Hi, I have been playing Sea of Thieves since the second alpha, I love this game and pre order the game with the exclusive controller.
But I feel that a lot of people see the game the differents ways. Rare said that SoT is a Shared Wold Adventure Game.
But later the players see him like a MMO, others like a Battle Royale and I believe that this happens because Rare not explaina what is the meta of the game.
I expect that before or later they offer a little more the information to clarify that we'll meet the release day.
What type the Game is Sea of Thieves?
@july18delta12 Shared World Adventure Game really does sum this game up... its a mix of PvP and PvE each crew is in charge of their destiny and you are on a server with several other crews who may be off adventuring, killing skellies or hunting down other crews... you just never know who you are going to bump into. The game does not fit the standard PvP or Battle Royal themes you are seeing emerge in recent games. It is very unique in its style of gameplay/setup.
Jajajaja true, this game first of all is very fun. I have lived amazing stories with friends.This.. describes the ethos behind the game - a Shared World Adventure Game.
It's aim is to be the 'Friendliest and most welcoming, multiplayer game'
The idea is that it's a fun, social and enjoyable experience for those who might never have dipped their toe in online multiplayer games, those who might want to play as a family, who just love the whole pirate genre.
I understand the elements that compose the videogame and loved it. But its very important that all players that have interest can have an idea of how will be the game. And I think that is necessary that Rare share more information and do a open beta.I and many others have been on the forums and part of the community for a long time, we've gone long stretches of time with little news or information, what we do now know is that we have a release date and that any information on further testing before that, will be released to us as soon as the Community Team have firm details which they are permitted to share.
@july18delta12 if you are concerned how the game will be live, wait until the game is live and watch streams and youtube reviews and make your own mind up then.