Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT

  • I think it would be cool if SOT finally allowed playstation players to join.

    I bought an xbox purely to play SOT. I'd rather buy a gaming pc than buy another console just to play a shinier SOT.

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  • Would be up to Microsoft and Sony being willing to play ball on that, which is not something that happens often historically since they are in fact competitors. Not that I disagree with you, but think of it like any number of other "platform exclusive" titles out there. MS own Rare, and that ecosystem is still a thing (and unfortunately supported by many gamers who want to feel a part of some exclusive club rather than letting people enjoy games on any platform they choose). Would be wonderful, would lead to more players in the proverbial pool, but it probably has a less than favorable chance of happening.

  • @daringclarky yeah thats not up to Rare. Gotta give microsoft a call.

  • This ain’t 1989, people have multiple systems. If they wanna play SOT’s ain’t nuth’n stopp’n ‘em but themselves.

    System loyalty died with the Dreamcast.

    It wouldn’t surprise me to see XBOX Gamepass on Sony systems and preinstalled on the next Gen TV’s like Netflix has been the last few years.

    SOT’s actually runs 10X better on my wife’s phone via Cloud than it does installed on my XBOX One!

    These will be the last “Systems” we ever see. Everything will be Cloud/Stream based in the future. You’ll just buy the controller you want and subscribe to the services that have the best games.

  • Xbox players would just end up complaining and saying it's unfair to fight them until they split them up too.

  • @glannigan sagte in Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT:

    This ain’t 1989, people have multiple systems. If they wanna play SOT’s ain’t nuth’n stopp’n ‘em but themselves.

    System loyalty died with the Dreamcast.

    It wouldn’t surprise me to see XBOX Gamepass on Sony systems and preinstalled on the next Gen TV’s like Netflix has been the last few years.

    SOT’s actually runs 10X better on my wife’s phone via Cloud than it does installed on my XBOX One!

    These will be the last “Systems” we ever see. Everything will be Cloud/Stream based in the future. You’ll just buy the controller you want and subscribe to the services that have the best games.

    Everything will be cloud/streaming based in the future...but not in the near future and this won't be the last generation of dedicated systems...I see at least 1 or 2 more generations coming before everything changes to streaming

  • @schwammlgott said in Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT:

    @glannigan sagte in Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT:

    This ain’t 1989, people have multiple systems. If they wanna play SOT’s ain’t nuth’n stopp’n ‘em but themselves.

    System loyalty died with the Dreamcast.

    It wouldn’t surprise me to see XBOX Gamepass on Sony systems and preinstalled on the next Gen TV’s like Netflix has been the last few years.

    SOT’s actually runs 10X better on my wife’s phone via Cloud than it does installed on my XBOX One!

    These will be the last “Systems” we ever see. Everything will be Cloud/Stream based in the future. You’ll just buy the controller you want and subscribe to the services that have the best games.

    Everything will be cloud/streaming based in the future...but not in the near future and this won't be the last generation of dedicated systems...I see at least 1 or 2 more generations coming before everything changes to streaming

    Then you know what happens after right?

    Actual afterlife.
    Upload your subconscious into a USB drive and play your video game library for eternity. 😁

    Just don't play a Bethesda game though incase one of the bugs you encounter corrupt your USB hardware and inadvertently wipe you out 😂

  • Give us spiderman and demon souls and deal

  • @tenseiga23 I would like it, if we get Spiderman...but really no need for Demon Souls...
    I like hard games, but Demon Souls/Dark Souls have a stupid system overall, tried Dark Souls 2...I can imagine how people like it, but this system is just unsatisfying imo

  • @daringclarky Microsoft and Rare has a deal. sooooo. NOPE.
    unless the console war ends and Microsoft and Sony become friends.

  • I would love to see it happening but no PS4, im tired of reasons that holds the game back.

    Console peasants have got to move on 😉 (joke)

  • I'd like to see it on PlayStation 5 but I don't know how viable it is from a business standpoint. At this stage I think it's too late to see it on PS4.

    Microsoft aren't necessarily against putting their games on other platforms - they put both Ori games on Switch. But Nintendo aren't seen as a direct competitor nor do those games have an online component to complicate matters.

