Interesting thought about Private Servers

  • With a discussion going on about Private Servers on social media I wondered what people though about this idea...

    Some believe that Private Servers should still offer the same reward experience as Public Server.
    It is my opinion that Private Servers should be restricted so that it is not an easier way to earn Gold and Rep.

    My crewmate suggested

    Private Servers could only reward Gold and Rep for the Merchant Alliance
    This is an interesting thought... in a similar way that the Arena only provides Rep for the Sea Dogs.

    Meaning that items are still sellable if found - this might also be a friendlier approach to capturing animals and completing orders for the Merchant Alliance.

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  • @dreamingnomad

    Private servers only for player invoked contests.
    This so u can fill a server with pirates u know.
    The rep and gold should be none.
    And only used for community made contests which than can be streamed for views.

    Other implementation of private servers is a no go for me.

  • @dreamingnomad

    That seems odd, but the thing is, Private Servers need to remove Gold, Rep, and Commendation progress entirely, or else it will divide the player base because people would have no reason to come back to the public servers.

    Public Shared World servers need to be the only place where progress takes place, Private servers should exist solely to execute community events and nothing more.

  • Regardless of how you swing it, the main argument against these types of servers is the physical pulling of players of Adventure mode. This doesn't remedy that or even attempt to answer to that.

    I would even ask, why can that not be done on Adventure already? The legion of Pirate Legends already demonstrate its possible.

  • I've actually come around to the idea of private servers. The times I've coincidentally ended up in a full server alliance have been a blast. Unfortunate that they're way too easy to farm and... well just way too easy in general, but just saying "NO GOLD AND REP" is just regular players wanting 'prive-ate's to suffer for their playstyle.

    I say if you can't have the Player threat. Scale the rewards to the PvE threat. To make as much money as you would in the regular game you will have to make the monster and enemy spawns so wild that a galleon solo has about as hard a time as a solo sloop in the regular game. That way you're still 'earning' the gold. Just from a different threat. Plus you still get the fun of a full server of ships working together against the hoard of baddies! Plus if you just want a chill sesh to Tall Tale or whatever, you can scale the difficulty back on your own private server and get lower rewards for it.

    I know there are still ways trolls could abuse that system but I don't think the problems are impossible to overcome with a few tweaks. Give a server owner admiral status maybe?... something like that.

  • @theunionjames

    The no gold or rep thing has nothing to do with wanting certain players to "suffer for their playstyle" - we're not malicious.

    It's more so about not wanting to divide the player base. A private server with progression is a PvE server, and would not work for the exact same reasons that PvE servers wouldn't work.

    The player base would begin categorizing themselves based on play style, (play PvE go to Private Server, do PvP go to public server) thus destroying the player variety and variety of play styles to be encountered during your play sessions in the main Adventure mode, which would ultimately ruin the Sea of Thieves shared world and what makes it unique.

    No progression of any kind should be available in Private Servers - if people know they can only progress by going out in the shared, public world, then you can have private servers without dividing the player base, because people would always have a reason to go to the public adventure world.

  • @dreamingnomad
    Private servers shouldn't be another way to play Adventure mode. Rather they should be a way for the community to set up their own competitions and game types.

    Want to have a racing competition? Get a bunch of friends or your discord group onto a private server and set it up.

    Want to have a fishing competition? Get on a private server and set it up.

    Want to play skull-ball? Get on a private server and set it up.

    Basically, private servers should provide a custom game mode that individuals and groups can set up and invite others to join -- but have no affect on gold, doubloons, rep, etc.

  • @little-squash

    I would even suggest allowing controls for Storm placement, PvE threat spawns, spawning treasure items and maps, spawning skeletons, skeleton lords, animals, you name it.

    You could really customize whatever event you were trying to set up. I don't think anyone would even care that you can't earn gold or rep because its essentially Sea of Thieves creative mode.

