Skeleton Fleet Raid Voyage for Athena’s Fortune

  • So I unlocked the skeleton fleet raid voyage for Athena’s Fortune after reaching level 40 and I was excited to try it out to see what treasure you get from it.

    Upon sinking the captain galleon I got a pop-up saying I failed the raid voyage even though I completed it by sinking the final galleon.


    And lastly, I just can’t understand Rare whatsoever. This is the treasure I got from the skeleton fleet raid voyage for AF.

    I understand that the talisman is worth 15k base so when I sold it as a grade v AF emissary it was lucrative but once again the quantity and variety of treasure is disgustingly bad.

    Just does not feel good doing raid voyages.

    I did a Fort of Fortune and a Fleet of Fortune and the loot you get from those events is amazing. It feels extremely satisfying.

    Raid voyages are not rewarding enough plain and simple.

    Not enough treasure and not enough variety of treasure.

    Raid voyages are terrible for building emissary grade.

    I do not recommend doing any raid voyages unless you’re already grade v or until Rare buff the quantity of treasure you get from them.

    Essentially Rare used the Legend of the Veil voyage as a template for rebalancing old voyages and the new raid voyages but forgot that you don’t build emissary grade from the 2-3 treasures you get per stone.

    You build emissary grade when you insert the stone into the veil which is obviously not a thing for any other voyage.

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