Throwing knife and DB Flintlock too weak?

  • I recently used the throwing knife and the double barrel flintlock, I think they're amazing for PVE, but in terms of PVP, i feel they are both extremely underpowered, mechanics wise they're perfect.

    I think the flintlock damage is fine as it is, although I do think the charge shot should one hit, I think it's faster to shoot two shots with a regular flintlock and it one hits.
    The knife also I feel is too slow currently, although I think a damage boost would be more beneficial, allowing it to one hit if thrown, I think the slash damage and heavy stab damage is okay.

    -Make Double Shot with Db Flintlock do 100 player damage
    -Make throwing knife do 100 player damage when thrown

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  • @alexroblox1533

    You want 100 damage throwing knives? Eeeep

  • it's a high skill, high reward type weapon, the only alternative to buff it would be increasing the velocity of it, but then why use a throwing knife over a pistol at that point? the new weapons are nice, but theres no reason to use it over a different weapon, theyre just objectively worse when the blunderbuss / eor requires much less skill and are more rewarding

  • @capt-greldik I want knives that don't take an entire era to draw and I don't want them to slow me down more than any guns do.

  • Your supposed buffs are wild; you don't understand the intended use of the new weapons.

    The double barreled flintlock is not meant to be a great primary weapon like the regular flintlock. It is a great secondary weapon; it can clean up kills after other weapons while maintaining a bullet in the second chamber, or do a ton of damage to facilitate your other weapon. If you want to kill in two shots, pick the Flintlock.

    The throwing knife is a hard weapon to hit with, but it does solid damage. The best way to use it will be to bait opponents to come in your direction and then spam throws at them or surprise them with a charge attack. Instead of attacking head-on, run belowdecks, charge, and wait to surprise. Or just aim at the entrance and fire as soon as someone comes in after you. Kills with this are going to come from thinking out of the box and outplaying the better weapons. It's going to be hard to use, but it'll do a lot of damage if you get good with it.

    If you want to try loadouts with some good synergy, I'd go with Eye of Reach/Throwing Knife or Blunderbuss/Double-Barreled Flintlock. The EoR will help bait opponents to approach, then you can kill with knife throws. The Blunderbuss can use the DB Flintlock to clean up glancing shots or soften up approaching targets for an easy one-shot.

  • 100 damage on a throwing knife is so wild I kinda wanna see a day of it happening just for entertainment purposes, lol.

  • @grumpyw01f yeah, it CAN clean up kills after other weapons, but what is the reason to using it over the flintlock? The EOR shoots faster, reloads faster, and does 10 damage less. The regular flintlock reloads faster, shoots faster, and is just overall better to "clean up kills" and there's no downsides to using it. I agree with your point on the throwing knife, I'm perfectly fine with it being difficult to use, but I feel like the difficulty doesn't pay off for the reward, another scenario where the EOR is just easier and better to use. I understand these weapons have different playstyles and aren't run and gun, but the game by nature is usually fast paced combat, and having two slower paced weapons that are way weaker despite requiring more skill is really unbalanced imo

  • @alexroblox1533 said in Throwing knife and DB Flintlock too weak?:

    @grumpyw01f yeah, it CAN clean up kills after other weapons, but what is the reason to using it over the flintlock? The EOR shoots faster, reloads faster, and does 10 damage less. The regular flintlock reloads faster, shoots faster, and is just overall better to "clean up kills" and there's no downsides to using it. I agree with your point on the throwing knife, I'm perfectly fine with it being difficult to use, but I feel like the difficulty doesn't pay off for the reward, another scenario where the EOR is just easier and better to use. I understand these weapons have different playstyles and aren't run and gun, but the game by nature is usually fast paced combat, and having two slower paced weapons that are way weaker despite requiring more skill is really unbalanced imo

    I think we agree. The problem is that the sniper is overpowered. It can do 70 damage at every range with the reload time not being a big deal. This is nothing new. Of course the other weapons are going to feel underpowered if the rest of the meta is unbalanced. There are legitimate upsides to the new weapons though, so I'll try them out plenty.
    But the sniper will continue to be the best ranged weapon, and blunderbuss the best close-range weapon.

  • @boat-gremlin

    Hey woah, I’m not the knife fairy here. I was just surprised that he’d want 100 damage knives.

  • The throwing knife is amazing in PvP. It's brand new and will take the majority of people time getting used to it.

    As someone who's spent years of my life playing games competitively and professionally, it feels fine.
    Aside from the movement bug that makes it a little janky to throw sometimes. And the slow movement speed.

    I would honestly give it ALMOST full movement speed. Part of the FANTASY of throwing knives is being quick, agile, and dexterous, not slow and clunky. Keep it below full movement speed to not be too crazy with it, but keep it close to full speed to fulfill that fantasy of being a knife slinging rogue. At least while throwing, being slow and creeping up on people with the Heavy feels fine, it's a stealth mechanic that makes you quieter and it does good damage. However I do think it should ONE SHOT people if you specifically hit them in the BACK, incentivizing stealthy plays with the Heavy. But these are just suggestions to make it actually feel more like what it probably should feel like. I do think it still feels fine as is, so long as the movement bug gets fixed quickly. Heavy Stab is high damage, throw is high enough damage to 2 tap people, the shank is weak, but it's supposed to be weak since it has no attack delay like the sword. It's not a melee weapon it's a ranged weapon.

    Eye of Reach + Knife is my new life. It's such an amazing combination.

    Do I think the EoR+Blunder combo is still the king? Yes. But we have a couple of new solid additions to shake things up and make the game more interesting and fun.

