A little annoyance with the Hourglass

  • I know that this is something a lot of people have talked about, but the matchmaking for the Hourglass is terrible- Like, I have met almost more people that have BOTH of the gold curses than someone who has one or none of the curses. It feels really unfair meeting people who have one or two gold curses. I don't know how the matchmaking works for the game, but I feel like the devs should take a page out of Dark Souls 2, make it so you can ONLY match with people around the same Allegiance level as you. Say if you are below 100, you should only match with people within that same range of not up to 200. But once you reach 100, the search gets broadened to up to 300, and then 200 it ups to 500. But once you reach 300, you can only match with people who have reached that 100 and up and higher. 500 would be between 200 and 1000, and finally 1000 would be 500 and up.

    I know this would mess with the rate it takes to get into a match. But say after 10 minutes it broadens the search a little like it does with the cross stamp matchmaking. so say it adds an extra 100 to the search range. It would make matches more equal and less chances of meeting people who are over 1000 in the company. Cause is it really all that fun to meet people who do nothing more than the pvp side of this game? Especially ones who are "gods" at it. I just care about the health of this game and this is a concern of mine. Sure there are less and less people doing pvp now, but that's because so many get dumpstered on by people who play the pvp too much. I know just me coming out with this idea won't do much, but maybe it'll reach the right people and they can help keep this game afloat unlike a Brig which sinks faster than a rock at the best of times.

    Good luck out there on the seas!

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  • @sirsilentgamer it’s a queuing issue. If there are not enough people in your stamp’s queue, then instead of making you wait for ages for a match, it’ll put you into a fight with others of higher skill etc.

    Not exactly fair, but it’s better than you waiting for hours etc.

  • @tesiccl said in A little annoyance with the Hourglass:

    @sirsilentgamer it’s a queuing issue. If there are not enough people in your stamp’s queue, then instead of making you wait for ages for a match, it’ll put you into a fight with others of higher skill etc.

    Not exactly fair, but it’s better than you waiting for hours etc.

    i rather wait for 1 hour than beeing lvl 50 in one of the factions and meet a full crew of gold curses that only play pvp where my skills will not match them or be anywhere close to them, think of apex, beeing bronce and only matching with diamonds, thats not fare at all

  • @morknag you might be willing, but the majority of players wouldn’t. And in reality, you say you may be willing, but you won’t, and Rare know this, so they’ve given people quick matches with the chance of you winning, rather than wait and still potentially lose.

  • @tesiccl again i rather wait then trying to do the impossible, like when the hourglass was released it was almost imossible to get 4 streak wins becouse of cheaters and hig level players, i waited until this year to actually go for both curses and more than often i met people with both gold curses, i rather enjoiy a equal fight than been stoped by swetlords, macro users and cheaters, so yeah i would rather wait an hour for an opertunity to fight an equal pirate than thos mention abouw

  • @morknag it’s not impossible unless you tell yourself it is. You have a chance to win, but you need to try.

    I’ve got both my curses, and I’m well on my way to 1000 in servants. If I get into a fight with a gold cursed person, I try. If I win, amazing, if not, I take the L and try again.

    It’s all we can do tbh, and Rare aren’t going to suddenly change what has been working for HG all this time.

  • I have met almost more people that have BOTH of the gold curses than someone who has one or none of the curses.

    And? Those are the only people still playing (For now) Wait until PS players arrive for the first few months.

    It feels really unfair meeting people who have one or two gold curses.

    Jealously? Use that to get your groove on and start winning more.

    make it so you can ONLY match with people around the same Allegiance level as you

    Hahaha...Ha..Ha..So someone like me who still like not even double digits will get nobody?

    Say if you are below 100, you should only match with people within that same range of not up to 200

    What if its a Duo sloop and one pirate has the curse while the other does not. Where the range for that? Got to fight some duo who also has 1 curse and the other does not. (very unlikely)

    I know this would mess with the rate it takes to get into a match.

    THAT! is the very issue players using Hourglass dont seem to fully understand. Hourglass is NOT a mode. Its not a matchmaking pvp. Its just a simple PVP On Demand Tool. You are fighting against other pirates quick and fast, without the need to sail the open sea looking for a fight. The Curse, means nothing. They just won (or farm lose) enough to earn them.

    Cause is it really all that fun to meet people who do nothing more than the pvp side of this game?

    Doing a Voyage, minding my own business and suddenly a ship attacks me. Not using Hourglass or promoting myself to pvp. It just part of the game.

