Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6

  • Kudos as always to the entire team.

    R.I.P Fellow crew members being killed by my cannon fire sad face.
    I'll find other ways to create hilarity with you all i'm sure.

    The Wailing Barnacle cosmetics will go so so very well with my ship named "The Mystic Barnacle" Hyped for this set so i am. Good Hunting to all.

    Addition: I really really hope to see the Barnacle weapon set in 2 weeks for the next installment of the Bilge Rats Adventures, if Rare follow the same item rotations as the Bone Crusher set that is.

    One other thing, anyone else feel the things left in the world after each bi weekly event should offer something other than the commendations?
    For example Sitting on a Skull throne spawns a single Skellie Captain on the island and when the time comes the Merstatues for instance give a random shipwreck item upon destruction.
    As much as i love the persistentset things being left in the world i feel little to no need to actually revisit any of them thus far, save for if the events eventually rerolling again in the future.

  • Found a Sapphire statue, destroyed it, did not get credit.
    Hopefully the credit gets awarded at some point, or the damned thing respawns so you can try and get it again, either one =)

    Also, very disappointed that my characters right breast is still bugged.
    Kind of ruins the look when you go with the bilge rat set when there is a giant triangle dent in your chest =P
    Also, the 8 items to complete the latest sets are still missing.

  • @khaleesibot Giving a huge shout out to the Rare team. Thanks to each and every one of you we have an amazing game, backed by a team of people who truly care about the games reputation and how the community perceives it. Keep up the tremendous work. P.S. I cannot wait until we get the rowboat

  • @blindnev said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Looks like folk don't have to cooperate this time round. Might see some smiles on faces.

    Need 4 players in order to destroy some of the statues ^ ^

    But does that group of 4 have to be made up of members from more than one crew, you only needed two players for the thrones, but they had to be from different crews.

  • @rockinpodunk You do not... it is all to do with the strength of the statue and nothing else... so any four will do :D

    You could even try it with less if you are able to keep attacking it without it killing you.

  • So excited! I knew calling off of work today would be worth it :)

  • Wow! I love the new cosmetic set!!

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @rockinpodunk You do not... it is all to do with the strength of the statue and nothing else... so any four will do :D

    You could even try it with less if you are able to keep attacking it without it killing you.

    Cool. I'll still probably try it with another crew, since I don't really like to sail a galleon, unless I can get all my regular crewmates online all at the same time, but I do appreciate that it's an option to do in one crew

  • @erikinthebakery It's my favorite set so far... love that it looks like the chest of sorrows.

  • @musicmee And here, I thought I had finally settled on a "look" for my pirate. Shows what I know!

    As someone who lives for shipwrecks, there is no way I can pass this up.

  • @musicmee The previous one looked like the stronghold chest. Stay tuned for the thousand grog set including the SoT version of a beer hat?

  • @crimsonraziel The keg hat?

    With staws coming down from it that look like Kraken tentacles?

  • Nice choice of t-shirt, Joe :)

  • @musicmee My poor neck, but I have to set priorities. I'll take it.

  • @crimsonraziel Hahahaha needs must!

    And think of how all the other pirates will be wanting one... you'll be the trendsetter!

  • It looks like an awesome update!

    Also what’s going on with pirate generator? Since they removed the Mega Thread about customization, would like to get some news if we will be able to change pirates without starting from lvl 0.

  • Just so I understand this properly. Are you able to do these with a duo sloop? Can you bob up and down for air slowly chipping away at the statues health?

  • @williamherschel You will most likely not be able to do the harder ones with just a duo sloop. A full Galleon, however, will be able to do all of them.

  • @ixxolos said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    R.I.P Fellow crew members being killed by my cannon fire sad face.
    I'll find other ways to create hilarity with you all i'm sure.

    I always try to catch them by surprise by shooting the gunpowder barrel that they are carrying. It’s all fun and games ‘til someone explodes, then it’s hilarious!

  • @williamherschel You could manage it with a duo sloop but you need to stop it from regenerating so need to time it perfectly... the more people slashing away the quicker and better!

  • In the video released alongside the update Joe suggests that they're looking in to ways to prevent corruption of the various builds. He mumbles a bit about better testing practices, etc. Obviously all in an effort to assure that we customers get the best build possible each update.

    I had a thought I felt might be worthy of share:

    Why not simply have a test build that is opt-in? I see issues with having two potential clients available to play on, the potentially broken one and the live client. But I've encountered many games that do this. Most notable is 7 days to die which on PC at least offers the option to either play using the test build or the live build.

    Console has issues with this I am sure, there's certain obstacles to presenting two client types to console users who may not be aware of the differences. There's also the consideration of having MS host the second client for download since it's practically a second game client and that might get weird seeing two versions of Sea of Thieves on something like Gamepass.... especially since the store of so weird to navigate lately....

    But I'm sure it can be done, perhaps even within the game client itself.

    Pc is easier but still has some issues thanks to the MS Storefront, again.

    But I know when I was into playing test builds of games such as 7 days... I greatly appreciated playing the cutting edge build, finding bugs, reporting them, and so on.. The reward for me on a secondary was that I was playing the most recent iterations of the games first... I had simply to accept that things might be broken... but it worked for me!

    Also there's the issue of servers.. they would require secondary servers for these players and i understand that this can be an issue in a marketplace like MSXboxlive.

    Anyhow, just an idea.. I'm sure there's a thousand reasons it wouldn't work out. But who better to test the changes than the live audience who love breaking things?

  • @nic727 if you delete your character, you delete any progress. not heard about anything changing.

  • @blooddoll22

    Opting in and making it a free for all, would inevitably lead to information being leaked.

