Hourglass is just sad now.

  • Every time I try to enjoy Sea of Thieves again I am immediately reminded why I gave up every time I queue hourglass. I love SoT and have been trying to get the ghost curse for a while now to keep the game fresh and fun after I got PL so I play hourglass with some frequency. It is a nightmare. Hackers, timewasters, spawn campers, runners, you name it I CANNOT seem to get matched against someone who just wants to play the mode as normal. Not only that, but ridiculous things keep happening because of how the mode is set up.
    For example, recently I was trying to get cannon angle on an enemy whose playstyle was "run, board, die, repeat." (which is annoyingly common these days) and my ship ran onto a flotsam of multiple kegs, he boarded immediately after and secured the win by spaming a blunderbuss like it was a clicker game.
    Can we have something like Arena back, where the PvP is just that, PvP, rather than a constant arms race of underhanded strategies by people who only seek to give others a worse time. Either that or implement something that even resembles SBMM.

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  • it I CANNOT seem to get matched against someone who just wants to play the mode as normal

    Define. Normal though?
    You chasing my ship after taking damaging to repair. That isn’t normal. You not firing a shot but just boarding and throwing firebombs. That isn’t normal.
    Or simply wanting to play rock paper scissors (dice).
    But some how, those are fine and normal. :/

    recently I was trying to get cannon angle on an enemy whose playstyle was "run, board, die, repeat." (which is annoyingly common these days) and my ship ran onto a flotsam of multiple kegs, he boarded immediately after and secured the win by spaming a blunderbuss like it was a clicker game.

    What isn’t normal here? You ran into kegs, took a lot of damage and you expect the other ship not to take action?

    This all seems normal combat that happens even if you don’t use hourglass. Which just a tool to find pvp.

  • Always has been meme
    Bring Back Arena

  • I mean, in many cases, boarding is required to secure the sink. It sounds as though people are using tactics and strategies you aren't particularly fond of. In the case of you hitting multiple kegs, that wasn't your opponent's fault, and they were at the right place at the right time to take advantage of that situation. Instead of being upset that others aren't playing the way you want them to, perhaps you could adapt to their playstyle/strategies/tactics, one that compliments your strengths instead? Don't look at what you can't do, look at what you CAN do.

  • @hoot4565 [mod edit]

    Im sorey but you are very late to a party. It will be no better than it is now becouse abysmal low participation means you are matched with enyone.
    And Rare don't bother with upgrading or maitaining once added mechanic.

    Even in first months of HG you would be mostly matched with enyone but at least pool was biG enougch for 50/50 chance for fast win or fast sink.

    And funny story in that time guy's here would recomend to you take it slow and enjoy grind. Yeach like enyone with eny sense know to farm it fast enough to get it when population was decent.

    As bright side you will get it one way or another and end as much better player.

    Enjoy burnout and try to find enough memorable moments to keep going.

  • @ghutar Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • Unfortunately, the run and board tactic is the best tactic for the solo cause you're attacking the enemy ship and the amount of fast free air/water movement exploits that have existed still exist and return makes naval combat feel more like a suggestion.
    Also, sound in the game tends to bug out and not play the hints and suddenly all you heard is someone dropping your anchor followed by a quick double shot of a sniper and pistol or blunder that kills you so fast you only heard 1 shot.

    My suggestion is to try to play with another crew member or even bigger ships as sloops hard to sink characteristic makes it easier to just not do naval.

  • Ahoy, @hoot4565
    The first 80 levels I was playing on a solo sloop as soon as Rare added the mode. When the battles started to last an hour or two I realised that the mode was no longer interesting to me. I abandoned the mode for a few months. When I came back I found myself a crew on a brigantine and after playing together for a few months we ranked as the top 1 brigantine in EU for a few months until the crew broke up.
    At the current moment due to lack of rank picking only experienced players are always in the pool, 10% of which play with cheats, 50% of which use cheat-packs and the other 40% use exploits. So if you want to beat anyone, you have to sink and sink and sink and maybe someday you will learn to play and win.

