Unable to Purchase Items or Clothing

  • Had no trouble with getting rep or gold when turning in chests tonight, but I just tried buying both items and clothing, and I keep getting the "I had trouble finding that, ask me again" message from the shopkeepers. Sits on "Counting your coins..." for about 10 secs, then the error message. Anyone else having this problem?

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  • Update - seems like the purchases did go through, just took a few minutes, FYI for anyone else who runs into this.

  • @maccgyver84 Yeah, the servers are getting hit pretty hard with so many users logging in and doing stuff, some of the transactions are delayed. Glad it update for you :)

  • I'm having the same problem but then I tried turning in chests and I didn't get gold for them. Kinda sucked cuz it was two captains chests 😒

  • We had the same error when buying a voyage. Left it a few minutes and tried again - success. Figured it was just a transient server load issue.

  • @maccgyver84 im sti facing this problem and it doesnt go away after waiting

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