Issues that should be fixed

  • I start from the fact that I think this game is one of the most original in this gen, you made a great job with the world, musics.. but if you would like to make it better and longevous you should focus on some things that in my opinion are essential (this is the aim of the forum, listen to the players..).
    I looked for many opinions of other players around the world and here I will mention some topics that you should work on because still didn't improve:
    1- Gameplay system
    I've never found a game so slow like SOT, you can spend all day playing and finally you can loose everything, so you could give the possibility to have a storage crate at the beginning of the session (also buying it at merchant, not for free) to avoid the players have to spend 20 min making supplies each session; when carring the chests or any treasure, please give the same higher speed in run/swim or at least give the option to carry 2 objects in one time (a skull and a key for example...we have 2 hands right??)

    2- Fighting system (PVP)
    This is really embarrassing, there is a great lack of fluidity and speed in movements and this frustrate during the fights, also some different kind of attacks would be appreciated.

    3- Pc and Xbox players
    I'm sure that this issue has been mentioned a lot before my feedback but you need to solve this problem or at least try to fill the gap of speed and precision between pc players an xbox players. I know xbox players can play with mouse and keyboard but there is still a big difference, too big. If an xbox player has a friend on pc and they want to play togheter, the first one will never be enough competitive in pvp and this causes only frustration beacause there is no chance to win fights.

    I'm a player that has been playing videogames since 25 years now... I think as an "old player" I know which are some important elements that make a game funny, there is few sense to me when you focus on change colors of clothes or animals during the updates, when there are big lacks to fix that seems you are not willing to change.

    This is also true, many players complained for the lack of variety in terms of adventures, quests, enemies (just an example, why all the megs act the same? It would be interesting that each meg, like different in color, could have different kind of attacks, to give them...personality; or the kraken...the biggest monster, the poorest loot in the game..why?!)

    The story of videogames, as we all know, teach us that the graphics or the variety of the gameplay can lack sometimes and a game can still be funny, but when a game doesn't allow you to moove or control your character as you want, you don't even enjoy all the rest, even if just get angry and loose the desire to play...

    This is not my only experience, I know many other players, which are your customers, who agree with the concepts I wrote here.

    I hope that with the next update Rare will start a little change in this direction. If you'll start doing it, you will have even more success than you already have with this game.
    Wish you a good work and hope to see some changes that make people willing to play SOT, which has a great potential.

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  • @itsherbivore19
    3: XBox player here...killed several PC crews on my own, with controller!
    Only advantage PC has is in a close quarter man on man ship fight they have no advantage at all

    1. sounds to me you want things quick and speedy. Instead of slow pace and work. You know work...
  • @schwammlgott
    I had the chance to try both pc and xbox and who plays from xbox is penalized anyway. It's clear that there's a reason why they gave the option to choose to play with all players or only players with controller.

  • @itsherbivore19 as I said...ONLY in close quarter fights...
    Ship combat is exactly the same

    Edit: they just came up with that option because so many people complained about it...I was always against this

  • @burnbacon
    If you would have read my feedback with attention, you would have understood that what I mean is the contrary of what you are saying.
    The game have to be something fun that you enjoy to play, normally it's not a job (obviously there are eccepions) anyway when many people start to complain about something it means that there are things to improve. It's more interesting to have constructive comments, fanboys are out of fashin

  • @schwammlgott
    Yes, exactly, I did not refer to ship combat but man versus man, because the mouse have more control and speed on movement than controller

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