"RESERVOIR SEA DOGS" Guild recruiting pirates (Distinction 3)

  • @deviri Yup! We still have a couple of spots left. So I just sent you an invite!

  • Hello, my friend and I are searching for a guild and we play almost daily :)

    BakaLorehat and LennyPKL

  • I would like to join if possible. Having trouble finding reliable people to play with.
    Xbox- Grim187x
    Discord- Grim187x

  • @bakalorehat That sounds perfect! Just sent the invites to you and your friend.

    @grim187x Just sent you a Discord invite and an in-game invite too!

  • Do you still have room? My GT is TheDTRAIN2013

  • I want to join to your guild, and I added you to xboxlive, my g tag is @Mortis20252026

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