How to get more wins in Arena - Sea of Thieves - Shacknews

  • A nicely comprehensive guide to being successful in Arena matches!

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  • The only Tip I'd give to have more wins is,

    • No Matchmaking, always play if you have 3 more friends/a full crew to play with you.

    It's a win guaranteed!!! (If the 4 people know the minimum about the game mechanics and PvP)


  • I've found the formula for success to be: good communication, everyone is motivated & organized, strategic & quick to adapt, proficient & even-tempered, and everyone is on the same page.

    Good communication is by far the most important thing.

  • Make sure you have a good crew when playing arena!

  • It all comes down to play with people you have played before or have luck and find randoms that speak because communication, spoken or typed is the key...and of course a bit of luck...We have certain roles in our team , we have an Ace Helmswoman who we can trust with our eyes closed and who can help bailing when needed...We have a Captain ,or better said our Tactician who reads the maps and comes within the minute with a battleplan , who also fires the cannons or bails and repairs when called upon...We mostly have one Pirate who excells in PvP fights , who shoots cannons, bails when needed and angles the sails and we have one that repairs the ship after two hits , bails and when done get's back to the cannons…

    If people get "main" roles added with a few side roles , and when people can accept that they be needed on many fronts since running a massive Galleon with four people takes a lot of cooperation, then you can get very far as a crew and don't need to be aces at all…

    Put an Ace Pirate in a chaotic uncooperating crew and he / she can't win...Put four average Pirates on their own, that can work together like a team and you get a well oiled machine that can get a bucket of dry sand over it's engine and still runs without stalling...All comes to communication and the will to work and cooperate but...don't forget...See and enjoy Arena as a fun happening , not something that you NEED to win because when their is a MUST then any game can become a drag… ( * are you done preaching today ? Padre Moron? What have you been eating today ,man? You sound like a moral knight ...but ...riding on a donkey...hihihihihii)

  • I joined with my crew today, game started of well, until we got alongside another ship and the slaughter began. 8 minutes, the 4 of us were murdered almost the instant we spawned, no chance of raising anchor and very little in our attempts at fighting back.
    So I decide to look at my recent players list and what a surprise! All 4 of them are on PC. Well, not really a surprise at all. I had expected as much. And that was our arena session ended. 1 match and we lost all hope that this game is fair for console players. Being spawn killed for 8 minutes is enormous fun. Maybe another day huh.

  • @katttruewalker my git good post is board and kill drop anchor and shoot and kill again redo and repeat

  • @foxdodge said in How to get more wins in Arena - Sea of Thieves - Shacknews:

    I've found the formula for success to be: good communication, everyone is motivated & organized, strategic & quick to adapt, proficient & even-tempered, and everyone is on the same page.

    Good communication is by far the most important thing.

    Absolutely! And assigning roles to your crewmates can be key!

    Designate one person to leave the ship to dig chests/board enemies. Designate a secondary if the situation allows for another to leave the ship. Each to their strengths!

    No heroes! I've seen so many crews lose a ship because everyone tries to be a superstar and leave the ship with no expectations of eachother communicated beforehand. The ship sinks because well... nobody was on the ship! There should be expectations as to who does these things as it allows for faster reaction times and less chances to sink because everyone knows how they should be reacting to a situation.

    A good helmsman should be able to keep their head on a swivel and make immediate assessments to the needs of the ship. This should be the person with the most awareness. Your less experienced would probably be best if dedicated to repairs and cannons.

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