So I am not sure if this has bee brought up (I am new, well 1 week new just got the game).
I absolutely love the game so far and every thing in it. I love the fishing aspect and just the exploration of the sea.
This gave me a thought. I know you can technically hunt the Kraken and Meg, which is awesome. I just know most people I have run into have already kinda gotten bored with the fishing (Not myself personally)
Here is where my idea comes in. For the Hunters call level 25+ will allow for scuba gear to be sold, maybe 20,000 gold.
Purchasing this gear will allow players to purchase air tanks from sea out posts (2 tank maximum per player to own at a time). To replenish your tanks you will have to go to sea posts to purchase more. (This will be explained why in a second)
Once the gear is bought players will be able to descend quicker into the depths to traverse the sea floor. Air tank times (Still unsure about this) will be 2 minutes a tank. Once air is out tanks will be removed from your inventory, and you will have to purchase more.
As for the fishing experience New meg interactions could be added for under water fishing/ harpoon spearing. Harpoon fishing would be the staple to scuba fishing, maybe making sharks more aggressive to scuba fishermen.
New events and monster ideas with Scuba fishing idea
Like skull forts trenches can randomly spawn on maps and last (x amount of time)
Trenches will contain different color variations of fish to spear and maybe new monsters (giant squid, new shark, etc)
This is just a spit balled idea and can easily have room for improvement. Please let me know what you guys think