Hard numbers on weapon damage.

  • @mubhcaeb78 There are no headshots/crits.

  • Anybody got new damage numbers on blunderbuss after patch?

  • @slowmonutkick said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    There are currently invulnerability and double health cheats going around atm so thats probably what you are experiencing.

    Double health cheat makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I have to hit someone 4 times with the pistol to get a kill.

  • @xcalypt0x said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    Anybody got new damage numbers on blunderbuss after patch?

    Seems to be exactly the same to me so far. Still one-shotting players and skeletons.

  • @james-dinh to many blunderbuss spammers, you would think a sniper rifle shot to the head would kill, but it doesn't...

  • @grimmycool said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @james-dinh to many blunderbuss spammers, you would think a sniper rifle shot to the head would kill, but it doesn't...

    Yeah, I was actually talking about this with my friends. I felt like if the sniper worked like TF2's sniper (i.e. it was a unique weapon in that it was one of the only guns that was allowed to headshot) it would be useful, yet balanced.

    In TF2 most guns didn't do location specific damage. The sniper rifle did, however, but only when scoped in (no hipfire headshots). It also had a mechanic where it did more damage the longer you were scoped in (allowing one-shot bodyshots if you remained scoped long enough).

    Currently the sniper MIGHT do more damage than a pistol, but they both still kill a player in two shots so there isn't much practical difference in their damages and the pistol is easier to use at more ranges (which is why I always use blunder/pistol for all situations currently).

  • @james-dinh There was a post on reddit (i think) saying pistol is ~53% and the eye of reach was 60 something percent. This was before patch so eye does more now.

  • @james-dinh does that BB/pistol thing work? I see people use it all the time and usually dodge the B.B. shot then get in with my sword then back up as they reload to finish it with a pistol shot

    I noticed that if your accurate enough with the pistol the B.B. people can’t get close enough to even hit you with enough dmg to be effective.

  • @toastywrath said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @james-dinh does that BB/pistol thing work? I see people use it all the time and usually dodge the B.B. shot then get in with my sword then back up as they reload to finish it with a pistol shot

    I noticed that if your accurate enough with the pistol the B.B. people can’t get close enough to even hit you with enough dmg to be effective.

    I honestly have no idea why people bother with the sword, but I hope they keep using it. It is especially enjoyable when people are trying to fight in the water with BB/sword. The only time the sword is useful (other than PvE/travel form) is to lock down a laggy enemy for a teammate to shoot.

  • @james-dinh honestly I find the B.B. useless lol. I use the pistol completely and the sword as a backup. I don’t find the sword pointless at all if your smart about it and don’t just charge people

  • @toastywrath said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @james-dinh honestly I find the B.B. useless lol. I use the pistol completely and the sword as a backup. I don’t find the sword pointless at all if your smart about it and don’t just charge people

    BB is good for clearing unaware enemies fast since it is a one-shot weapon. When you need to kill 2-4 players before they understand what is going on it is your best bet.

    With the pistol or sword you need to do two attacks to get a kill which takes too long.

  • @james-dinh true but most times a board a ship I want them to know I’m there. Being a distraction for as long as possible allows your crew to do dmg. Plus usually once I’ve dropped their anchor they know I’m there anyways.

    I also found that when using a sword you can body block shots with other enemies before running or retaliating

    It’s cool to see how many different play styles there are ^.^ and that there isn’t only one effective method.

  • @toastywrath said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @james-dinh true but most times a board a ship I want them to know I’m there. Being a distraction for as long as possible allows your crew to do dmg. Plus usually once I’ve dropped their anchor they know I’m there anyways.

    I also found that when using a sword you can body block shots with other enemies before running or retaliating

    It’s cool to see how many different play styles there are ^.^ and that there isn’t only one effective method.

    Yeah, I am super enjoying my time in the game so far.

    I tend to drop the anchor after I get 1-2 kills and then go for the next 2 kills after that. Once one or two of them die and the blunderbuss has started making that much noise I don't find the anchor dropping to do much more to give away what is going on.

    I'm constantly surprised how unaware the 2nd guy to die usually seems. I get that the first guy had less reason to know what was going on, but the number of people standing on the bow of the ship staring at my ship as I reload the BB and push it into his back is astounding.

  • @james-dinh most crews have very poor/ no communication lol

  • @toastywrath said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @james-dinh most crews have very poor/ no communication lol

    The best is when they let me hear all their communication. I like up to the second updates about their plans and observations.

  • Starting to think all the discrepancies/inconsistency in shots to kill other players is all down to bugs/server issues. Both players and skeletons seem to have a relatively consistent number of hits to kill, but sometimes I have to shoot a player or skeleton (that normally take 2 shots to kill) 5 times with the pistol.

  • @xcalypt0x 15% PER pellet. Same as pre patch. I believe they changed the pattern spread instead of the damage amount.

  • I think the sniper has most damage after all these updates right? I use the sniper and cutlass combo.

  • @uvg-reign dijo en Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    @nightmare247365 said in Hard numbers on weapon damage.:

    I am not sure that there are any numbers outside of Rare themselves giving them. This game touts itself as a game that allows all players to be equal. IF they gave this people would evaluate it and turn it into.....Well Gun X does this much damage so I am only going to equip this gun so that when I am in a battle I should always win. This is my secondary because it does this much damage... That makes me have the most powerful combo in the game.

    Sorry, but anyone who wants a competitive advantage immediately looks for this information so I doubt Rare will comment.

    Each gun is situational so there isnt a default powerful combo lol but 99% of everyone uses the blunderbuss becuase they know for a fact at close range its one hit kill. IDK why you think knowing how much damage something does is a bad thing l**o

    I have shooted people with the blunderbuss extremly close and they have survived. Not due to server latency no, people who is shooting with a cannon, using a ladder or anchor and I shooted them from behind which means that that hits were real.

    So... Be close increases de possibilities but I am starting to thing that the damage has some random component.

  • For me. I creeped on some noob. I hit him in head with sniper. He was afk maybe. He didnot die then hit him again !!!! Didnot die. Sniper rly? Damage is so random. I dont know if there is headshot damage but i hit hom twice

  • 100 player hp

    Flintlock 50
    Blunderbuss 15 per pellet
    Cutlas 20
    Lunge 50
    Aye of reach 80
    Banana 40


  • @royalgustav4650 Way to skelly the heck out of this thread

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