    This would be better as Private Servers could serve an independent purpose that does not interfere with or take the place of playing in the main shared world.

  • @dreamingnomad
    When will it end? You do realize literally HUNDREDS of similar posts have been made on this topic. Even with your little tweaks, the idea is fundamentally a bad one.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    While I agree the private servers should be a customisable space for a creative SoT experience the "splitting the playerbase" argument was lost the moment they released arena.

    I actually would disagree with this statement.

    The difference is that you cannot have the full Sea of Thieves experience in The Arena. You can't progress in any trading companies except one, no Bilge Rat commendations, no Athenas, no forts, no Tall Tales, or anything.

    The player base is only truly divided if players are in their own alternative boxes and have no reason to leave said boxes, but The Arena is not an alternative to the main Adventure mode. You always have to go back to Adventure if you want to experience the real Sea of Thieves experience.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    While I agree the private servers should be a customisable space for a creative SoT experience the "splitting the playerbase" argument was lost the moment they released arena.
    Now with the most recent update it's been split again.

    If they do for some reason create PvE servers with any progression I do not think it will hurt the game any more than it already has.

    they can even introduce PvE / Coop Servers with progression but much slower. You solo or coop wih your crew, no other players.
    So PvE Grinders and achievers and completionists have tons to do, make rewards be 25% of what it is in Adventure mode.
    So you have to do 4 times more than in Adventure to reach specific goals like PL.

    With Arena and xbox opt out there is no argument anymore about splitting the community.

    If Arena didnt it, the xbox opt out split us not only gamemechanically but also "politically".

    @mr-dragon-raaar sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    If they had introduced creative private servers instead I believe the game would be a completely different experience and be so much healthier.

    fully agree!

  • Private servers just leads to "boosting" and could break the economy if a private server of fully crewed ships just farm voyages without fear of PvP or to farm Faction XP etc.

    I know content creators have asked for them but if they are to happen, they should be blocked from earning gold and faction XP imo.

    Private servers for a sandbox experience shouldn't provide rewards to carry over back into the main game world.

  • @cokney-charmer

    They can divide this and have private server pirates not be able to join the shared online world servers.
    These private, pve only solo or coop servers can stand alone for themself. You host a game and friends can join, they could even make it something to monetize these private hostet servers, but to also maintain the shared world servers.
    9.99 per month and you have your private instance for yourself and friends and not been able to join regular adventure mode.
    Problems solved.
    PvE only grinders then pay for all of us who play the shared world, the meaning of progression and effort is not devalued as these private hosted server pirates can not join the shared world and only other private hosted servers.
    Make it 9.99 for a Sloop (5 bucks per player or if solo, well).
    And 11.99 for a Brigantine (4 bucks per player).
    And a private hostet Galleone server for 15.99/month. (16:4= 4 bucks per player)

  • @bugaboo-bill
    I feel like restricting access to adventure would be even worse than allowing progression, as the pve grinders wouldn't even have a choice any more, and we'd definitely lose them, instead of probably. We need all players on the sea.

  • @blazedrake100

    I dont want to promote this honestly, but after all the splits...
    Well... doesn't really matter anymore.
    And if they pay (edited above) they pay for maintaining the shared world servers and the ones who still play on these competetive PvE Adventure servers.

    The idea of one shared world died with Arena a little already and with Xbox Opt out it died completely imho.

  • @dreamingnomad

    While we don't have "private" servers, we do have discord-PvE-alliance-servers where teams of friends boost or grind, or however people want to interpret it, in a concerted effort. They are safe from competition, and they are getting more than just Merch Alliance rep.

    That being said, at this point, I begrudgingly accept that it:

    @bugaboo-bill said:

    Well... doesn't really matter anymore.

    The game has gone through changes since it started a few years ago. They've added a lot of new and fun content, sure. However some content has detracted from the "risk" part of this risk-reward game. You can be rewarded easily for others' work; you can be rewarded simply for logging in each month to buy an entire level. I'm seeing posts in other threads pertaining to letters of recommendation for Athena levels. I digress.

