Interacting With Other Crews

  • Will we ever get events that encourage crews to interact with each other in a positive way ever again? Events that bring people together, like The Hungering Deep or Skeleton Thrones. Those events are years old now, but they still remain my favorite time within the game because of how it brought players together in a meaningful and cooperative way. I genuinely made real friends because of those events, but without almost anything like it since, fun interactions with other players rarely happen anymore.

    Rarely do I find players who want to start alliances in good faith, or even understand how alliances work because the system has been utterly neglected for so long.

    Positive interactions in this game are rare for me anymore outside of my own crews, which I find a shame. There’s so much suspicion even approaching another crewed ship that encounters rarely end in a friendly way. I have had good experiences once in a while with other crews over the years but nothing to compare back to those events I mentioned before.

    I think bringing events like those back, even just every so often would do this game a lot good in building more community within the game. Perhaps revamping or making the purpose of alliances clear in game would also help.

    Perhaps even adding mechanics to make truces between crews for temporary ceasefires or small safe zones where players cannot attack each other would allow for more room for crews to interact beyond blasting each others ships apart, while allaying suspicions that cause crews to turn on each other.

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  • @zephyrem2729 the key would probably be providing more ways for long distance communication of intent. Unfortunately events that bring people together end up being like pulling teeth once the initial wave of people complete their commendations.

    In any online experience really, it's hard when you have to rely on consistent interactions from random people. Look how the pirate council died

  • Will we ever get events that encourage crews to interact with each other in a positive way ever again?

    It be nice, but there will always be those who...wont and just follow along until the end and ruin the whole thing.
    Not like how during Hungering Deep days.

    Look how one of the adventures worked. So many people together in an area, crew or two working together to lock certain areas out.

    There needs to be greater hidden benefits to working together. Two crews work together, not as an alliance. Fight off the Burning Blade. :p

  • Honestly, I can't see what greater benefits can you give people to make alliances, you already share half of the money you get from them selling and if you got an emissary flag for the ones they are selling it counts too and you also get reputation.
    The plunder pass has trials that require alliances to be made which means that if you are constantly making an alliance you get faster pass progression.
    There's a good amount of commendations tied to alliances too so if you're a completionist it's another reason to do it.
    Problem: Most people don't care to interact with other players as if they were fellow human beings, some will shoot on sight others will try to trick you and half of them don't even care if you got anything of value to start sinking you.
    This leads to a cycle of mistrust and you start shooting them before they can get close to you.
    Just a reminder that in one of the adventures that you were supposed to fight together against ghosts to save Merrick some decided to turn it into an arena mode people that hadn't completed the adventure yet got stuck fighting against ghosts and other players.
    At the end of the day some people just won't care about virtual reputation and virtual money.
    PS: forgot to add that the PvE on demand also killed alliances since you're more likely to just dive to the next voyage specially if it's the world event.

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