bow and arrow

  • Introducing a bow and arrow in Season 14, with its new stealth theme, would be a great addition. Imagine lighting arrows on fire with lanterns or creating poison tipped arrows with a snake bite. Players could control the damage based on how far they pull back the bowstring fully drawn for maximum impact or quick shots for speed. This weapon would enhance silent takedowns, offer creative strategies with different arrow types, and perfectly complement the season's stealth focus.
    Also side note it would be really really cool.

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  • @th3-tater said in bow and arrow:


    In before Wolfman...

    alt text

    one day

  • @wolfmanbush I hope

  • @mechanicaleng5

    I am never one to shoot down ideas in these forums, but I just don't see how bows and arrows fit into this game.

    Would it be from a line of some ancient tribal weapons? Certainly it'd be a disposable weapon like a trident that you find in a jungle temple. I don't believe pirates of this era would ever keep a bow and arrow in their armory.

    If these are special ancient tribal weapons, you could add weapons like:

    • Blowgun
    • Atlatl
    • Bow & Arrow
    • Spear
  • @olde-grim-jack said in bow and arrow:


    I am never one to shoot down ideas in these forums, but I just don't see how bows and arrows fit into this game.

    Would it be from a line of some ancient tribal weapons? Certainly it'd be a disposable weapon like a trident that you find in a jungle temple. I don't believe pirates of this era would ever keep a bow and arrow in their armory.

    If these are special ancient tribal weapons, you could add weapons like:

    • Blowgun
    • Atlatl
    • Bow & Arrow
    • Spear

    Bow is a low resource requirement, effective stealth weapon. It's a higher skill requirement weapon but it's also a lot more realistic to maintain in the island wandering lifestyle that many adventurers are involved in.

    It's a compatible weapon/tool in any survival situation which is what piracy is.

    This game has its version of hunting, a bow is 100% compatible with small game hunting as well as fishing.

    This is ultimately an adventure survival game that just happens to be pirate themed.

    It's also a sandbox and that is why people play so differently.

    If this environment were a real survival situation there 100% would be bows around for both hunting and for combat.

    Which cannot be said for a lot of other things that already exist in this game.

    and imo that's not even necessary to justify a bow, it's a fantasy game and bows are fun in pretty much all games, it just happens to be a realistic weapon/tool as well in this type of environment.

    Obsidian is also a part of the lore in this game.

  • @mechanicaleng5

    Love your idea!! I hope one day they can implement it!

  • I don't know the whole new weapon system has just been an extreme level of bad for this game... I kind of hope after this next weapon update they stop adding weapons to be honest

  • @goutfoot-stiner said in bow and arrow:

    I don't know the whole new weapon system has just been an extreme level of bad for this game... I kind of hope after this next weapon update they stop adding weapons to be honest

    Adding weapons isn't an issue in this game, there should be a lot more options by now.

    It's changing around what exists to serve win conditions that makes combat worse in this game. "Balancing" weapons isn't changing the win conditions around. They generally have a -nerf a style- view when -buffing a different weapon- is typically the way to change metas in healthier ways.

    This game's combat would be significantly more fun for people with more weapon options. Makes it more interesting, allows casual players to have more fun, makes it easier for people to avoid metas when there are a lot of viable weapon options.

  • @wolfmanbush yea that makes sense I just know in season 14 there's going to be a lot more rebalancing coming and it feels like everything has been thrown off lately....

  • @goutfoot-stiner said in bow and arrow:

    @wolfmanbush yea that makes sense I just know in season 14 there's going to be a lot more rebalancing coming and it feels like everything has been thrown off lately....

    It happens from time to time, we all either have felt that way or will someday.

    we just keep on going and see what happens

    funny enough that's where a bow can come in handy,

    if they add a bow to have fun with, to fish with, to try new things with, then it can make the stuff that isn't fun a little less unpleasant.

  • @wolfmanbush but I would like to see less weapon changes and more content and adjustments else where.. hourglass needs massive touch ups and hunters call needs love

  • @olde-grim-jack
    a blow gun would be amazing too
    I don't see why a bow and arrow wouldn't fit in but even if you disagree I believe that you would agree that there are a lot of things that fit in way less than a bow and arrow that are already in the game

  • @wolfmanbush
    if they added a bow maybe they could make bigger fish you haft to use the bow to hunt

  • @goutfoot-stiner
    the bow could come with the love the hunters call needs

  • @europa4033
    me too I feel like it would be fun to use

  • @mechanicaleng5 true like damage to creatures the hunters call sends us to hunt

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