    Minecraft is another exception but Microsoft bought Mojang long that after the game was already available pretty much everywhere apart from your toaster. But I guess looking at how its online works and, in particular, online store purchases would be a good indication of what is possible.

    Then it does come down to exclusivity. Although their focus is mainly on Game Pass across Xbox consoles and PC, Microsoft does still want to keep their consoles appealing as entry level devices for the Xbox ecosystem. And with the lack of new first-party games at launch, the Xbox Series X|S is depending on their catalogue of existing exclusives to attract consumers.

    Not saying it will never happen, it's certainly more of a possibility now than it was a decade ago, but the if and when it happens is really down to what Microsoft sees as being good for their business. Plus how much Sony are willing to allow on their end - as they are the ones who have historically shown a reluctance to open up to crossplay and, especially, cross-purchase.

  • Maybe they should buy an Xbox Series S|X or a PC instead of buying a console like that.

  • @sohotin said in Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT:

    @daringclarky Microsoft and Rare has a deal. sooooo. NOPE.
    unless the console war ends and Microsoft and Sony become friends.

    That's just the thing too.
    The console wars are pathetic.
    It's a shame we miss out based on just greedy suits.

  • @sohotin just a heads up, microsoft and rare dont have a "deal". Microsoft owns Rare.

  • @daringclarky said in Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT:

    I think it would be cool if SOT finally allowed playstation players to join.

    I bought an xbox purely to play SOT. I'd rather buy a gaming pc than buy another console just to play a shinier SOT.

    i don't ever see this happening

    as seeing microsoft and sony are at war so to speak

    and so are xbox and ps users over which is the superior console

    while we all know pc wins that race at every turn

    while i personally hate the selfish idea of having exclusives all games for all consoles would be my dream

  • @daringclarky in my opinion they should stop these console wars. it was a meme at the first but now its getting crazy with all these Exclusive games and dlcs and blah blah.
    but i blame Microsoft for introducing this 'Exclusivity War'
    cause they started it way back in 2012 with Call of duty Black ops 2.

    imo Sony and Microsoft should make a Deal, so the Playstation players can finally play SoT, The game needs more people. thats why they released it on Steam. But its still not Enough.

  • The Epic Games case with Apple might have ramifications for the console ecosystem as well, with the breaking down of these barriers. It will be interesting to see how that progresses.

  • Playstation fans "Our console is better because exclusives and you can't have them!"

    Also Playstation fans "Please give us your exclusives Microsoft"


  • @sohotin said in Ps4 and PS5 players enjoy SOT

    but i blame Microsoft for introducing this 'Exclusivity War'
    cause they started it way back in 2012 with Call of duty Black ops 2.

    Exclusivity in videogames goes back way before that. I think you'll find Sony has been at it since the 90s, buying exclusivity for games like Tomb Raider II (1997)... I'm sure there's many many more examples but that one sticks out as it took the franchise away from Saturn players who had played the original game.

  • @DaringClarky I doubt anytime soon Microsoft would make Sea of Thieves for PlayStation. It is an "Xbox exclusive", it can be played on PC though. The game was made in partnership with Xbox Game Studios. It was made to be an xbox exclusive and will probably stay that way.

  • @sohotin

    imo Sony and Microsoft should make a Deal, so the Playstation players can finally play SoT, The game needs more people. thats why they released it on Steam. But its still not Enough.

    Why should they. It wouldn't be in Microsoft interest to do that. It defeats the purpose of making it an exclusive game to begin with. I doubt a few people whinging over not getting one game on their console. The game was made for xbox and PC players, it was made in partnership with Xbox Game Studios. Also, why are you putting the blame on microsoft. The PlayStation has far more exclusive games, yet I don't see anyone complaining about that. Also, Steam lets you link your Xbox account. Microsoft brought a lot of its exclusives in a partnership with Steam.

  • @sohotin The console wars don't exist. Xbox has supported people in buying playstation so that they can play with friends. Its said things like both consoles are a good choice to buy. They have congratulated Sony and Playstation when they release consoles or games. The only console wars are the ones the console owners force.

  • Can we get sony first party titles on xbox?

  • Nah man because then we have less exclusives 😂😂

  • I think so too

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