X marks the spot maps

  • Hello I was thinking it would be good if we could zoom in on the X marks the spot maps? I have a 60 inch 4k TV and I still have to get up close to make out landmarks.

  • 17
  • Have a friend hold up the map and use the Telescope :-)

  • @hynieth said in X marks the spot maps:

    Have a friend hold up the map and use the Telescope :-)

    Beat me to it lol

  • It would be nice, but really there has only been one or two times where I had a hard time hitting the chest, so I don’t know if it’s an entirely essential change

  • This is a good idea! Add a magnifying glass to the equipment store so that us half blind pirates can see the gosh darn maps!

  • @supreme-enki Great idea. The maps are fine on small islands but on large islands its a nightmare. I like you have to sometimes go right up to the TV to see where the X is exactly. The option to zoom in would be massively beneficial to my eyes.

  • Hear, hear!

  • The eyeglass trick is good as stated above.
    Other things that help are:

    -change the color of your “X” to white in the accessibility settings.

    -using the map table to zoom in.

  • How could you possibly "zoom" a piece of paper?

  • @szawel123 IRL you'd just hold it closer to your face, in game it's not possible, I don't think it's necessary, but I can't see the harm

  • I say we "rip" the maps in two or three parts and have to go to different outposts/ bars to collect them. If you get sunk your map collection floats to the top! Whoever possess' the map has the rights to its remaining parts. This way each section of map is bigger so we can see it.🙂 In other words..... While you're fixing our vision problem you might as well add to the adventure but make the payout bigger🙂

  • guys whats the difference between white x marks and red x marks.....?

  • @szawel123 bring it closer to your face or use a magnifying glass??? lol

  • @d4m0r3d take a picture with your phone and zoom in

  • @hynieth said in X marks the spot maps:

    Have a friend hold up the map and use the Telescope :-)

    For as long as I've been playing I have NEVER thought to do this! 🤦‍♂️

    I always just used the ship map table, since you can zoom in much closer with that (and even closer now with the Crews of Rage update).

  • @Quartermasters Necro gang

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