works

    Dont work btw. Tryed it

  • @fast-bike94
    I completely agree, the fact that the PC players seemingly reload and eat health faster, they jump around with more maneuverability so they're almost impossible to get ahold of. It seems like they can one shot you as well. One PC player can spawn kill an entire gallon of four players. That shouldn't be possible. The only way to have a fair balance to the game is to give the opt-out option for Xbox to not play with PC players. It's obvious they're not on even ground. Every time a crew of PC players is on a server they dominate every single round, every single time. That's not balanced gameplay. Moreover it's not fun.

  • @pr0fesor-mayhem 100 percent agree I believe it will bring life back to the game as well these people being able to spawn kill an entire 4 man crew is unacceptable

  • @pr0fesor-mayhem this is also for time being why I cause to have 2 of my amazing pc buddies to Play with on arena as they are usually the boarders

  • The mode is very well designed and a lot of fun. The matchmaking is catastrophic however and totally ruins it. The only way to not get totally destroyed 90% of games is to be in a full premade, or at the very least 3 man. It's so incredibly frustrating to get games where one or two teams have x10 more points than the rest only because they're full premades - or when you join mid game and there's only 3 teams left because one crew is totally dominating the game. Ofc this is something you have to accept that it happens from time to time, and that goes for any game, but in arena you see this all the time and it's actually RARE to get a good match.

  • I think it is time that you modernize your UI menu's and reduce load times. Most modern games have easier UI's on start-up. Our game has a bunch of text and waiting at the bottom. Then it tries to load the trailer. Then the character spawns in green in/out.

    A. The game at start-up could benefit from scrapping or limiting the trailers (option to disable them if already watched). So, we have one on loading into the main menu and one now loading into the Arena. I don't need to or want to see them every time I login.

    B. I think you need to preload assets to streamline your load processes like most battle royals do. It may mean a longer load at the start but all subsequent games shouldn't be constantly loading. I hate reloading the tavern (so maybe scrap it from the load) and I hate loading the map.

    I like how we change maps to change the scenery and islands. But, this obviously requires more loads. So, maybe map changes should be weekly or monthly to reduce these. Cause mostly, people want to play the game, not load constantly and wait.

  • Not unexpectedly there are people here that report of huge inbalance. I believe the core issue to this is the nature of the design of the game; this game is very team-based, and requires tactical thought in the long run, is it more or less impossible for one good player to carry the others (such as you'll find in squads in pubg etc). That means that a full team of good communication does 10x better than a team of 'randoms' that don't know eachother and maybe even only have automessages or tekst to help them.

    So how to balance this?
    Well, Overwatch had a fitting solution to this as far as I remember; If you que with premade, you will only meet oponents that are also premade. If you que 3 out of 4, you will be able to get a random, but still only match with the same set; people who que 3/4.

    Or, add a rank system.
    Issue with this? Size of the active playerbase, after a short while you'd only match with the same people on and on, and some few crews would have hourlong quetimes simply due to lack of valid oponent.

    ^ written when I had about 190 matches and 150 wins

  • I would love to see some sort of post-match stat readout beyond just the final scores. Wouldn't necessarily need to be done on a player basis, but could be on a ship basis. So you could see which ship turned in the most chests, killed the most other players, hit other ships the most times with cannonballs, stole the most chests, etc. Would make the lobby a little more interesting after a match. Perhaps could even tie some sort of bonuses to these so that other ships have a reason to stick around to the end instead of bailing partway through the match if they can at least "win" some of those categories even if they don't actually win the match.

  • I had two full matches today where I was the lone single player on my team even after recruiting crews in the lobby, but every other team had 3-4 players.

    The ENTIRE match no one loaded into my team. Then people would join in the last 2-3 minutes and either quit or get gold for the end of the match then quit.
    This happened twice.

    How is this ok? Is there no team balancing out in place? It is not fun trying to run a galleon by yourself. “Just play with a crew”. Well sometimes I like to join a random crew and make new friends. This isn’t a good experience for people trying out arena. Team balancing needs to be implemented. Also there were multiple times where it was a 10 minute+ wait and everyone eventually leaves.

  • So here it is, The arena is trash. I am sorry, but it is. Most of the time we've been beat is not because we sink or die over and over. It's because someone got lucky with new maps on one island 3+ times and totaling up 10-15 chests, while the rest of us on the other side get 5. VERY rarely do we end up with an actual fight on our hands. I can count on two hands the number of "good games" we've had over my ~300 games played.

    Some of the problems are:

    • Unbalanced spawn positions
    • If ships spawn in storm they are at a huge disadvantage
    • AFK-scripters, and there are A LOT of them.
    • Open Crews that are more interested in eating glue or eating crayons than playing
    • To little reward for pvp compared to PvE
    • Absolutely unrewarding, 4800 for a 24 minute snoozefest is not worth it
    • INSANE GRIND! At 45 it takes 32 wins to get to 46, that is 16 hours of games at best queuetimes, and don't tell me to do commendations, they are all done already
      Commendations Done
  • @capt-daddyb3ard said in [Mega Thread] The Arena Feedback:

    The core mechanics in Arena are very solid (like Adventure when it first launched). I played some rounds over the weekend and can see the potential. Potential is the best thing I can say about it because for me, it's an unplayable, simply horrible game play experience until two things are introduced.