    I just care about the health of this game and this is a concern of mine.

    So you want to separate players by ranking them. I feel sorry for the game even more once we start diving the game up based on skill, and length of time played.

    Sure there are less and less people doing pvp now, but that's because so many get dumpstered on by people who play the pvp too much.

    This sentence is false. It not just pvp, its PvpvE or Hourglass here. You can say the same about the overall gameplay, players are doing less pve content because pvp players keep sinking them. :P

  • Just to be clear here, the default for matchmaking in Hourglass is to find players of an equal skill; it is implied that if it cannot it will extend the search. Source.

    I am just over 100 in each Faction and I rarely see a gold curse. In fact, the only time I've seen a gold curse in PvP is when I play with crewmates that don't have a well established MMR or their uncertainty is still high.

    Keep at it, and learn from good players. I highly recommend Massive Sponge, Nessie, and Erin Stirling.

  • did some hg matches this weekend and it was a huge difference i was able to win 3 games in a row sure i also lost a lot but the balance was good(made it from 35 to 51) , yesterday at the end of gold and glory it wasnt fun at all it felt i playing against aimbots so much cannonshots landed straight into my face, it wasnt modders i guess they were just really good. the whole grindy design isnt really smart to let this mode alive ,sure people who get 5 streak for them its not hard leveling far beyond 100 ,1000 . for the average player it feels like work reaching 100 with one of the fractions.

  • @burnbacon I feel like you never fully read posts, cause the things you spout are incoherent and you nitpick more than necessary. And no I am not Jealous of people who have spent countless hours on a single version of the curse. I am happy I am not going to waste time on the gold curses.

    And you saying that "Someone who doesn't have double digits won't anybody" proves you didn't read everything, cause I clearly stated "After about ten minutes it will broaden the search range". And for your predicament of duo slooping. Just take the highest rank of the two, simple as that.

    And no, no I do not want to separate people by rank, I just want to hopefully have it so people can have a higher chance at a fair fight instead of a heavily unbalanced one. And trust me, I know there are a lot more people who stopped doing the pvp on demand because of them getting dumpstered. I have come across many, many people who have straight up told me that they gave up on the pvp on demand cause of this

  • So in the beginning, we had problems. Most of us ran into problems like sitting under water waiting on a match for 15-45 minutes. It was a big problem. So, they slowly got around to experimenting, and its like we are in a phase now where they seemingly hurry and try to put fights together at the expense of a possibly large skill gap between the combatants.

    We are in a position now where its a trade, do we want more refined match making where you possibly wait 40 minutes to get matched with a crew of your same skill level or get fast matches with big skill gaps?

    I feel like things are more complicated than this, because there this phenomenon to where some folks have spent so much time in the hourglass (folks with level 3000-8000 in servants or guardians), and when they login and get warmed up and amass a large amount of supplies they become in effect unstoppable and unbeatable for their duration. They no longer have any challenge left in the game, and that pool gets bigger with each season and it can be discouraging when you have multiple chads on your stamp and you get stuck in their queue's fighting each of them.

    The good news is you can observe them, and watch better players in action and try to emulate and learn how they destroy you so efficiently.

  • If they made the gamemode more appealing with more rewards and more forgiving with like fixed supplies then more people would be in the pool of SBMM. More people means better and fairer matches not bouncing between someone with 100 hours and someone with 3000 hours.

  • Personally, I'd adjust it like so:
    Base skeleton - 50
    Motted bones-60
    Repaired skull - 65 or 70
    Just as an idea, and if someone is going to crawl out of the woodwork saying diminishes the value it doesn't. At least with athena's you have access to ALL you clothes. The skeletons require special purchases, the crux to me is the skeleton farm while being a major staple of the game is honestly less versatile in customization. And, most would likely just tough it out for the base and cash out from there. Athena's would actually be worth it in this regard at the asking level.

  • I think the actual issue is an engagement one. The fight itself is poorly set up. From the size of the ring to the orientation of the ships at spawn.

    One of the funniest things to me is that there is a point based system that exists in the game already for arena and they didn't use any of it. They could have made the fights be timed (hourglass) with the ring shrinking the entire time and points to determine who wins if both ships survive.

    Additionally, there aren't any options to the "game mode" other than sink or be sunk. There could be a king of the hill type fight where you have to hold a fort or island for as long as possible. Or even, and I hate to say it, a death match mode where everyone only has one respawn.

    Almost anything would be better than just leaving hourglass in its current state. Even multiple ship fights would be better.

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