My friend and i have been playing since release on ps5 and since then i havent bee able to hear anyone or talk to anyone in game, nor can i see local text chat and i have no idea why. My friend can 100% hear and speak to everyone in game and i just have to stand there and wait for him to relay everything to me so i can be included. Ive tried swapping audio from speaker to headphones, adjusted all the volume levels, uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3 times, disconnected and reconnected my microsoft account multiple times, and nothing is working. I feel like I've tried every possible solution I've seen online and nothing has helped, and im losing my mind over it. I enjoy the game like crazy but like half the experience is just gone bc i have no idea if someone in game is talking to me or writing in chat. Anyone have any ideas on what i could do, im desperate, bc when my friend isnt online to chat in party an all, would love to be able to make friends or whatever in game!
(PS5)Cant hear/speak to anyone in game whether it be crew chat or proximity, also cant see text chat!
I tried this option but isn’t work! I don’t know what is the problem. I can hear another player but i can’t speak with them.@GetsuFune2983 See for me the indicator in the corner (weather I have push to talk manual or off) says im talking, but i cant hear anyone and from my understanding they cant hear me, id rather be able to hear people than speak to them at this point lol, its just so infuriating bc like paid $40 bucks to not enjoy half the experience of the game
I found a solution that worked for me!
@Bojar29 @GetsuFune2983 (
Sorry friend but i can’t open this link I don’t know why 😞 can you write me what solution found you? 🙏 pleaseOkay, so after alot of days and hours of trying everything on the internet. I discovered a dumb way that somehow fixed everything. Have the Xbox app on your phone or whatever device, sign in on it, go to your profile, hit settings, privacy, and where it says “Who do you want to communicate with outside of Xbox” and “Who do you want to communicate with on Xbox” set both to the “Everyone on the internet” and “Everyone on Xbox”. Then make sure to close SoT if not already, open it back up and boom! Hopefully this works for you also bc it 100% fixed all my problems!!
Thank you for the answer!
I had already the same settings, but still can’t hear or speak on ps5@hmelium
Have you read and worked through the solutions on the Support page? Scroll down for PS5 help. You might find something you haven’t yet tried.@legendary-liz The issue is deeper than the basic game/console settings. I have the same issue on my PS5 - I'm the only one who can't hear the prox chat.
It worked initially when the game launched on ps5, I had no issues. Now I can hear others but they can’t hear me. It’s very frustrating and apparently it’s common as I’ve seen many others expressing the same experience.
The settings in the game are correct, nothing is muted on my mic/ps5, I’ve downloaded the Xbox app on my phone to ensure privacy settings allow for comms with all on internet. I mapped controller for manual push and it didn’t work. Tried different headphones, tried a different controller. Reinstalled the game on my ps5. No luck.
I hope the devs are aware of this so that if it is a bug in the game for ps5 it can be fixed.
@legendary-liz I have tried that but it doesn’t work, and it is not my ps5 that it isn’t working because I can use voice chat in all my games like fornite and gta, but it is only seas of thieves that doesn’t let me use the voice chat. Can anyone please help me fix this bug?🙏🙏
Heya there matey,
Press your playstation button and go to gamebase, from there you can press options. Then a button appears that says go to gamebase. If you do that you can go to game base settings » Voice chat settings. There should be an option for mute game voice chat. Disable that and you should be fine!
This is happening to me aswell, but for me I can hear everyone perfectly fine they just cant hear my mic, when i first got the game I played it for a couple of months then stopped for a bit, I just recently got back into SoT but had to log in when I loaded up the game, and now no one can hear me and I have to us text to chat, this is really annoying and I dont know why its happening, been scrolling through this post and ibe tried everything!!!! This is ruining my experience, im on ps5 fyi
@nivek0832 I even saw the little voice chat icon pop up just the other day while I was talking to myslef on my ship lol, but I cant figure out why that happened and ot hasnt happened again