Carts for moving Cargo

  • Avast Maties!
    Ahoy lads & lasses, you know what I found today?

    That Maties, is a Cart.
    I saw this and got to thinking:
    "Rare should really make these interact able."

    If Carts were at Outposts they could help break up the monotony of going to and fro from the Wich's Huts & Gold Hoarder's Tents.
    Not to mention they could be on Larger islands too.
    How it'd work is:
    Just load it up with your cargo, bring it over to where it is you need to go and sell the stuff! Or load up your ship.

    Anyways lads & lasses, what do you think of carts in general?
    And do you think Rare will add em?
    Their already on islands... visually anyway.

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  • Sounds good to me

  • I really believe that this would..
    ..* channels inner Mike Chapman *

    "enrich the journey."

  • Yes please, solo sailors would love this.
    Not mention it's already fully designed, so it could be added easily.

  • @maniacx64 said in Carts for moving Cargo:

    I really believe that this would..
    ..* channels inner Mike Chapman *

    "enrich the journey."

    Isn't that the guys who always says:
    "New and interesting ways!"

  • @sgt-palooggoo That would be cool, especially on large islands.
    The more it's carrying the slower you can pull it or it may even require help from a second pair of hands, like a capstan (anchor winch).
    Move it even faster with one or two extras pushing it.
    It would be great if planks, bananas and cannon balls could also be loosely tossed in it.

    Ride it down hills (backwards so it doesn't catapult) and use it to run over skeleton waves. lol

    edit: Now I'm thinking "cart races" within your crew or against other crews.
    C'mon Rare, it's gotta beat bloody highchairs.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Carts for moving Cargo:

    @maniacx64 said in Carts for moving Cargo:

    I really believe that this would..
    ..* channels inner Mike Chapman *

    "enrich the journey."

    Isn't that the guys who always says:
    "New and interesting ways!"

    Aye! Typically just before or not long after saying "enrich the journey." Lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Carts for moving Cargo:

    @sgt-palooggoo That would be cool, especially on large islands.
    The more it's carrying the slower you can pull it or it may even require help from a second pair of hands, like a capstan (anchor winch).
    Move it even faster with one or two extras pushing it.
    It would be great if planks, bananas and cannon balls could also be loosely tossed in it.
    Ride it down hills (backwards so it doesn't catapult) and use it to run over skeleton waves. lol

    edit: Now I'm thinking "cart races" within your crew or against other crews.
    C'mon Rare, it's gotta beat bloody highchairs.

    Yeah, being able to put resources on it would be cool, I don't know how hard it would be to make a Weight program for the cart.
    But I'm sure Rare could come up with some thing.

  • Sounds like a fantastic idea! It would complement the rowboat's release as the land equivalent!

  • @allamerican-440
    Hey you might be on to something lad, Cuz that cart is fully designed.
    It even looks like it could work gameplay wise aswell.
    Maybe Rare IS going going to add carts soon here!

  • Yeah I've thought about this as well and love the idea. I always say the worst part about being the baddest pirate on a server is having to turn in all your loot.

  • @sgt-palooggoo If we can do races on the beach with players in it, count me in! ahah

  • @kzoo-kid said in Carts for moving Cargo:

    Yeah I've thought about this as well and love the idea. I always say the worst part about being the baddest pirate on a server is having to turn in all your loot.

    Oh yeah definitely, they should also make your Pirate able to carry 2 Skulls, cuz 2 hands?

  • @sgt-palooggoo we will have usable rowboats to Start with. Making this happens in water plans.
    While in land, we need to wait.
    Maybe they're thinking on that too since it's already in the world.

    Personally for solo playing, I think the rowboat will be enough for me. Don't see me running islands with a card attached to me eheh.
    But would love to try it out.

  • @sgt-palooggoo omg yes! 2 hands 2 skulls makes sense right!!

  • @biggie-tizzle
    And maybe 2 chicken cages too?

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