Release Notes -

  • Release Notes -
    Today's maintenance window is now over and Sea of Thieves is officially back online alongside update! Read our release notes to find out more about the fixes and improvements that this build introduces.

    Release Notes -

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

    Xbox Club
    Verified Discord

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  • Thanks for getting this out - hopefully this fixes many of the issues in the Tall Tales.

    I don't see anything mentioned in these release notes, so I'm hoping for performance improvements to resolve the crazy amount of screen tearing in the next update.

  • Release Notes -

    When reloading a ranged weapon, sprinting or stowing will now correctly interrupt the animation and restart it again once the weapon is raised.

    Thank you!!

  • Doffs me hat...

  • @muttleygriffin how long this maintenence gonna take?

  • No more ads bug yay

  • Updating.. cool

  • Have the food and cannon Barrels bug been fixed fixed when fighting the Kraken on the second pirates life Tail

  • Still maintenance... how long will this take?!

  • How about bringing 120 FOV into the game? A firend of mine quitted because he gets a headache from the 90 FOV... After nearly 2000 hours of ingame time! And I got to admit that I would prefer to at least have the option to play with a wider FOV...

  • Be patient guys

  • Ship Surface Collision Issues

    After starting a Tall Tale, there is a chance that the crew will be unable to board their ship and will fall through into the sea. For now, players experiencing this can resolve it by leaving the game and starting a new session.

    • Not true. This happened to me a few months ago after a server merge, and it happened again yesterday, right after a server merge.

    I was Reaper 5. Had tons of loot, just after sinking a ship doing Ashen Wind. We couldn't board our ship or rowboat, or in fact any rowboat on the island we were at.

    Even after scuttling the bug was still there.

  • What about the freaking achievement? I have 174/178 and i’m trying to 100% it, obviously. I always get close then they add an achievement with BS. I’m starting to get pretty annoyed at this.

  • Sometimes when it's really inconvenient I will try to activate the wheel, anchor, or my sales and my character will just stand in place. I can activate my items wheel and pull things out but my character can't move or do anything else. The camera will spin and turn with the waves as they rock my boat. It can take about 3 min before they continue the animation and do what ever action I was trying to do. Thanks for any help and reading. I play on the Xbox one.

  • Why is the mast bug never in known issues, isn't it acknowledged? Its such a pain and can lose a battle.

  • Okay this is the first forums post I have to do cause it's so frustrating that I have to adress this now. Before the update, I noticed a lot of stability, performance increase and it felt good to play the game since a long time!

    I have to say in advance: my game is installed on an nvme drive, the connection I'm using is 1000mbit download and 50k upload.

    After the update, I was sitting in a 4 minutes loading screen, noticed that performance is significantly dropping and the "good vibe" from before quickly vanished cause it's so frustrating to just sit in there when you're about to go into a combat.

    What is causing that? What is there to do to prevent that? Please explain.


  • @meroviel Thanks mates. ❤️

  • The everlasting chest of sorrow now just despawns when you go thro the door with it

  • @euripidis [Mod Edit]

  • Tabbing back in the game takes 2-3 seconds now after this update. It was fine after the pirate's life update but now its back. (Steam version)

  • Dissapointed to see that the bug with the 'A Pirate's Life for Me' Achievement isn't on the known issues.

    Myself and many others are stuck on 99% for it and upon reporting the issue just get a canned response back.

  • I cant do Tall Tales because i go through the portal and crashing the game on the loadingscreen.!!!

  • @meroviel

    We've experienced the Ship Surface Collision issue multiple times without being in a Tall Tale. It happened repeatedly on a new game (Adventure Mode) with a Galleon.

  • @comdr-bowman The team are aware that the Ship Surface Collision bug may not be limited to those doing Tall Tales and are still investigating the issue so they can find a resolution.

  • @tekrantgaming Please do not discuss or encourage ways to break Microsoft's ToS.

    Your post has been edited and a warning placed on your account.

    Too many incidents of breaking Forum rules will result in a temporary or permanent ban from the Forums and removal from Insiders if you are a part of the Programme.


  • Can't wait untill i have some time off again... i liked it already heaps even if it was bugged , but now...It can only got even better...Thank you Rare 's Repair Team.

  • @euripidis Re: 120FoV - The FOV modification for Steam players was never intentional and has been removed in order to restore the intended settings of Sea of Thieves.

    There are no intentions to change this in future.

  • @tekrantgaming said in Release Notes -

    The everlasting chest of sorrow now just despawns when you go thro the door with it

    Yeah, tenth time trying and every time I have less patience to deal with the game that they forgot in their bug.

  • Had some issues with falling through ship today, few friends tell me the same, sometimes in beginning of a session or sometimes annoyingly after some loots been gathered. Anyone else having similar problems ?

  • @kashmero Had this happen to me last night and the guy I was playing with said it was the third time in a row for him. In my mind, honestly not worth playing until this is fixed if there's a possibility I lose hours worth of work due to a bug like this.

  • @techn0m0nkey Yes it has

  • The Sunken Pearl tale still bugs out. Water portals are not activating even though the switch is blinking, the Chest of Everlasting Sorrows disappears from our hands when going through the water portal into the room with the door. We've tried to finish this tale 4 times after the patch was released and so far, we've had bugs every single run.

  • Im really starting to get frustrated,
    since the todays hot fix arrived i was hoping that the issue with the Tunnels of the Damned will be fixed, but it seems that it is not, i tried like 20 times now to go through, but i could enter the world of the dead like a half the time and could not return back to the "real world" at all, so hope it will be really fixed soon

  • So many upset people here. It’s like they forgot the update hasn’t even been out a week yet and we got a patch on a Saturday.

    Hey people, it’s ok to play another game while you wait for whatever bug you’re upset about to get fixed.

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