"We wants it...... We needs it!...My Precious!"
GT: mcloum
Is anyone able to see my link above? One day i can see it but others i cannot. I can see it when i edit the post
The key was Molten Sands Fortress (the other side of the map) and the chest was dropped in the sea before Reaper's hideout, so I decided to place it somewhere more interesting. Turned out quite well after looking through the spyglass and cropping it a bit.
Capstan: DrBensei
6pack: CrystalGenesis9
My solo sloop ran from other players and hided siren skull :(
6pack: code2224
Capstan: code2224
Server glitched making it possible for 2 skulls to spawn
was a long long day but my dude acidiss had my back so this one is for him i am posting this and if it wins i would like for him to get the set https://freeimage.host/i/JzF0lDJ