¿Next beta date?

  • Hi guys! I have a question. I played the last alpha on December, and I loved the game. But I would like to know when it's the next beta, because I saw recently that they're going to be a beta this month. Anyone know something? Thx pirates! ;)

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  • @mrfuentes07 We don't know the date of the closed beta yet. I am sure there will be a post here on the forum and Rare will also tweet it out when it is announced :)

  • @ionei-falcon Okey, perfect, thank you so much for the info! :)

  • @mrfuentes07 I think Rare needs to announce the date soon. I think the excitement level peaked last week when everyone was saying "very soon", and the level is going down the more days we go, not receiving the "very soon" announcement.

  • hey! any way you could inform me on how to start a discussion? thanks!

  • @wonkas-factory categories/pick area of discussion/click new topic

  • 1/3 of January is almost over let’s get this beta train a’ rollin.

  • @dark-shadow9056 thanks

  • @wonkas-factory np :)

  • @irishzomb HYPEEE

  • yeah would be cool to know when!

  • I just want to play now !

  • I can't wait the next beta date !! I'm so excited :D

  • Well if they stick to their January target it'll be sometime in the next two weeks

  • So wait what happens if you signed up in the middle/late of December and pre-order it do u still get a chance for beta?

  • @paybacksab888h As long as you pre-ordered the game you will have access to the Beta.

  • @mrfuentes07 They recently released that it will be Jan.24-29th

  • What is the next step another closed beta or open?

  • @tooslowbrant

    Why would you revive this dead topic? There is the release date of March 20th. That is your next opportunity to play the game.

    @tooslowbrant said in ¿Next beta date?:

    What is the next step another closed beta or open?

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