Enact A Movement Penalty When Eating Food

  • I feel that when healing a player should be slowed a little bit while they are taking a bite of their food. Mostly a PvP suggestion due to people always running around a ship healing frantically.

    A slight penalty to movement when healing will make fights a little more interesting when people can't run and escape while healing.

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  • I mean they can't sprint while eating, so their does exist a movement price to consume food. So in a sense, they can't run/sprint (literally) away from a fight, while attempting to reclaim some health.

  • @nabberwar

    This is true, but don't you feel even the normal jog it's a bit too fast when eating?

    I just think that healing on people so easily kinda mitigates the risk of getting in close to attack, and depreciates the effort given by players when choosing to use ranged weapons.

    That's another good reason why the double shot was so popular, no chance for the target to heal.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    This is true, but don't you feel even the normal jog it's a bit too fast when eating?

    Not really, but it wouldn't faze me either way if they implemented a slight speed debuff while eating. I try to go by a philosophy of adapt to the game, don't force the game to adapt to you. Rather then letting people run free from you to go off and heal, make sure when you do damage them, be in a position to properly follow up that damage to secure a kill. I see it too many times, that people will just try to chase you down with a sword, as if channeling the spirit of a lawnmower. Only unless you stun them get caught on a prop will this strategy actually work

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx no I like it the way it is now

  • What you meant to say was adding a movement penelaty whilst eating food would help "me" have more intresting fights because i have trouble tracking & killing fast moving targets. Targets who are likely far above my own personal skill level, targets who would likely quickly adapt to any new meta, nerfs or buffs & would still be far above my own personal skill level. Which in turn i will come right back on the forum & complain about whatever it is they are now doing that is combating & outplaying me. The game needs to be adapted to me & my inept skill level because i am incapable of accepting & learning from my faliures & progressing to the next skill level.

  • @admiral-greyjoy

    Let's look at for honor for instance, when using an ability to heal you can't move or block.

    I feel it'd give gunplay more meaning.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx lets look at apex legends i can jump off the moon without taking fall damage. This aint that & that aint this. If i am in an engagement with you, you could run off jump around whatever you want. Your likely not going to be able to get off enough food items to full heal before my next attack lands

    I personally think the game is balanced acceptably & dont have much problems killing my foes. Every post i read sounds like this. Stop the griefers!!!! Pve only servers! Dont let them jump or strafe without a movement penalty. Nerf bannannas! Please tie their hands behind their back so they cant move while i shoot them! Please help!

  • @admiral-greyjoy

    The healing mechanic on that game pretty much kills your argument.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx


    The healing mechanic on that game pretty much kills your argument.

    How so? In his previous comment he talks about adapting to the game rather than making the game adapt to you. He uses Apex as an example of how people adapted to that game with its healing mechanic. See where he said,...

    This aint that & that aint this.

    He was not using it an example of how SoT should do healing items, but as an example of how people should change their playstyle to adapt to the game they are playing. For example in Apex, you wouldn't heal right in front of the enemy because you can't move and heal, but in SoT you would because the system allows it. Different games different strategies. His argument works for the context of his statement, you are trying to apply his argument to something it was never arguing.

  • @nabberwar

    With that logic Rare shouldn't have done any PvP game balancing from launch.

    All I'm arguing is that healing should involve more risk at close range.

  • You get one shoot by the shotgun, so eating is the less concern right now, feels really cheap when i spawn kill in a enemy boat whit shotgun, and if you have a friend whit you spawn killing them, just skin the ship, you are not gonna win.

  • @davidmeow
    The shotgun seems ok where is at right now. It can only "one shot" if the aim is good and the target close enough.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    With that logic Rare shouldn't have done any PvP game balancing from launch.

    Well considering they have done zero balancing for health items since Launch, yeah sounds about right. Excluding Anniversary, but health items still interact the same way though. So all in all no real difference.

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