    1. Option to opt out of cross play. I play on both PC and Controller and the speed and accuracy aiming advantage with a mouse is HUGE. It's simply not a competitive mode for Xbox players until they can opt out of cross play.
    2. Galleons only is just terrible. If you play with Randoms, good luck. Or if you spawn in with less than 4 in your crew - good luck.
      In short, if you’re a PC (or Xbox with mouse and keyboard) player in a regular 4-person crew, Arena would be awesome. For everyone else it's rubbish.

    Nail on the head!

  • Replace galleons with Briggs.

    As someone who regularly has a 4 man galleon team that facerolls through arena, I think it's time to reconsider the primary ship for arena.

    Its very rare that we come across a complete galleon team... at least one that does not have a constantly rotating cast of players.

    I think the brigg would be a perfect boat for arena, its fast, nimble and can be manned by 2 or 3 people efficiently. I hate the thought of not having a full galleon rolling up with cannon's ablazing, but I would much rather see arena have longevity.

  • @fast-bike94 I agree, is pc has 2 times the frame rates, I can't even sprint after them and dmg isn't registering correctly, opt out of cross play is what arena needs, their opt out of mouse and keepboard is a kick in the face to the xbox community. I think they think we're dumb....

  • @xslim-pickenzx when rare just beats around the bush about the cross play opt out in their updates it makes me think they just want people to forget a out it so they don't have to do anything about it

  • @u2numb said in [Mega Thread] The Arena Feedback:

    You have to give us the option to turn off cross play.. it is simply not fair or fun to get destroyed over and over. The hand to hand combat is so bad.. where is the overhaul and where is the option to turn off cross play? Both were promised .. how could you release the Arena without at least the cross play option turned off. I can see the potential of fun in the mode but it is just not there yet. Wait times.. forced to go to gallons so you get randoms who do not care to work towards an objective and cross play that just destroys xbox players.

    I agree with you 100%. I find it funny how pc players complain about the opt out of crossplay option and Xbox players excluding, but when you go on lfg pc players always post pc players only.

  • I think I ran into an exploit in arena. One team spawned to the only island on the map, but they avoided it. Instead, as soon as the next map awave ppeared they were already at the island (Shark Fin Camp I think) and dug up all the chest in less than a minute (almost immediately).

    EDIT: Is it possible that arena is less so randomly generated and more so a certain amount of loadouts/presets that can be memorized?

  • @il-yusuke-li no, of you start a game and there is only one map with a couple of chests, you are better heading to a fort. You avoid the gang fight over a couple of chests and roll the dice that the fort comes into rotation in next maps.

    They got lucky and a team of four can run and tap all chests on a fort in less than a minute because they are so small.

    This takes the map out of peoples map wheel so they have time to dig without anyone coming over to them. Tactics are not always bugs ;)

  • @dliquidcourageb to be honest I want a pc only option when implemented. I think crossplay should be fully equipped for this! I wanna play with pc players and against pc players if I chose. I don’t want someone playing with a controller on console being the weakest member of the team.

    This should make everyone happy.

  • @god1ike lol it's called a macro pretty easy if you ask me

  • Arena has been 50/50 for me. It’s either tons of fun or full of toxic players. There’s a real problem with people trash talking and attacking others. I spent 4 hours with a friend doing arena, and had a player just harass us constantly. We never got a 4th person on our boat who wasn’t afk and we couldn’t go into party chat due to constantly rotating a 3rd and 4th member. There needs to be a “crew only” audio option added in for open crews at least. These guys were using racial and homophobic slurs, and attacking players’ gamer-tags. This isn’t the first time I’ve encountered people like this and it’s disheartening. While toxic players are in any game, I feel that the crew only audio option would help make things more pleasant, instead of looking at Arena and having to ask myself weather or not I want to flip a coin to see if I’m going to have fun or not.
    Edit: I’m not against playful bantering when it’s all in good fun, and I’m not sensitive by nature. This has been an issue since Arena came out.

  • Nice mod but instead of trying doing another battle royale mode with in game mechanics that are not really think for it, we need some enhancements :

    • Arena for all ships, will be 2man 3man or 4man teams
    • Make map fight zone larger depending on the ship type, the actual is too samll or too large for galleons
    • Add in game mechanics to prevent quitting and find 2/3 ships only fight or teams with 1-2 member instead of 4
    • Add a mechnics that sort ppl playing with their ping .... this yoyo ping is awful, warping dudes is not helping making the mod nice
    • Do something for these random and very too long loading times, that's horrible to wait 2-3 mins on a black screen to get rewards after a 20 min fight...

    Thx guys, go on improving this great game

  • @schollisen So you don't dig chests, anticipate the most likely closest rival to your team and sail to them and send them to Davy Jones Locker, and repeat.
    My crew has implemented this tactic very recently and have came out on top almost every single time. This is an advanced tactic and not for the faint at heart.

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