    I've stuck around for the most part, and will probably continue to do so even if they do introduce private servers. Hell, I might even buy one.

  • @chronodusk said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:


    I would even suggest allowing controls for Storm placement, PvE threat spawns, spawning treasure items and maps, spawning skeletons, skeleton lords, animals, you name it.

    You could really customize whatever event you were trying to set up. I don't think anyone would even care that you can't earn gold or rep because its essentially Sea of Thieves creative mode.

    This would be better as Private Servers could serve an independent purpose that does not interfere with or take the place of playing in the main shared world.

    This stuff would be great. Perhaps it would be better to talk about "Custom" servers rather than "Private" servers. Having the ability to customize game settings could allow the community to make some very interesting game types. (They could even allow for changes to things like drowning so underwater events could be created.)

    But Custom/Private servers should NOT be an alternative way to play Adventure mode and should NOT provide any advancement.

  • Private servers will probably end up a subscription service like Fallout First.

  • @theunionjames said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    I've actually come around to the idea of private servers. The times I've coincidentally ended up in a full server alliance have been a blast. Unfortunate that they're way too easy to farm and... well just way too easy in general, but just saying "NO GOLD AND REP" is just regular players wanting 'prive-ate's to suffer for their playstyle.

    I say if you can't have the Player threat. Scale the rewards to the PvE threat. To make as much money as you would in the regular game you will have to make the monster and enemy spawns so wild that a galleon solo has about as hard a time as a solo sloop in the regular game. That way you're still 'earning' the gold. Just from a different threat. Plus you still get the fun of a full server of ships working together against the hoard of baddies! Plus if you just want a chill sesh to Tall Tale or whatever, you can scale the difficulty back on your own private server and get lower rewards for it.

    I know there are still ways trolls could abuse that system but I don't think the problems are impossible to overcome with a few tweaks. Give a server owner admiral status maybe?... something like that.

    This is kind of the point of view I was offering... The Merchant Alliance can reward rep and gold for delivering cargo and animals.
    In a Private Server there would be no other items available to cash in, the Gold Hoarders and the Order of Souls would accept nothing and give nothing in return.

    Delivering animals and cargo can be made uncomfortable if you are attacked by an emergent Skele Ship, Meg, Kraken, storm or general island Skeles...

  • @chronodusk said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:


    I would even suggest allowing controls for Storm placement, PvE threat spawns, spawning treasure items and maps, spawning skeletons, skeleton lords, animals, you name it.

    You could really customize whatever event you were trying to set up. I don't think anyone would even care that you can't earn gold or rep because its essentially Sea of Thieves creative mode.

    This would be better as Private Servers could serve an independent purpose that does not interfere with or take the place of playing in the main shared world.

    This is another idea I really like - a #CreatorCrew mode is the perfect use for Private Servers.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    That's fair enough.
    I still think by introducing it caused a divide that is more than just playing in a different modes.

    I'm very biased here tho as I believe Arena is the single worst thing to happen to this game and should never have seen the light of day.

    If they had introduced creative private servers instead I believe the game would be a completely different experience and be so much healthier.

    Wow, thats a strong opinion.
    I thought I was of the same thinking once but actually I pick and choose my battles so I'm very pleased with my record in Arena, sailing and competing with my crew can be so much fun but also stressful if you are spawn camped at times (doesn't happen too often though)

    I find the way to complete is all about tactics, it doesn't have to be a PvP mode, just offering the opportunity for more PvP interaction.
    There is often a disadvantage when mixing xbox and pc players but it's all about adapting.

  • @bendertheblack sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    When will it end? You do realize literally HUNDREDS of similar posts have been made on this topic. Even with your little tweaks, the idea is fundamentally a bad one.

    It really isnt :) Stop gatekeepping people from playing the game their own way.