  • @ghutar said in

    Even in first months of HG you would be mostly matched with enyone but at least pool was biG enougch for 50/50 chance for fast win or fast sink.

    I played day 1 of it's release, daily for a year straight.

    It may have a MMR system, but it certainly doesn't feel like it at all.
    Even with the update to it's MMR system it made ZERO difference.
    Hourglass is kinda dead, and really the good galleon crews that Queue for example pretty much coordinate with each other in Discord knowing when to dive so they can fight each other.

  • @veronik5682 I too never saw mmr in action.

    And best of all they never tought about giving piority to match dive vs defense.

    So eny chance for more spiced up combat is deadm

  • Yeah, MMR is dead due to a lack of players you can't have short waiting times and matching skill at the same time and honestly it feels worse to be waiting several hours for a 50/50 chance of losing than to have fast matches with 20% chance of winning.
    One makes it feel like no one is playing and the game is dead, while the other makes you raise complaints and tickets over exploits.
    Due to the PvPvE nature of the game the hoarding system that comes with hourglass doesn't entice people to turn on hourglass while gathering loot which was supposed to be the way the game was designed.
    You can also see how the game mode is dead with how the devs had to make same faction ships fight each other.

  • We do have a problem with the player base stopping using old content (merchant comodies) but Hour glass is fine. I would like to see daily deeds focus on these old content and start a bildge rate comentation for them to get cosmetics.

  • @astralenigma Maybe people would turn on the hourglass if they made it more rewarding

  • What isn’t normal here? You ran into kegs, took a lot of damage and you expect the other ship not to take action?
    This all seems normal combat that happens even if you don’t use hourglass. Which just a tool to find pvp.

    First of all, the presence of kegs in a PvP space is just straight-up annoying.
    Second, my bigger problem with this is that it was a good example of a timewasting board spammer that just goes full sail around while spending 99% of the time in the water.
    I have always thought that the "run them out the map" strat was kinda stupid and HOW am I supposed to improve at Naval combat if all my enemy wants to do is get on my ship and hop around while blunderbussing just about everything that moves.

  • @hoot4565

    First of all, the presence of kegs in a PvP space is just straight-up annoying.

    Pvp space? You mean Pvpve space? Seeing even a skeleton ship/Meg/Kraken can spawn up. Even the Storm/Fog can appear. Other elements such as other pirate ships can appear. Annoying sure but part of the overall experience of Open World.

    my bigger problem with this is that it was a good example of a timewasting board spammer that just goes full sail around while spending 99% of the time in the water.

    yeah and? You can stop this from happening. You know the tactic, Counter it. Out think them, out play them.

    I have always thought that the "run them out the map" strat was kinda stupid

    It is. Sorta unsporting to be frank. But if they can do it, so can you.

    HOW am I supposed to improve at Naval combat if all my enemy wants to do is get on my ship and hop around while blunderbussing just about everything that moves.

    That is...naval combat. Wait until you can place Traps, harpoon onto player ships. Sadly, if you can't combat this, might try something else. You cant stop how a player fights, it there freedom of choice how they do it. Unsporting as it is.
    Nobody learns to ride a bike that quickly when there are so many problems already before you.

  • @burnbacon pleace, try at least spam on topic you have eny semblance, yours trying to go with semantic are quite usless like yours inpunt ino enything HG releated.

    You didn have eny experience in topic yet you climb on such high horse, do tell me why?

    It's same sotory when you showed up in eny cheater related topic demanding videproof knowing well that it is againt rules to put them into forum.

    Im really curious.

  • Stopped playing HG a long time ago when the META strat was just to sail ur opponent out of bounds.
    Ruins the entire game mode. Shouldnt be an "out of bounds"
    They should make the win condition a sink..

  • Hourglass is a waste of time. Queuing for matches takes too long and it's full of double gunning macro chumps that use every bug and exploit they can (like ladder launching) to secure a board and win.

  • It's not a terrible amount of fun, especially when it takes ages. I almost never have really long free roam battles.

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