I hate this PvP Mode

  • You call that [mod edit] SKILLED BASED MATCHMEAKING
    That's the bigger lie than my dad said 9 years ago
    "I will come back"
    Bro I am LVL 31 and I get ghost and skeleton curse in the same match, if we are both equally skilled just give me the both curses now.
    I hate this game

  • 15
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  • @triheadedmonkey PLZ FIX YOUR GAME NOW



  • You realize that the matchmaking system tries to find players within your bracket/skill level, but if it can't it pairs you with the next available crew, which in your case happens to be higher skill players.

    This should be resolved with the cross-stamp fix.

  • How bad do you really want it?

    set aside the fomo, the carrot on the string

    will achieving this leave you feeling rewarded? is it something you will regularly use?

    If you really want it there is only one way to get it and it's not likely to change anytime soon. You gotta dig your boots into the dirt and push through it.

    If it's something you're caught up in, because it's new, because it's shiny, because they got you chasing it
    but it doesn't truly hold significance for you

    why go through it? there are many many ways to play this game, less frustrating ways or there are other games and hobbies.

    Struggle is valuable when it's rewarding in some way

    being miserable just to fall in line with others doesn't help you much

  • you do realize that, if a crew is committed enough, they can just go into battle and let their ship sink because you get rep just for joining the battle. Just because they have the ghost or skeleton curse doesn't necessarily mean that they're good. It just means that they got to level 100 in that faction.

  • Having the same skill as some one does not exactly mean putting the same effort in, but if the stamp you are in only has a much more skilled player available, then rather than giving no opponents at all to either side, it will pair you together.

  • You had one unbalanced fight, damn FIX YOUR GAME RARE AND MY CAPSLOCK

  • Bro I am LVL 31 and I get ghost and skeleton curse in the same match, if we are both equally skilled just give me the both curses now.

    The curses are not equal to skill.
    They could of easily gotten them during the Alliance deal before the nerf, they could of just been the Plank guy while everyone else fought.

  • @burnbacon
    "Just the plank guy" the players in these forums are unreal xd

  • @deizelqq lol. Eny decent crew divide roles on ship in my community there is role of deckhand a plank, sail, help with cannon guy.

    If somebody stick to it from 1 to 100 he cloud be just "a plank guy".

  • @ghutar

    I think their comment alluded to the fact that, as you know, the bilger / repairer has a fairly vital function, and the good ones are very skilled and specialized. "Just the plank guy" is dismissive, and sounds like they're just standing around without being part of the fight.

  • Then don't play it. Noone can force you to pvp. You need to click the hourglass.

  • "The plank guy" really ?

    From now on I'm referring to him as "that kid who looks down on people in a video game"

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