    As for the Double Barrel, it feels okay when used for PvE, but so far feels NEARLY worthless as a PvP weapon. There is no reason to use it over an EoR or Flintlock. Using it in place of a Flintlock does give more damage per reload, but you have 2 less reloads and it requires you to be more accurate with 2 shots rather than just 1. If you miss a second shot, you're now doing less damage with less available reloads. Using it in place of an EoR is just a nightmare, it's gonna HitReg more because of it's slower projectile, it barely does more damage which again requires you to land 2 consecutive shots instead of just 1, and really just feels like it wasn't made for PvP but more for PvE. So far it's a monster in PvE.

  • I just seen someone saying the two weapons are OP and need nerfs. XD

  • Both weapons are under performing. They don't stand a chance against the polish of the original weapons.

  • We already have so many people complaining that the blunderbuss one shots and you wanna add more to that list? If these new items did 1 shot the blunderbuss would become obsolete so I don't agree

  • @rotten-rocko knife is iffy, but why SHOULDNT the double flintlock one shot when fully charged? it requires a good amount of tracking and skill to hit those shots when tracking, and it slows you down ALOT. i see no use to use the double shot functionality if firing 2 shots independently requires less effort and allows you to stay moving. as of now i've only used the DBF as a combo with sniper because any other situation is just useless unless youre doing pve. blunder also SHOULD one shot, i dont think we'd see nearly as many people complaining about blunder if backtracking wasnt a thing in the game. its extremely difficult for most people to land all 10 pellets on someone competent enough to sidestep and jump a little bit but backtracking just gives free kills most of the time with blunderbuss

  • @alexroblox1533 for dbf I can see your point

  • At the moment it is pve and memes. They were added to give more options though not necessarily to redefine meta

  • @burnbacon

    Cool 👍

  • @hiradc there's a difference between using "meta weapons" and just simply using viable weapons, in the weapons current state, theyre extremely weak in many ways compared to any of the other weapons. giving more options should allow for viability, and i dont see any reason to use either of the weapons when even blunder bombs are more reliable

  • @burnbacon I honestly think it's a good sign of them being in a good place. I think the "buff the weapons" group just isn't use to the new use cases and mechanics yet, and the "nerf the weapons" aren't use to fighting against the new weapons.

  • @alexroblox1533 said in Throwing knife and DB Flintlock too weak?:

    I recently used the throwing knife and the double barrel flintlock, I think they're amazing for PVE, but in terms of PVP, i feel they are both extremely underpowered, mechanics wise they're perfect.

    I think the flintlock damage is fine as it is, although I do think the charge shot should one hit, I think it's faster to shoot two shots with a regular flintlock and it one hits.
    The knife also I feel is too slow currently, although I think a damage boost would be more beneficial, allowing it to one hit if thrown, I think the slash damage and heavy stab damage is okay.

    -Make Double Shot with Db Flintlock do 100 player damage
    -Make throwing knife do 100 player damage when thrown

    You want two different weapons to one shot a full health player at range? I don't agree with this at all.

  • Hello,

    I agree that the two are a bit weak, but your changes are a bit too strong.
    Here is a suggestion

    • Adding 30% damage on the charging attack of the knife if you do it on the back of the pirate - Then it's a one shot Kill
    • Sligtly rise the damage of the double shot for the fintlock, like 90% instead of 80%, this allow only One small attack on knife for finishing (Today we need two)


  • @habiki I mean, at the very least, there is genuinely no reason to use the double barrel flintlock other than the single shot paired with another weapon. If you're going to fire off two shots, you might as well use the regular flintlock, because it will take the same amount of time, but they'll die within 2 shots.

  • @quezalcoalt78 charging isn't the issue, charging seems completely balanced, it's extremely easy to hit a charge vs throwing it, either damage needs to be buffed or mobility

  • DB is really good with EoR and Sword so I wouldn't change that.
    Daggers need to have a massive movement buff, as not being able to move around with them is way too restricting. Also it'd be nice to have the throw be a toggle, so you can simply enter the throw mode and move around and everything.

  • 1 hit kills are both dumb, the Double shot is like light as hell to hit so making that one shot would be bad cus its basically cross map blunder. Same with knife but it'd just be an annoying spammy weapon.

  • @alexroblox1533 said in Throwing knife and DB Flintlock too weak?:

    @habiki I mean, at the very least, there is genuinely no reason to use the double barrel flintlock other than the single shot paired with another weapon. If you're going to fire off two shots, you might as well use the regular flintlock, because it will take the same amount of time, but they'll die within 2 shots.

    I genuinely don't think this is correct. Firing two shots with the DB does not take the same amount of time as firing two shots with the original flintlock.

  • @capt-greldik 100 damage?! That's crazy!

    Now 99 damage would be ideal.

  • I strongly believe 2 of the Throwing knives attacks should be boosted by +5 damage.

    That way when it's thrown its 70dmg like a sniper, and power attacks are 75dmg which can then be followed by 2 quick stabs of 12.5 damage each.

  • @fysics3037 from what i've seen, db flintlock has horrible range compared to the flintlock,
    just did the comparison, regular flintlock is about 3 seconds give or take a couple milliseconds, DB flintlock is about 2 seconds with extremely limiting mobility compared to the base flintlock. the db flintlock is designed as a heavy weapon and was advertised as such, and at it's current point there is no realistic use to choose it over a regular flintlock. and it's not even a matter of "its not meta", it just isn't a viable option, sure it's fun but a weapon can be viable AND fun.

  • @olde-grim-jack that seems fair, although i feel like the projectile feels really awkward like the blunderbomb does, so i feel like something needs to be changed about the throwing knife itself, either a movement buff, projectile trajectory change, or just a straight up damage buff

  • @alexroblox1533 that would be to power full if they both did 100 damage mabye 70 and 60

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