Proximity chat : How to make it better and more realistic

  • Hello there !

    For people who don't know me, you can find my other thread at the end of this topic !

    Another idea, after I used the speaking trumpet ! As you know, the speaking trumpet change your voice to make it sounds just like a loud speaker, similar to the ones used by the police.

    As the system of Proximity Chat makes the voice comes from the character, add some area where the voice could change just to allow people to know where you are !

    Now here some idea of different places where your voice could change :

    • Caves : add a reverb and echoes effect in the area to apply it on player's voice
    • Underwater : Make the sound really deep, mix the sound to reinforce the basses and add a bubble sound effect to make the voice really difficult to hear

    Also, we could push the concept further by doing this :

    • Underwater effect : Speak underwater makes you lose your breath faster.

    Of course, people will have to play the game with the in-game chat to enjoy these features, and it would be unfair (just like right now) to have some people talking in a chat group or on discord.

    Anyway, let me know what you think about it ! I was not really excited by the speaker trumpet but when I heard it, I thought it was really cool to have this voice modulator !


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  • This would be a great idea to reinforce the way to communicate with people !

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