  • @cokney-charmer Who cares how someone earns any of the pointless cosmetics or ranks..
    It wont kill your enjoyment of the game. Can we stop with this nonsense already?

    This game needed a PvE Only etc Option since it launch. Sadly Rare still refuses to listen about proper feedback.

    Pre-Alphas, Closed Alphas etc were a mess when i came to feedback. Its not a surprise to me that gameplay mechanics etc still havent changed. Its really sad.
    Sea of Thieves could be something more, bigger and more successful.

  • @ii-jumper-i
    We dont want no progression because of it devaluing the cosmetics. We want there to be none so pveers still play adventure, so adventure stays unpredictable and doesn't become pvp town

  • I think private servers would be great but do it the same way battlefield 3 did rent them and keep everything the same just like a public server if your paying for the use of the server it shouldn't change so u get everything u quest for and do make so u can open and close it at will so if you want to do spygame or race u can do so in close server with no interference

  • @blazedrake100 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    We dont want no progression because of it devaluing the cosmetics. We want there to be none so pveers still play adventure, so adventure stays unpredictable and doesn't become pvp town

    I don't understand this at all. If you enjoy PvP, wouldn't being on a server with only PvP-minded players be exactly what you want?

    Unless, PvP players don't want fair competition. They want to be able to roll up on completely unprepared, inexperienced, ill-equipped crews who are only wanting to enjoy an adventure with friends. Is that what you're suggesting you want?

    PvE players are not there to be your content. If you want PvP, then a PvP-only environment is exactly what including a PvE-only option would give you.

  • @excitedcaius said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @blazedrake100 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    We dont want no progression because of it devaluing the cosmetics. We want there to be none so pveers still play adventure, so adventure stays unpredictable and doesn't become pvp town

    I don't understand this at all. If you enjoy PvP, wouldn't being on a server with only PvP-minded players be exactly what you want?

    Unless, PvP players don't want fair competition. They want to be able to roll up on completely unprepared, inexperienced, ill-equipped crews who are only wanting to enjoy an adventure with friends. Is that what you're suggesting you want?

    PvE players are not there to be your content. If you want PvP, then a PvP-only environment is exactly what including a PvE-only option would give you.

    This game has no PvE Players - it's a PvPvE game. It may have players who dislike PvP; but that's not the problem of the other players or the game.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @excitedcaius said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @blazedrake100 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    We dont want no progression because of it devaluing the cosmetics. We want there to be none so pveers still play adventure, so adventure stays unpredictable and doesn't become pvp town

    I don't understand this at all. If you enjoy PvP, wouldn't being on a server with only PvP-minded players be exactly what you want?

    Unless, PvP players don't want fair competition. They want to be able to roll up on completely unprepared, inexperienced, ill-equipped crews who are only wanting to enjoy an adventure with friends. Is that what you're suggesting you want?

    PvE players are not there to be your content. If you want PvP, then a PvP-only environment is exactly what including a PvE-only option would give you.

    This game has no PvE Players - it's a PvPvE game. It may have players who dislike PvP; but that's not the problem of the other players or the game.

    Of course there are PvE players. It's a choice a player makes to engage in PvE-content only, and to avoid PvP content. They are not content for PvP-focused players and murder hobos. Let PvP-centric players play with other PvP-centric players; let PvE players play with other PvE players.

    The only cogent argument I've seen raised against separating the playstyles is that the PvE game would lack challenge. That can certainly be alleviated with environmental hazards. Coincidentally, after sinking a skeleton fleet, my crew was hit by a kraken, more skeleton ships, and then a couple of players rolled up to sink us while we desperately tried to get away from the kraken.

    What did I get for the time and effort investment of sinking the initial skeleton ship? A very happy message in my xbox app saying "thanks so much guys" from the crew which sunk us and took our loot. So fun! /s

    Private servers can't get here soon enough. The players like those in my experience shared above deserve each other.

