black/white flag

  • Pretty simple but yet neet feature in my eyes. Make it so we are able to change the flag on top of the crow nest to either white (friendly) or black (not friendly).
    Would make a lot of sense when meeting other ships. Possibly have a logo on the black one, which can be costumized like the sails can be.

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  • Sail under false colours

    Pirates used to attack ships by disguising their sails.
    You think players will only choose black if they are after a ship?

  • The pennant on the Sloop @RedSpooder and I sailed changed between white and black multiple times during the first week or two. Haven't observed it being black since, and still have no clue really as to the why.

  • @mubhcaeb78 Ofcourse not. I never said that would be the case.
    It's just an extra feature which I don't think would add too much trouble but does make a lot of sense. Obviously it can be used it different ways, It's pirates at the end of the day.

  • @datguypak0 ooooh, i like the idea.
    hoisting colours that determine your objectives / stance.
    And anyone "trolling" by hoisting opposite flag colours would be fine because that is what pirates did.
    I love it, a very good idea!

  • @datguypak0 What, one of these :p

  • @uvg-reign Arrgh matey, that be what we are talking about.

  • @jayinwaves Already in the game, dont know the criteria to get one though, I seem to get them randomly and seen others with a black flag as well

  • @uvg-reign I've never seen one myself but if it's in the game then you'd like to think they would make it a selectable feature.

  • If you are friendly you point your cannons straight up I the air. If you're not friendly the cannons are shoved down at the ready.

  • @jayinwaves said in black/white flag:

    @uvg-reign I've never seen one myself but if it's in the game then you'd like to think they would make it a selectable feature.

    No doubt a custom flag option will be available in the future, in the beta's and alpha's there were different ones but it was random. But I think people have realised how long it seems to take rare to add anything to the game

  • Pointless. I'd constantly fly friendly colours to get closer before stealing your stuff.

    It wouldn't work and would become a mechanic that would inevitably go ignored as nobody trusts each other anyway.

  • @uvg-reign Custom flags would be great, but unfortunately i don't think they will come to game because of the likelihood of some people raising N**i regime swastikas and other potentially offensive flags.

    With the game trying to be as PG as possible and family friendly, unfortunately i don't think they will do that.

  • @porkin5 But that's what pirates would do, eventually they will not trust you, but if a ship has a friendly flag raised and moves away from you as you approach, you know they are friendly.

    @darthplurkush said in black/white flag:

    If you are friendly you point your cannons straight up I the air. If you're not friendly the cannons are shoved down at the ready.

    This is something i do to show passiveness to nearby ships along with a good old play on the hurdy-gurdy as we pass, if they fire then so be it, it's part of the fun.

  • @jayinwaves said in black/white flag:

    @uvg-reign Custom flags would be great, but unfortunately i don't think they will come to game because of the likelihood of some people raising N**i regime swastikas and other potentially offensive flags.

    With the game trying to be as PG as possible and family friendly, unfortunately i don't think they will do that.

    I meant being able to choose premade ones, same as the hulls,sails and figureheads are at the moment

  • @jayinwaves Sorry I missed your point there. If that's what Pirates do then why would they bother needing to add it? It's a mechanic that simply wouldn't work.

    Players already moan about 'griefing'. They'd be up in arms if attacked and killed by somebody posing as a friendly ship. Heavens they might even be PC players!

  • Rare just need to flag accounts with a few true or false statements that then determines which servers they go on. Put the same kinds of players together.

    If Belligerent=True, then Send to PvP-centric Shard=True. Or however you code stuff. lol

  • They could introduce a system where your flag color were based on kill / death ratio. How many time you have sunk a ship with cannon fire and lost your ship to enemy fire.

  • So you ask to allow players to show their intentions, but then agree that people will mask their intentions.
    So how does the flag color change anything from how it is now?

  • @porkin5 haha i see what you mean, i can agree on that but what I'm saying is anything more pirate about this game would make it better, any content would be appreciated.
    And what you're saying would be an issue with the community, not the game.

  • @mubhcaeb78 I'm not really sure you see the point of this feature. It doesn't necessarily need to be game changing, It just adds something to the game. It's something pirates would use.
    I don't by any means want this to be a priority over some new more important things that can be added, but I think this would make the game a bit more entertaining without much of a hassle for the developers.

  • I do not think it should be based on intent it should be based on actions, If you go around sinking ships, killing others, etc. Then your flag turns black, (I think it should also turn your name Red, but that is a diferent discussion)

    That way we can't abuse the feature it solely based on our actions (Think fables Rep system).

  • So as a customization request, you wish to fly different color flags.
    That is something people will get behind.

    To have a common "belief" that guns raised, or yellow/white flag is peaceful crew, is also good, but not having it be some sort of toggle. I want to make sure we avoid people getting "more hurt" in the game by trusting in something and then being betrayed when it is something that appears to be Rare's way of marking a ship as hostile or not. Based on the number of requests for pve, we don't want to give more ways of "griefing".

    I would see only a few ships ever using black flags, those looking for a fight openly, and then the "trolliest" of the pirates always picking white to extract more tears for the sea. That really only causes hurt to those who want to be left alone and see the white flag.

  • @jayinwaves right I agree. However a modified/limited customization would be good.. I.e. have a limited preset symbols ie different Jolly Rogers, color custamization, ECT.. So you can't make offensive nonsense but have enough freedom in the customization to make the Colours your own

  • @mubhcaeb78
    I better like the idea of rank flags better. Maybe wanted dead or living rank. How much bounty is on the ship. It could be nice. It can also tell which ships are up against.

  • @darthplurkush That is good if properly managed, but I believe some games tried this and failed because players just used available symbols top create offensive imagery.
    If correctly applied it could work really well so you have a good point

  • Oh no. I didn't mean like that ( as in Forza ) but rather different premade Jolly Rogers with color customization. And maybe the ability to use multiple JR's on one flag with size customization.

  • @datguypak0

    I prefer this idea instead of forcing people to colaborate together.

    But if i would attack other ship, i would all the time put the white flag.....

  • @darthplurkush and to be able to move placed JR's around the flag or skulls or other (time period sensitive logos)

  • @rgbknights I have been thinking the same thing. You could even have bounties on these ships. If you sink on, a special chest floats up or something. That would insintivise pvpers to go after each other.

  • What about the "sail/flag" of the ship being what you get as an item and go turn it in to a new trader, perhaps the royal navy representative that wants to rid the seas of dubious ships?

  • @datguypak0

    It would have to be automatic. The flag is white until you fire upon another ship and then turns black and stays that way for an amount of time. Otherwise people would lie and put the white flag to sneak.

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