  • @triheadedmonkey it's not really a leak if it's not hidden information. Most of the updates we get we know about well in advance. You have a point, but when presented as the most recent product which might have errors... so "here's the stable build"you can choose to play if stability is your concern isn't really giving advance information.

  • Arrghh Mateys! Shiver me timbers...I be headin into the depths I be! :-D

  • @blooddoll22 the Pioneers test pre-release builds, including possible future content. Any possible future content is hidden unless Rare choose to divulge it. The Pioneers are under a tight NDA so the information is somewhat controlled.

    Having 3 versions of the game running at once (Live, Test and Pioneer) would likely cause umpteen headaches.

  • @triheadedmonkey perhaps... and it's just a meme of thought after all. But it worked well for many other companies before. The pioneer build obviously isn't quite 'doing it' or isn't handling the issue as well as would be hoped. But I guess a wider net for the pioneer build is just what I'm talking about.

    The benefit of an open test build is numbers. Keeping it optional and transparent forgives any broken-ness. Secret things don't need to be included... and frankly... there haven't been big secrets kept from us anyhow. I'm also not speaking of experimental test audience stuff..

    I'm just talking about a build that goes live to a potentially large audience before the actual live build. Like the issue with banana-gate... the implementation obviously passed muster with smaller test audiences but nearly destroyed the servers for a couple of week once it went live.

    Having the next update go live on 'test quality' servers available to the public and then get rolled into the legitimate client only after it's clear there aren't issues provides all the functionality and ability for everyone to play the most current openly released builds perhaps all the time... but maintains the stable client for those who don't want to meddle with broken bananas and lost shiny things when the dev team oopses.

    I worry though of the ability to maintain one character ... we'd likely and very sadly have to be able to keep two distinct character slots and the grind would destroy many players interest.. I mean for some gaining PL all over again... yikes!

    I really don't think the logistics are much of an excuse since it's not an unheard of practice.

    I also don't think NDA's are an issue -- we'd be talking about rolling out new builds that are meant for public scrutiny under a flag of 'public test status' - nothing would infringe on pioneer types having access to literally "we don't even know if we're going to do this for REALS so keep it secret, keep it safe" servers of their own.

    It just allows Rare to use upwards of their whole population as test subjects assuring that those who don't want to bother with 'test builds' can remain out of the loop.

    I realize it's only a loose idea and would be potentially unrealistic thanks to various issues with console and MS store presentation of game clients...

    But having seen it work so well for other games. I really think there's merit to the idea.

  • Great patch notes! Was really hoping for a fix on the cannon noise issue. Also really hoping the rewards work with no issues.

  • The new update looks and sounds awesome! I just wish i could play sea of thieves. Im going to bay a new laptop on Amazon Prime day. So i can play, but i don't think i will be able to participate in the event. Sins i can't get the game in time.😢 I wanna play so bad!

  • Oh look another event were singleplayer crews cant complete legit first few mins into the event and a galleon with bilge rat flag sinks me with nothing as im next to a ruby statue that wont break or need full gal crew good to see the devs looking out for the people who wanna play alone and for more ways to screw over singleplayers into forcing them to get with randos who don't have mics half the time I also made another post complaining at the fact how flawed the hungering deep dlc was when you need 5 crew members and a willing second party in my honest opinion you need to see from both sides of the coin how its fun for singleplayers and galleon crews not just one side of the coin its also fun to get spawn camped on your own ship and the 2 party gets no penalty you devs make it real fun to die over and over again when they can just camp ladders on boat ;)

  • @soundwavedebomb So To be fair I've not tested yet, but I'm thinking that even as a solo player you'll be able to complete all the statues with gunpowder. Hopefully just get enough of it and watch it go boom. But Have not tested yet so don't hold me too it but that was my plan for soloing the Ruby statues.

  • "Not all statues are bound by the same curse but they all regenerate health over time and while some will require more firepower than others to destroy, no more than four players will be required to destroy even the toughest statue."

    Really? All commendations are almost done, and all the statues were with the same curse!
    Is it bug?

  • @soundwavedebomb said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Oh look another event were singleplayer crews cant complete legit first few mins into the event and a galleon with bilge rat flag sinks me with nothing as im next to a ruby statue that wont break or need full gal crew good to see the devs looking out for the people who wanna play alone and for more ways to screw over singleplayers into forcing them to get with randos who don't have mics half the time I also made another post complaining at the fact how flawed the hungering deep dlc was when you need 5 crew members and a willing second party in my honest opinion you need to see from both sides of the coin how its fun for singleplayers and galleon crews not just one side of the coin its also fun to get spawn camped on your own ship and the 2 party gets no penalty you devs make it real fun to die over and over again when they can just camp ladders on boat ;)

    Given the fact that this is an online multiplayer game, I feel it's only fitting to make sure that at least part of the game is achievable solely through... y'know... multiplaying.

    They have removed the need for two crews. Yes, a solo sloop is most likely at a disadvantage so if you wish to get all the commendations you kind of have to step out of your comfort zone here and join a Galleon.

  • @xmaster13ag said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    "Not all statues are bound by the same curse but they all regenerate health over time and while some will require more firepower than others to destroy, no more than four players will be required to destroy even the toughest statue."

    Really? All commendations are almost done, and all the statues were with the same curse!
    Is it bug?

    Without spoiling anything, because I (and others) haven't logged on yet, could you tell us what happened in this topic right here

  • @murkrage tell that to the devs who want to "make more crews work together" yet its so easy to spawn camp a sloop and camp ladders and enforces this good behaver by offering a dog treat to those that be friendy when they see a dev ship and be nice for someone who as boatswain and pioneer founder and insider tags HMMM

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