I Made a SoT Trailer as a Professional Voice Actor!

  • I've been a professional Voice Actor for about 5 years now, and it's been a difficult journey starting from literal scratch. No connections, no hub cities, no help- nothin'. I'm now taking another huge step up in my career by using P2P sites (sites where you pay a hefty fee for a membership, but a membership gets you access to much bigger and more fairly paying gigs). As much as I'd love to voice a character in Sea of Thieves one day, I'm working with what I've got with my home studio. Part of getting cast for big brands' projects requires samples. It's common practice to use real brands in your samples even though the samples are completely made up. It's considered unprofessional to make up brands, so we just use actual brands. Sea of Thieves is a brand I love so so so very much, and it pushed me to make a really awesome sample that I'm super proud of! I'd like to share it here with all of you. Music and sound effects are licensed and legally used under my subscription. Of course, I have no affiliation with SoT or Rare, but again, this is the legal common practice for VAs making samples as they aren't used to make money. Just wanted to at least put that disclaimer here. Anyway, here! Check this out!

  • 4
  • Sounds good

    flows well, easy to understand, doesn't come across as forced

    when you sped up at the end it reminded me of commercials for toys.

    Hopefully you get some cool jobs in the future while pursing your passion.

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks so much! That means a lot. I've done a whole bunch of animations, videogames, etc. but it's been $20 here and $100 there. Time for some actual income! I appreciate your support 🤘

  • @secret-vveapon
    Sounds great! Good luck with it!

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