If you purchase an Appearance change potion in the store but don't use it, every single time you launch the game or change servers, it prompts you to use it. I purchased it by accident a couple months ago, but was happy with my pirate and did not want to change him after spending so many hours getting him right 2 years ago. Well, the popup ruined that. I got locked into choosing a new pirate. I later realized you could back out, but at that point it was too late. Even if people rarely make this mistake, it is a gigantic nuisance. Please, add a way to return a potion, disgard a potion, or find another way to notify a player they have it, because spamming them with a popup every single time they exit to menu is annoying beyond beleif.
Pirate Potion Pop Up Spam
@armour8k Also, this is less important IMO, but it would be nice if there was a secondary section in the pirate selection screen that had all your previous appearances; this might not be possible because the game doesn't save past appearances, but its worth a shot me asking.
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