  • If these are a thing eventually how would it be fair to the people who played since day 1 and new players get full rep in a no PvP private server. I hate server alliances and I hate the idea people think this game is better with no pvp. where is everyone's sense of adventure. A adventure isn't going to a store and buying something with no risk. It's going to the unknown and seeing what happens. Private servers will make it ridiculous

  • @ajm123 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    If these are a thing eventually how would it be fair to the people who played since day 1 and new players get full rep in a no PvP private server. I hate server alliances and I hate the idea people think this game is better with no pvp. where is everyone's sense of adventure. A adventure isn't going to a store and buying something with no risk. It's going to the unknown and seeing what happens. Private servers will make it ridiculous

    I've been here since before Day 1. What other players accomplish in their game means nothing to me--especially in a game where the only progression is horizontal. There's no advantage to having more gold to spend on clothes and paint. That you would bothered by someone else getting enjoyment out of playing the game in a style they are more comfortable with--which doesn't impact your play at all--is what's ridiculous.

  • @excitedcaius said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @blazedrake100 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    We dont want no progression because of it devaluing the cosmetics. We want there to be none so pveers still play adventure, so adventure stays unpredictable and doesn't become pvp town

    I don't understand this at all. If you enjoy PvP, wouldn't being on a server with only PvP-minded players be exactly what you want?

    Unless, PvP players don't want fair competition. They want to be able to roll up on completely unprepared, inexperienced, ill-equipped crews who are only wanting to enjoy an adventure with friends. Is that what you're suggesting you want?

    PvE players are not there to be your content. If you want PvP, then a PvP-only environment is exactly what including a PvE-only option would give you.

    Have you ever considered that many like this game for the unpredictably? Those who only pvp are just as bad as those who only like pve.

  • @excitedcaius

    I don't think it's really about having PvE players to bully (at least for most). It's more about the variety and unpredictability. Many players like not knowing whether someone will be friendly or hostile.

    I don't fight others or really interact with them much at all. But I do enjoy seeing how those who do catch up to me react to whatever I'm doing. Sure, just about every time I end up on the Ferry, but half of those times I show up laughing.

    I'm a pure PvEer. Been playing since the alpha and have only killed one pirate because he asked me to. And if Rare introduced PvE servers, or something similar, I wouldn't really care. I wouldn't use them, but I wouldn't begrudge their existence.

    Still, we can't just label all who oppose them as PvPers who are afraid of losing their prey. SoT is a unique game with a unique feel and experience, and I understand the worry that too many big changes will ruin that unique atmosphere.

  • @excitedcaius it's all good. I find my way into them servers and so do a lot of other people. LONG LIVE FLAMEHEART

  • @excitedcaius

    I have to agree @BlazeDrake100 about the uncertainty about other players.
    I'm not looking for PvP actively, but i like it to be there and possible.
    Sometimes i take the opportunity to attack, sometimes i like to have the threat to be atackable.
    It's the mix of it.
    If i know knowbody can and will ever attack me i loose some thrill
    If i know everybody attack me i loose thrill too and it makes the game a pure PvP game.
    The pure pvpers we have, who even dont want the loot and let thw booty sink, who are only here to kill you on sight are ok to have as long as they are a minority.
    Unfortunately with Arena and certain streamers this playstyle became more popular.
    It's harmfull to the game if the balance about playstyles is disturbed.

    I'm a perfect PvEvP player, i dont want it to be pure PvE neither pure PvP.

    The uncertainty about other players is key to the game.

    If you split the game up into PvE Servers the adventure servers become PvP only.
    Nobody but people who want to sink on sight and dont care for loot would play on these servers.

  • I am of the opinion that we are looking at the whole thing the wrong way.

    Instead of pondering about PvE servers, we should figure out how to improve the PvP part of Adventure for the PvE players who don't benefit from PvP at all. For them the PvP is basically losing loot and time with no benefits.

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