I didn’t get my gold

  • Just completed the long process of beating and keeping all the loot from the new fort of fortune, i am a grade V reapers bones emissary and gold rush has just started so all seems great, we go to reapers to sell but when we do we don’t get any gold or reputation, we tried dying, re logging, waiting a few hours and re logging, still nothing, I have the achievement from beating it and a screen shot before I sold, we made small amounts of money from alliance members selling, nobody else seems to have the same issue, can someone please tell me how to fix or can the devs pay me?

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  • Sea of Thieves has a history of delaying gold/rewards. Specially on patch-days so tomorrow when you wake up you will most likely have the rewards.

  • Sea of Thieves also has a history of lost data at times and they do a blanket reward for everyone of like 25k gold and some doubloons when it happens IF it happens to a large enough portion of the player base. Don’t expect a lot if it doesn’t show up over the next 72 hours.

  • we noticed yesterday playing that we were getting deeds and renown about an hour aftger the event that casued it to trigger. maybe just a delay for you too? alos sometimes the notificatin doesn't show bu the gold does go up, you sure this isn't that case?

  • @shell2k6 yes, I have a before and after screen shot of my money, we got the doubloons but only the money our allies turned in was given to us

  • I've found that the 'adventure overview' bit of your profile here on the forums updates way faster than in game. Almost every time I play it doesn't reflect immediately in-game after a big turn in.

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