This is a long overdue topic from me IMHO and I would really love to see as much Rare replies as possible (also if they do reply feel free to send it to the sea of thieves subreddit) what is safer seas today? its a very simple question with a very simple answer, you get the opinions from people who play the game and if we get lucky and a Rare member of staff pops up we get to know what it is. I see a lot of people (mainly the PvP sweats on the reddit) claim that "safer seas is just an extended tutorial" which realistically if it was it would set you up to get to level 15 in all guilds and have you have 250k or you get a "free sloop" ticket for high seas, nothing past the level 15 progression would be there. People have also said its only for doing tall tails, which is a better answer than "extended tutorial" however you can still do nearly everything else the game has to offer, I say nearly cause the level lock out at 25 (formerly 40)
This is what I see safer seas as, PvE, they took high seas and just removed the PvE stuff, which as casualties they also got rid of some things that don't make sense to have it removed excluding "well theres no need for it seeing as you arent against players"